Welcome to Old Weather Toolkit
From this page you can access several tools which could help you determine the position of your favourite Old Weather ship.
Hope it's helpful!
A brief description of the tools included:
Find Place: Allows to search for a place nearby a given latitude/longitude, to search for a name or part of a name, to search for all places in a country or inside an area.
Find Maps: Given an approximate location, it will give you map links from our growing historical map reference.
Resolve Bearings:
- Bearing and Distance: Given a location, a bearing and a distance it will draw the location and two calculated points. The first (or previous) point is calculated looking towards the initial location at the given bearing. The second (or next) one is calculated from the location provided.
- Two Bearings: Given two locations and their bearings, it will try to determine the location of the ship.
- Three Bearings: Given three locations and their bearings, it will try to determine the location of the ship as a mean measure of three separate calculations.
- Anchor Bearings: Given an approximate location and up to three bearings, it will draw coloured lines accordingly. The point can then be moved around to match known places and locations, and to discover that particular place you really can't make out.
Location Tools:
- Voyage: Given a starting point time, position, course and patent log reading, a final point time and patent log reading, and any number of intermediate informations, it will try to plot the ship's voyage.
- Display Bearings: Display true degree bearings given ship course and direction.
- Display Distance: Display distance, course and speed given two points and optional times.
Miscellaneous Tools:
- OW Page Joiner: Allow to adjoin two journal pages so that central entries can be read. A portion (500px) of the left and right logpage is shown.
- OW Page Joiner Full: Allow to adjoin two journal pages so that central entries can be read. This version fully show both logpages.
Files: A collection of all our placenames in GoogleEarth (.kmz), Excel (.csv) and GoogleMaps format, subdivided by area.
A note about precision: These pages are intended as help tools and are not meant to be precise.
Also, as it's mostly a work in progress project, a certain number of known bugs and glitches (and probably an higher number of unkown issues) will come out most surely.
All the tools have been made by Mapurves and Propriome. You can find us on
Old Weather Forum
If you found this site helpful, consider visiting
Journeyplotter website. In addition to an application allowing you to track all the ships transcribed in the OldWeather project, it has a lot of awesome resources, references and links