14427 | 30 Foot Curve Gas Buoy | | 37.68724 | -76.10428 | US | Virginia | F |
| 4 Mile Rock | Fourmile Rock | | | US | Washington | F |
17996 | Abalone Point (1) | | 33.34363 | -118.31744 | US | California | F |
17998 | Abalone Point (2) | | 33.55369 | -117.81979 | US | California | F |
6682 | Abernathy Point | | 46.19036 | -123.16761 | US | Washington | F |
| Abernethy Point | Abernathy Point | | | US | Washington | F |
| Absecon Light | Absecon Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
3933 | Absecon Lighthouse | | 39.36633 | -74.41416 | US | New Jersey | L |
| Absecum Light | Absecon Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
1794 | Admiralty Head | | 48.15537 | -122.67933 | US | Washington | F |
1 | Admiralty Inlet | | 47.94981 | -122.60126 | US | Washington | W |
| Admiralty Point | Admiralty Head | | | US | Washington | F |
17247 | Agate Passage Light 2 | | 47.72192 | -122.55623 | US | Washington | F |
7193 | Alabama State Docks | | 30.70852 | -88.04167 | US | Alabama | A |
9260 | Alameda | | 37.77099 | -122.26087 | US | California | F |
20384 | Alameda Central Pacific Railroad Dock | | 37.77312 | -122.29087 | US | California | F |
| Alameda Coast Guard Base | Coast Guard Station Oakland | | | US | California | F |
15756 | Alameda Mole | | 37.79617 | -122.32789 | US | California | F |
| Alameda Point | Old Alameda Point | | | US | California | F |
18384 | Alameda Standard Coal Company Wharf | | 37.79019 | -122.27533 | US | California | F |
| Alaska Steamship Co. Dock | Seattle Pier 42 | | | US | Washington | F |
2 | Alcatraz Island | | 37.82673 | -122.42287 | US | California | F |
17300 | Alcatraz Island Lighthouse | | 37.82626 | -122.42215 | US | California | L |
| Alcatraz Light | Alcatraz Island Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
3 | Alden Bank | | 48.80679 | -122.8278 | US | Washington | F |
| Alden Bank Buoy | Alden Bank Junction Lighted Bell Buoy B | | | US | Washington | F |
17911 | Alden Bank Junction Lighted Bell Buoy B | | 48.78432 | -122.81613 | US | Washington | F |
17081 | Alden Point | | 48.78938 | -122.97204 | US | Washington | F |
| Alden Point Lighthouse | Patos Island Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Alden Reef | Alden Bank | | | US | Washington | F |
| Alden Reef Buoy | Alden Bank Junction Lighted Bell Buoy B | | | US | Washington | F |
4 | Alki Point | | 47.57627 | -122.42097 | US | Washington | F |
17811 | Alki Point Lighthouse | | 47.57628 | -122.42056 | US | Washington | L |
12938 | Allan Island | | 48.46415 | -122.70369 | US | Washington | F |
| Alligator Cay Light | Alligator Reef Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
| Alligator Light | Alligator Reef Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
| Alligator Lighthouse | Alligator Reef Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
5 | Alligator Reef | | 24.85041 | -80.61645 | US | Florida | F |
13594 | Alligator Reef Lighthouse | | 24.85131 | -80.61771 | US | Florida | L |
13524 | Alloway Landing | | 31.25563 | -91.58007 | US | Mississippi | F |
20054 | Alsea Bay | | 44.43887 | -124.05214 | US | Oregon | W |
| Alseya Bay | Alsea Bay | | | US | Oregon | W |
15985 | Altoona | | 46.26677 | -123.65625 | US | Washington | F |
| Ambrose Channel Light Vessel | Sandy Hook Lightship | | | US | New Jersey/New York | LS |
| Ambrose Channel Lightship | Sandy Hook Lightship | | | US | New Jersey/New York | LS |
| Ambrose Light Vessel | Sandy Hook Lightship | | | US | New Jersey/New York | LS |
7111 | Amelia Island Light | | 30.67317 | -81.44248 | US | Florida | L |
7062 | Amelia River | | 30.69934 | -81.46654 | US | Florida | W |
13411 | American Dock Company Wharf | | 40.63711 | -74.07418 | US | New York | F |
| American Docks | American Dock Company Wharf | | | US | New York | F |
3979 | American Shoal | | 24.52654 | -81.52286 | US | Florida | F |
13592 | American Shoal Light | | 24.52568 | -81.51738 | US | Florida | L |
| American Shoal Lighthouse | American Shoal Light | | | US | Florida | L |
| American Shoals | American Shoal | | | US | Florida | F |
12986 | Ammen Rock | | 42.89129 | -68.94357 | US | | F |
| Anacapa Channel | Anacapa Passage | | | US | California | W |
6 | Anacapa Island | | 34.0044 | -119.39091 | US | California | F |
11417 | Anacapa Island Light | | 34.0158 | -119.35956 | US | California | L |
| Anacapa Island Lighthouse | Anacapa Island Light | | | US | California | L |
| Anacapa Light | Anacapa Island Light | | | US | California | L |
5587 | Anacapa Passage | | 34.01611 | -119.46401 | US | California | W |
20011 | Anacapa Whistle Buoy | | 34.01743 | -119.35208 | US | California | F |
5389 | Anacortes | | 48.5126 | -122.61267 | US | Washington | F |
4731 | Angel Island | | 37.86225 | -122.43046 | US | California | F |
18561 | Angel Island Flagstaff | | 37.85963 | -122.44218 | US | California | F |
| Angel Island Light | Point Knox Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
19814 | Angel Island Quarantine Station | | 37.86845 | -122.43473 | US | California | F |
| Angel's Gate Lighthouse | Angels Gate Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
1785 | Angels Gate Lighthouse | | 33.70856 | -118.2516 | US | California | L |
15810 | Anita Rock | | 37.80835 | -122.45356 | US | California | F |
14429 | Annapolis | | 38.97859 | -76.49184 | US | Maryland | F |
5031 | Ano Nuevo Island | | 37.10851 | -122.33679 | US | California | F |
20010 | Ano Nuevo Island Light | | 37.10837 | -122.33677 | US | California | L |
| Ano Nuevo Point | Point Ano Nuevo | | | US | California | F |
7 | Apple Cove Point | | 47.81664 | -122.48319 | US | Washington | F |
| Apple Tree Cove | Appletree Cove | | | US | Washington | A |
5388 | Appletree Cove | | 47.79204 | -122.49847 | US | Washington | A |
20477 | Arch Rock | | 37.82864 | -122.44042 | US | California | F |
12215 | Arched Rock | | 38.43277 | -123.12675 | US | California | F |
19999 | Arctic Oil Works | | 37.76629 | -122.38721 | US | California | F |
| Arena Point | Point Arena | | | US | California | F |
| Arena Point Light | Point Arena Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Arena Point Lighthouse | Point Arena Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Arguello Point | Point Arguello | | | US | California | F |
13574 | Arkansas City | | 33.60872 | -91.20678 | US | Arkansas | F |
| Arkansas River Mouth | White River | | | US | Arkansas | W |
8 | Arnold Point | | 39.46206 | -75.96578 | US | Maryland | F |
17993 | Arrow Point | | 33.47756 | -118.53853 | US | California | F |
9 | Arundel Cove | | 39.199 | -76.56635 | US | Maryland | A |
10 | Assateague Lighthouse | | 37.91124 | -75.35575 | US | Virginia | L |
| Associated Oil Co. Dock | Seattle Pier 34 | | | US | Washington | F |
3985 | Astoria | | 46.18788 | -123.83125 | US | Oregon | F |
16002 | Astoria Pier 2 | | 46.18861 | -123.86126 | US | Oregon | F |
15999 | Astoria Pier 3 | | 46.18717 | -123.86381 | US | Oregon | F |
13372 | Atlantic City | | 39.36415 | -74.42306 | US | New Jersey | F |
| Atooi | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Atoui | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Atowi | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Attoie | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Attooi | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Attowai | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
3909 | Auau Channel | | 20.81972 | -156.68194 | US | Hawaii | W |
1787 | Avalon | | 33.34281 | -118.32785 | US | California | F |
11 | Avalon Bay | | 33.34598 | -118.32467 | US | California | A |
| Avalon Cove | Avalon Bay | | | US | California | A |
12 | Avalon Shoal | | 39.09595 | -74.58293 | US | New Jersey | F |
13 | Baada Point | | 48.37312 | -124.59079 | US | Washington | F |
| Baaddah Point | Baada Point | | | US | Washington | F |
18260 | Back River Lighthouse | | 37.08722 | -76.26984 | US | Virginia | L |
5163 | Bainbridge Island (town) | | 47.62621 | -122.52124 | US | Washington | F |
14 | Bainbridge Reef | | 47.56812 | -122.51897 | US | Washington | F |
4603 | Baker Island | | 44.24155 | -68.19862 | US | Maine | F |
13425 | Baker Island Light | | 44.24122 | -68.19902 | US | Maine | L |
13426 | Baker Island Whistling Buoy | | 44.225 | -68.175 | US | Maine | F |
15 | Baker Shoal | | 39.48345 | -75.54631 | US | New Jersey | F |
| Baker's Island | Baker Island | | | US | Maine | F |
| Bakers Island | Baker Island | | | US | Maine | F |
| Balboa Light | Newport Bay West Jetty Light | | | US | California | L |
19638 | Balch Passage | | 47.19102 | -122.69353 | US | Washington | W |
13427 | Bald Head | | 43.80802 | -69.78858 | US | Maine | F |
14982 | Bald Head Lighthouse | | 33.8735 | -78.00038 | US | North Carolina | L |
17719 | Bald Hill | | 39.46767 | -123.7564 | US | California | F |
| Bald Mountain | Bald Hill | | | US | California | F |
4605 | Bald Porcupine Island | | 44.38735 | -68.18165 | US | Maine | F |
| Ballana Point | Bolinas Point | | | US | California | F |
17048 | Ballard Bridge | | 47.65933 | -122.37623 | US | Washington | F |
3990 | Ballast Point | | 32.68641 | -117.23275 | US | California | F |
11409 | Ballast Point Lighthouse | | 32.68634 | -117.2328 | US | California | L |
| Ballenas Bay | Bolinas Bay | | | US | California | W |
| Ballenas Point | Bolinas Point | | | US | California | F |
16 | Baltimore | | 39.29038 | -76.61219 | US | Maryland | F |
17 | Baltimore Light | | 39.05917 | -76.39903 | US | Maryland | L |
16201 | Baltimore Standard Oil Dock | | 39.27323 | -76.5716 | US | Maryland | F |
18 | Bangor (1) | | 47.72093 | -122.74599 | US | Washington | F |
18764 | Bangor (2) | | 44.79884 | -68.77265 | US | Maine | F |
16640 | Bangor Naval Ammunition Depot | | 47.72812 | -122.74457 | US | Washington | F |
13424 | Bar Harbor | | 44.39445 | -68.19756 | US | Maine | A |
19 | Bar Harbor (town) | | 44.3875 | -68.2039 | US | Maine | F |
| Bar Harbour | Bar Harbor | | | US | Maine | A |
| Bar Harbour (town) | Bar Harbor (town) | | | US | Maine | F |
13611 | Bar Island | | 44.39865 | -68.20684 | US | Maine | F |
| Barber's Point | Kalaeloa | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Barber's Point Light | Barbers Point Light | | | US | Hawaii | L |
| Barber's Point Lighthouse | Barbers Point Light | | | US | Hawaii | L |
| Barbers Point | Kalaeloa | | | US | Hawaii | F |
14236 | Barbers Point Light | | 21.2964 | -158.10618 | US | Hawaii | L |
| Barlett's Reef | Bartlett Reef | | | US | Connecticut | F |
16941 | Barlow Point Light | | 46.14441 | -123.03049 | US | Washington | F |
| Barnegat Light | Barnegat Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
20 | Barnegat Lighthouse | | 39.76434 | -74.10623 | US | New Jersey | L |
| Barren Inlet | Mason Inlet | | | US | North Carolina | W |
13392 | Bartlett Reef | | 41.27577 | -72.13649 | US | Connecticut | F |
| Bartlett Reef Light Vessel | Bartlett Reef Lightship | | | US | Connecticut | LS |
13393 | Bartlett Reef Lightship | | 41.26696 | -72.13314 | US | Connecticut | LS |
| Bartletts Reef | Bartlett Reef | | | US | Connecticut | F |
| Bartletts Reef Light Vessel | Bartlett Reef Lightship | | | US | Connecticut | LS |
| Bartletts Reef Lightship | Bartlett Reef Lightship | | | US | Connecticut | LS |
4647 | Bath | | 43.91064 | -69.8206 | US | Maine | F |
13429 | Bath Customs House | | 43.9122 | -69.81335 | US | Maine | F |
13520 | Baton Rouge | | 30.44332 | -91.18747 | US | Louisiana | F |
20252 | Battery Lamb | | 33.99958 | -77.95575 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Battery Point | Alki Point | | | US | Washington | F |
13939 | Battery Russell | | 46.19253 | -123.97532 | US | Oregon | F |
| Bay Mabel | Lake Mabel | | | US | Florida | W |
18753 | Bay Point | | 32.25886 | -80.64396 | US | South Carolina | F |
13521 | Bayou Sara | | 30.76188 | -91.39925 | US | Louisiana | W |
| Bayou Saria | Bayou Sara | | | US | Louisiana | W |
7189 | Beacon B | | 25.40273 | -80.13223 | US | Florida | F |
| Beacon M | Beacon B | | | US | Florida | F |
| Beacon P | Fowey Rocks Light | | | US | Florida | L |
20620 | Bear Inlet | | 34.61959 | -77.17974 | US | North Carolina | W |
19849 | Beaufort (1) | | 34.7184 | -76.66161 | US | North Carolina | F |
20258 | Beaufort (2) | | 32.4317 | -80.66993 | US | South Carolina | F |
| Beaufort Bar Buoy | Beaufort Inlet Channel Lighted Buoy 12 | | | US | North Carolina | F |
| Beaufort Buoy Number 1 | Beaufort Inlet Channel Lighted Buoy 7 | | | US | North Carolina | F |
19908 | Beaufort Inlet Channel Lighted Buoy 12 | | 34.68519 | -76.66597 | US | North Carolina | F |
19876 | Beaufort Inlet Channel Lighted Buoy 7 | | 34.67642 | -76.67036 | US | North Carolina | F |
19877 | Beaufort Outer Buoy | | 34.6707 | -76.67168 | US | North Carolina | F |
19916 | Beaufort River | | 32.27403 | -80.65699 | US | South Carolina | W |
| Beaver Sail Point | Beavertail Point | | | US | Rhode Island | L |
21 | Beavertail Point | | 41.44899 | -71.3995 | US | Rhode Island | L |
| Becher Bay | Bechers Bay | | | US | California | A |
4457 | Bechers Bay | | 33.995 | -120.03346 | US | California | A |
19598 | Beckoning Point | | 21.36555 | -157.9749 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Bedloe Island | Liberty Island | | | US | New York | F |
| Bedloes Island | Liberty Island | | | US | New York | F |
22 | Begg Rock | | 33.36252 | -119.69789 | US | California | F |
7109 | Belcher Oil Company Dock | | 25.78616 | -80.18596 | US | Florida | F |
4609 | Belfast | | 44.42591 | -69.00642 | US | Maine | F |
| Bell Rock | Belle Rock | | | US | Washington | F |
| Bell Rock Buoy | Belle Rock Buoy | | | US | Washington | F |
| Bell Street Dock | Seattle Pier 66 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Bell Street Wharf | Seattle Pier 66 | | | US | Washington | F |
23 | Belle Rock | | 48.49301 | -122.75281 | US | Washington | F |
20318 | Belle Rock Buoy | | 48.49292 | -122.75157 | US | Washington | F |
| Belle Vue Light | Morgan Channel Light 42 | | | US | Oregon | L |
16944 | Belle Vue Point | | 45.65588 | -122.76703 | US | Oregon | F |
| Belleview | Bellevue | | | US | Louisiana | F |
4219 | Bellevue | | 29.61855 | -89.89035 | US | Louisiana | F |
13358 | Bellevue Hospital | | 40.73916 | -73.97548 | US | New York | F |
| Bellevue Magazine | US Powder Magazine | | | US | District of Columbia | F |
17317 | Bellevue Point | | 48.52954 | -123.16317 | US | Washington | F |
24 | Bellingham | | 48.75955 | -122.48822 | US | Washington | F |
25 | Bellingham Bay | | 48.68733 | -122.56485 | US | Washington | W |
17314 | Bellingham Channel | | 48.56686 | -122.65985 | US | Washington | W |
17727 | Bellingham Passage | | 48.63397 | -122.64186 | US | Washington | W |
| Bellingham Strait | Bellingham Channel | | | US | Washington | W |
| Bellivue Hospital | Bellevue Hospital | | | US | New York | F |
26 | Bells Rock Light | | 37.48392 | -76.74975 | US | Virginia | L |
13560 | Belmont (town) | | 36.76453 | -89.12705 | US | Missouri | F |
13561 | Belmont Landing | | 36.76545 | -89.12231 | US | Missouri | F |
13514 | Belmont Plantation | | 30.01902 | -90.77846 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Belvedere Point | Peninsula Point | | | US | California | F |
27 | Belvidere Shoal | | 39.0926104 | -76.3788471 | US | Maryland | F |
28 | Ben Davis Point Shoal | | 39.25817 | -75.28991 | US | New Jersey | F |
29 | Berkley | | 36.83181 | -76.28383 | US | Virginia | F |
16208 | Berkley Coast Guard Base | | 36.82423 | -76.2877 | US | Virginia | F |
7061 | Bethel Shoal | | 27.72475 | -80.17977 | US | Florida | F |
| Bethlehem Shipbuilding and Drydock Company Shipyard | Sparrows Point Shipyard and Industrial Complex | | | US | Maryland | F |
16314 | Bethlehem Shipbuilding Company | | 37.7608 | -122.38728 | US | California | F |
| Bethlehem Sparrows Point Shipyard | Sparrows Point Shipyard and Industrial Complex | | | US | Maryland | F |
| Big Island | Island of Hawai'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
6259 | Birch Point | | 48.94344 | -122.82213 | US | Washington | F |
| Bird Island | Nihoa | | | US | Hawaii | F |
4501 | Bird Rock (1) | | 33.45103 | -118.4871 | US | California | F |
| Bird Rock (2) | Ship Rock | | | US | California | F |
| Bird Rock (3) | Arch Rock | | | US | California | F |
30 | Bird Rocks | | 48.48594 | -122.76129 | US | Washington | F |
7059 | Biscayne Bay | | 25.57753 | -80.23456 | US | Florida | W |
| Black Ball Ferry Dock | Port Townsend Ferry Terminal | | | US | Washington | F |
| Black Head | Makahoa Point | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Black Island Sound | Block Island Sound | | | US | Rhode Island | W |
13608 | Black Ledge Beacon | | 41.30761 | -72.06727 | US | Connecticut | F |
18084 | Black Point | | 37.80831 | -122.42823 | US | California | F |
31 | Black Rock | | 48.54576 | -122.76589 | US | Washington | F |
4658 | Black Rock Harbor Light | | 41.14237 | -73.2174 | US | Connecticut | L |
| Black Rock Light | Black Rock Harbor Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Black Rock Lighthouse | Black Rock Harbor Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Blackistone Island | Saint Clements Island | | | US | Maryland | L |
13294 | Blake Island | | 47.53871 | -122.49291 | US | Washington | F |
19634 | Blakely Harbor | | 47.59557 | -122.50679 | US | Washington | A |
17239 | Blakely Rock | | 47.59451 | -122.48039 | US | Washington | F |
| Blakistone Island | Saint Clements Island | | | US | Maryland | L |
| Blanco Light | Cape Blanco Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
4654 | Block Island | | 41.19177 | -71.5745 | US | Rhode Island | B |
| Block Island Bell Buoy | Sandy Point Bell Buoy | | | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Block Island Light | Block Island Southeast Lighthouse | | | US | Rhode Island | L |
4655 | Block Island North Lighthouse | | 41.22764 | -71.57581 | US | Rhode Island | L |
| Block Island SE Light | Block Island Southeast Lighthouse | | | US | Rhode Island | L |
32 | Block Island Sound | | 41.20856 | -71.79926 | US | Rhode Island | W |
33 | Block Island Southeast Lighthouse | | 41.15341 | -71.55207 | US | Rhode Island | L |
14428 | Bloody Point | | 38.8485 | -76.37557 | US | Maryland | F |
14169 | Blossom Rock Buoy | | 37.81839 | -122.40336 | US | California | F |
17316 | Blue Canyon Coal Company's dock | | 48.73954 | -122.49456 | US | Washington | F |
20896 | Bluff Island | | 41.01091 | -73.59912 | US | Connecticut | F |
7149 | Bluff Point | | 37.8822 | -122.438 | US | California | F |
34 | Blunts Reef | | 40.44919 | -124.47084 | US | California | F |
19134 | Blunts Reef Lightship | | 40.44693 | -124.4991 | US | California | LS |
4727 | Bodega Head | | 38.31103 | -123.06611 | US | California | F |
18383 | Bodega Head Whistle Buoy | | 38.28545 | -123.07025 | US | California | F |
18255 | Bodie Island | | 35.89434 | -75.58962 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Bodie Island Life Saving Station | Oregon Inlet Lifeboat Station | | | US | North Carolina | F |
6335 | Bodie Island Lighthouse | | 35.81855 | -75.56331 | US | North Carolina | L |
20289 | Bogue Inlet | | 34.64171 | -77.10888 | US | North Carolina | W |
35 | Bolinas Bay | | 37.89326 | -122.66609 | US | California | W |
36 | Bolinas Point | | 37.9035 | -122.7272 | US | California | F |
13572 | Bolivar | | 33.65974 | -91.05429 | US | Mississippi | F |
13573 | Bolivar Landing | | 33.6665 | -91.05455 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Bombay Hook | Bombay Hook Point | | | US | Delaware | F |
| Bombay Hook Light | Duck Creek Light | | | US | Delaware | L |
19889 | Bombay Hook Point | | 39.31253 | -75.43827 | US | Delaware | F |
37 | Bonita Channel | | 37.82993 | -122.55914 | US | California | W |
17303 | Bonita Channel Buoy No 2 | | 37.8336 | -122.5683 | US | California | F |
15685 | Bonita Channel Buoy No 4 | | 37.82301 | -122.55399 | US | California | F |
| Bonita Channel Gas Buoy | Four Fathom Bank Lighted Bell Buoy | | | US | California | F |
6612 | Bonita Cove | | 37.82134 | -122.51779 | US | California | A |
| Bonita Light | Point Bonita Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Bonita Lighthouse | Point Bonita Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Bonita Point | Point Bonita | | | US | California | F |
| Bonito Lighthouse | Point Bonita Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Boole Shipyard | Moore and Scott Shipyard | | | US | California | F |
| Boole's Shipyard | Moore and Scott Shipyard | | | US | California | F |
10853 | Boon Island | | 43.12132 | -70.47632 | US | Maine | F |
13548 | Bordeaux Point Landing | | 34.70498 | -90.47148 | US | Mississippi | F |
38 | Borden Flats | | 41.70432 | -71.17467 | US | Massachusetts | L |
39 | Boston | | 42.35843 | -71.05977 | US | Massachusetts | F |
40 | Boston Harbor | | 42.34176 | -70.96616 | US | Massachusetts | A |
4490 | Boston Light | | 42.32793 | -70.8901 | US | Massachusetts | L |
41 | Boston Lightship | | 42.34038 | -70.75643 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
| Boston Naval Shipyard | Boston Navy Yard | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
42 | Boston Navy Yard | | 42.37475 | -71.05167 | US | Massachusetts | F |
43 | Boundary Pass | | 48.7401031 | -123.0763009 | US | Washington | W |
6685 | Bradwood | | 46.19678 | -123.43902 | US | Oregon | F |
44 | Brandywine Shoal Light | | 38.98623 | -75.11318 | US | New Jersey | L |
18775 | Brant Point | | 41.29023 | -70.09016 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Brazos Santiago | Brazos Santiago Pass | | | US | Texas | W |
19282 | Brazos Santiago Pass | | 26.06563 | -97.15858 | US | Texas | W |
| Breakers Hotel | The Breakers | | | US | Florida | F |
| Breakwater Light | Portland Breakwater Light | | | US | Maine | L |
4589 | Breakwater Lighthouse | | 41.2632 | -72.34277 | US | Connecticut | L |
45 | Bremerton | | 47.56732 | -122.63264 | US | Washington | F |
19667 | Bremerton Naval Ammunition Depot | | 47.58637 | -122.69102 | US | Washington | F |
| Bremerton Navy Yard | Puget Sound Naval Shipyard | | | US | Washington | F |
46 | Brenton Reef | | 41.44361 | -71.35858 | US | Rhode Island | F |
13399 | Brenton Reef Lightship | | 41.42788 | -71.37727 | US | Rhode Island | LS |
47 | Brewerton Channel | | 39.1823311 | -76.4471825 | US | Maryland | W |
13435 | Bridgeport | | 41.17923 | -73.18945 | US | Connecticut | F |
4656 | Bridgeport Harbor | | 41.16343 | -73.17539 | US | Connecticut | A |
4657 | Bridgeport Harbor Lighthouse | | 41.15673 | -73.17996 | US | Connecticut | L |
| Bridgeport Light | Bridgeport Harbor Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
48 | Brigantine Shoal | | 39.38762 | -74.33459 | US | New Jersey | F |
4505 | Brockway Point | | 34.02472 | -120.14763 | US | California | F |
15986 | Brookfield | | 46.26484 | -123.56019 | US | Washington | F |
4528 | Brooklyn Bridge | | 40.70538 | -73.99625 | US | New York | F |
13357 | Brooklyn Cob Dock | | 40.70407 | -73.97481 | US | New York | F |
21002 | Brooklyn Main Street Wharf | | 40.70455 | -73.99081 | US | New York | F |
13376 | Brooklyn Marine Barracks | | 40.6989 | -73.97214 | US | New York | F |
| Brooklyn Navy Yard | New York Naval Shipyard | | | US | New York | F |
13437 | Brooklyn Ordnance Dock | | 40.70501 | -73.97202 | US | New York | F |
| Brothers Island | The Brothers | | | US | California | F |
| Brothers Island Lighthouse | East Brother Island Light | | | US | California | L |
17053 | Brown Point (1) | | 47.75075 | -122.75562 | US | Washington | F |
| Brown Point (2) | Browns Point | | | US | Washington | F |
49 | Brown Shoal | | 38.94178 | -75.12463 | US | Delaware | F |
| Brown's Point | Dofflemyer Point | | | US | Washington | F |
50 | Browns Point | | 47.30597 | -122.44451 | US | Washington | F |
17809 | Browns Point Lighthouse | | 47.30592 | -122.44427 | US | Washington | L |
17718 | Bruhel Point | | 39.60825 | -123.78753 | US | California | F |
| Bruhels Point | Bruhel Point | | | US | California | F |
13550 | Bruins Landing | | 34.87677 | -90.32322 | US | Arkansas | F |
7065 | Brunswick River | | 31.12023 | -81.42649 | US | Georgia | W |
| Brush Point | Bush Point | | | US | Washington | F |
20101 | Buchanan Battery | | 33.96007 | -77.94128 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Buck Ridge Landing | Buckridge Landing | | | US | Louisiana | F |
13581 | Buckridge Landing | | 32.10331 | -91.10378 | US | Louisiana | F |
19642 | Budd Inlet | | 47.09945 | -122.9136 | US | Washington | W |
| Budd's Inlet | Budd Inlet | | | US | Washington | W |
19920 | Bull Island | | 32.90793 | -79.60112 | US | South Carolina | F |
51 | Bull Point | | 41.48066 | -71.35505 | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Bull Rock | Bull Point | | | US | Rhode Island | F |
19919 | Bulls Bay | | 32.98221 | -79.54285 | US | South Carolina | A |
| Bulls Island | Bull Island | | | US | South Carolina | F |
| Bunches Bend | Bunchs Cutoff | | | US | Mississippi | W |
13533 | Bunchs Cutoff | | 32.94144 | -91.17338 | US | Mississippi | W |
4523 | Bunker Hill Monument | | 42.37621 | -71.06061 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13610 | Burnt Porcupine Island | | 44.4049 | -68.17852 | US | Maine | F |
4471 | Burrows Bay | | 48.4701 | -122.68128 | US | Washington | A |
52 | Burrows Island | | 48.48021 | -122.69935 | US | Washington | F |
17851 | Burrows Island Lighthouse | | 48.47795 | -122.71352 | US | Washington | L |
53 | Bush Point | | 48.03094 | -122.60762 | US | Washington | F |
13292 | Bush Point Light | | 48.03086 | -122.60707 | US | Washington | L |
16181 | Bush River | | 39.34429 | -76.24087 | US | Maryland | W |
54 | Buzzard Point | | 38.864 | -77.01275 | US | District of Columbia | F |
55 | Buzzards Bay | | 41.56261 | -70.74809 | US | Massachusetts | W |
| Cabral Bank | Coronado Bank | | | US | California | F |
56 | Cabrillo Point | | 39.34933 | -123.82774 | US | California | F |
5959 | Cairo | | 37.00533 | -89.17646 | US | Illinois | F |
13562 | Cairo Rail Bridge | | 37.0231 | -89.17487 | US | Kentucky/Illinois | F |
12218 | Cake Rock | | 47.93197 | -124.685 | US | Washington | F |
57 | California City | | 37.89194 | -122.44958 | US | California | F |
| California City Point | California Point | | | US | California | F |
14175 | California Point | | 37.91362 | -122.474 | US | California | F |
20250 | Campbell Island | | 34.12081 | -77.94322 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Campbells Island | Campbell Island | | | US | North Carolina | F |
| Canadian Pacific RR Lenora Street Dock | Seattle Pier 64 | | | US | Washington | F |
5976 | Canadian Reach | | 35.8048 | -89.7998 | US | Arkansas | W |
58 | Canal Bridge | | 39.54331 | -75.70326 | US | Delaware | F |
| Canal De Haro | Haro Strait | | | US | Washington | W |
10949 | Cape Alava | | 48.16587 | -124.73253 | US | Washington | F |
19055 | Cape Ann Ledge | | 44.00942 | -68.61623 | US | Maine | F |
19058 | Cape Ann Light | | 42.63683 | -70.57499 | US | Massachusetts | L |
59 | Cape Arago | | 43.30639 | -124.40252 | US | Oregon | F |
11472 | Cape Arago Lighthouse | | 43.34123 | -124.37532 | US | Oregon | L |
60 | Cape Blanco | | 42.83625 | -124.56664 | US | Oregon | F |
| Cape Blanco Light | Cape Blanco Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
11469 | Cape Blanco Lighthouse | | 42.83703 | -124.56364 | US | Oregon | L |
61 | Cape Canaveral | | 28.45861 | -80.5331 | US | Florida | L |
13661 | Cape Charles (town) | | 37.27008 | -76.01649 | US | Virginia | F |
| Cape Charles City | Cape Charles (town) | | | US | Virginia | F |
| Cape Charles Light (1) | Cape Charles Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
| Cape Charles Light (2) | Old Cape Charles Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
| Cape Charles Light Ship | Cape Charles Lightship | | | US | Virginia | LS |
62 | Cape Charles Lighthouse | | 37.12292 | -75.9065 | US | Virginia | L |
7691 | Cape Charles Lightship | | 37.12293 | -75.68283 | US | Virginia | LS |
13604 | Cape Cod | | 41.6862 | -70.24308 | US | Massachusetts | B |
63 | Cape Cod Canal | | 41.76816 | -70.56614 | US | Massachusetts | W |
| Cape Cod Light | Highland Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Cape Cod Lighthouse | Highland Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
64 | Cape Disappointment | | 46.27013 | -124.0763 | US | Washington | F |
| Cape Disappointment Light | Cape Disappointment Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
14176 | Cape Disappointment Lighthouse | | 46.27583 | -124.05231 | US | Washington | L |
4653 | Cape Elizabeth Light | | 43.56608 | -70.20004 | US | Maine | L |
19846 | Cape Fear | | 33.84311 | -77.9604 | US | North Carolina | F |
65 | Cape Flattery | | 48.38312 | -124.71441 | US | Washington | F |
| Cape Flattery Light | Cape Flattery Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
3984 | Cape Flattery Lighthouse | | 48.39158 | -124.73646 | US | Washington | L |
18758 | Cape Florida | | 25.66536 | -80.15819 | US | Florida | F |
20642 | Cape Florida Light | | 25.66659 | -80.15597 | US | Florida | L |
| Cape Florida Old Lighthouse Tower | Cape Florida Light | | | US | Florida | L |
11268 | Cape Foulweather | | 44.77233 | -124.07564 | US | Oregon | F |
| Cape Gregory | Gregory Point | | | US | Oregon | F |
20414 | Cape Halawa | | 21.15832 | -156.70992 | US | Hawaii | F |
7078 | Cape Hatteras Lighthouse | | 35.25053 | -75.52884 | US | North Carolina | L |
66 | Cape Henlopen | | 38.80623 | -75.09646 | US | Delaware | F |
20785 | Cape Henlopen Light | | 38.77731 | -75.08668 | US | Delaware | L |
| Cape Henlopen Lighthouse | Cape Henlopen Light | | | US | Delaware | L |
67 | Cape Henry | | 36.93092 | -76.01764 | US | Virginia | F |
| Cape Henry Light | Old Cape Henry Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
| Cape Henry Lighthouse | Old Cape Henry Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
15988 | Cape Horn | | 46.15144 | -123.28652 | US | Washington | F |
19765 | Cape Kumukahi | | 19.51605 | -154.80665 | US | Hawaii | F |
68 | Cape Lookout (1) | | 34.59822 | -76.5377 | US | North Carolina | F |
17306 | Cape Lookout (2) | | 45.33923 | -124.00839 | US | Oregon | F |
7079 | Cape Lookout Lighthouse | | 34.62272 | -76.52454 | US | North Carolina | L |
18275 | Cape Lookout Shoals | | 34.51206 | -76.49326 | US | North Carolina | F |
7080 | Cape Lookout Shoals Lightship | | 34.325 | -76.40667 | US | North Carolina | LS |
69 | Cape May | | 38.93058 | -74.9626 | US | New Jersey | F |
70 | Cape May Harbor | | 38.95011 | -74.89267 | US | New Jersey | A |
20787 | Cape May Lighthouse | | 38.93301 | -74.96039 | US | New Jersey | L |
20325 | Cape Meares | | 45.48644 | -123.97915 | US | Oregon | F |
| Cape Meares Light | Cape Meares Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
10942 | Cape Meares Lighthouse | | 45.48645 | -123.97803 | US | Oregon | L |
| Cape Mears Light | Cape Meares Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
71 | Cape Mendocino | | 40.43855 | -124.40977 | US | California | F |
| Cape Mendocino Light | Cape Mendocino Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
17304 | Cape Mendocino Lighthouse | | 40.4401 | -124.40675 | US | California | L |
| Cape Orford | Cape Blanco | | | US | Oregon | F |
| Cape Orford Lighthouse | Cape Blanco Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
| Cape Page | Cape Poge | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
11269 | Cape Perpetua | | 44.28703 | -124.11492 | US | Oregon | F |
14105 | Cape Poge | | 41.42084 | -70.45198 | US | Massachusetts | F |
7082 | Cape Romain | | 33.00931 | -79.36411 | US | South Carolina | L |
72 | Cape San Martin | | 35.88912 | -121.46506 | US | California | F |
6307 | Cape Sebastian | | 42.31932 | -124.42768 | US | Oregon | F |
| Cape Shoal Light | Willapa Bay Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Cape Shoalwater Light | Willapa Bay Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Cape Viscaino | Cape Vizcaino | | | US | California | F |
73 | Cape Vizcaino | | 39.72748 | -123.83325 | US | California | F |
4519 | Capitola | | 36.97523 | -121.95329 | US | California | F |
| Captain Knapp Island | Bluff Island | | | US | Connecticut | F |
| Careyfort Reef | Carysfort Reef | | | US | Florida | F |
| Careyfort Reef Light | Carysfort Reef Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
20239 | Carltons Wharf | | 42.36863 | -71.04273 | US | Massachusetts | F |
19481 | Carmel Point | | 36.52436 | -121.95472 | US | California | F |
14509 | Carquinez Strait | | 38.05595 | -122.18633 | US | California | W |
| Carquinez Straits | Carquinez Strait | | | US | California | W |
12217 | Carroll Island | | 48.00473 | -124.72402 | US | Washington | F |
13584 | Carrollton (town) | | 29.94727 | -90.12969 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Carysfort Cay Light | Carysfort Reef Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
| Carysfort Light | Carysfort Reef Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
74 | Carysfort Reef | | 25.22123 | -80.21144 | US | Florida | F |
| Carysfort Reef Light | Carysfort Reef Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
10603 | Carysfort Reef Lighthouse | | 25.22191 | -80.21132 | US | Florida | L |
12216 | Cascade Head | | 45.05138 | -124.0174 | US | Oregon | F |
1818 | Casco Bay | | 43.63342 | -70.04949 | US | Maine | A |
12987 | Cashes Ledge | | 42.91328 | -68.9538 | US | | F |
17997 | Casino Point | | 33.34883 | -118.32476 | US | California | F |
75 | Castle Hill | | 41.46482 | -71.36061 | US | Rhode Island | L |
7777 | Castle Island | | 42.33823 | -71.01112 | US | Massachusetts | F |
18780 | Castle Pinckney | | 32.77367 | -79.91092 | US | South Carolina | F |
9767 | Castle Rock | | 33.03436 | -118.61409 | US | California | F |
| Castle William | Fort Independence | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
18629 | Castle Williams | | 40.69286 | -74.01937 | US | New York | F |
| Cat Island | Cat Island Towhead | | | US | Arkansas | F |
13551 | Cat Island Towhead | | 34.92232 | -90.25037 | US | Arkansas | F |
17704 | Catalina Harbor | | 33.42908 | -118.5083 | US | California | A |
| Catalina Island | Santa Catalina Island | | | US | California | F |
16926 | Catalina Island West End Light | | 33.4787 | -118.60588 | US | California | F |
| Catawamkeag | Rockland Harbor | | | US | Maine | A |
10513 | Cattle Point Lighthouse | | 48.45065 | -122.96338 | US | Washington | L |
13934 | Cavern Point | | 34.05583 | -119.56321 | US | California | F |
20090 | Cedar Hammock | | 35.6664 | -75.47904 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Cedar Point | Upper Cedar Point | | | US | Maryland | F |
7073 | Cedar Point Lighthouse | | 38.29937 | -76.36777 | US | Maryland | L |
13578 | Centennial Lake | | 32.35959 | -90.89566 | US | Mississippi | W |
18634 | Centennial Tower | | 40.57471 | -73.97604 | US | New York | F |
20004 | Center Street Wharf | | 37.76709 | -122.38608 | US | California | F |
76 | Charles River | | 42.37093 | -71.0495 | US | Massachusetts | W |
| Charles Street Dock | Seattle Pier 42 | | | US | Washington | F |
20680 | Charleston | | 32.77632 | -79.93275 | US | South Carolina | F |
| Charleston Bar Light Vessel | Charleston Bar Lightship | | | US | South Carolina | LS |
19921 | Charleston Bar Lightship | | 32.67639 | -79.8 | US | South Carolina | LS |
18751 | Charleston Buoy C | | 32.6789 | -79.80756 | US | South Carolina | F |
| Charleston Light Vessel | Weehawken Light Vessel | | | US | South Carolina | LS |
77 | Charleston Lighthouse | | 32.69546 | -79.88342 | US | South Carolina | L |
7083 | Charleston Lightship | | 32.74281 | -79.741 | US | South Carolina | LS |
78 | Charleston Naval Shipyard | | 32.86396 | -79.96656 | US | South Carolina | F |
79 | Charlestown | | 42.37787 | -71.062 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Charlestown Navy Yard | Boston Navy Yard | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Chatham Light | Chatham Lighthouse | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
4526 | Chatham Lighthouse | | 41.67142 | -69.9499 | US | Massachusetts | L |
80 | Chelsea | | 42.39176 | -71.03283 | US | Massachusetts | F |
81 | Cherry Point | | 48.86178 | -122.74824 | US | Washington | F |
| Cherry Stone Lighthouse | Cherrystone Bar Light | | | US | Virginia | L |
82 | Cherrystone Bar Light | | 37.25648 | -76.03249 | US | Virginia | L |
83 | Chesapeake and Delaware Canal | | 39.54456 | -75.72049 | US | Delaware | W |
84 | Chesapeake Bay | | 37.96186 | -76.17834 | US | Virginia/Maryland | W |
13671 | Chesapeake Bay Entrance Buoy CH | | 36.93552 | -75.95743 | US | Virginia | F |
85 | Chesapeake Beach | | 38.68623 | -76.53468 | US | Maryland | F |
86 | Chesapeake City | | 39.53095 | -75.80744 | US | Maryland | F |
19888 | Chester | | 39.84753 | -75.35785 | US | Pennsylvania | F |
| Chickinacommock | New Inlet | | | US | North Carolina | W |
87 | Chimney Rock | | 37.99003 | -122.9635 | US | California | F |
18382 | Chimney Rock Bell Buoy | | 37.98948 | -122.94994 | US | California | F |
88 | China Point | | 32.80059 | -118.42591 | US | California | F |
| Chincoteague Point | Hammock Point | | | US | Virginia | F |
6610 | Chinese Harbor | | 34.02556 | -119.61476 | US | California | A |
14435 | Chopawamsic Island | | 38.50801 | -77.29684 | US | Virginia | F |
16311 | Church Rock (2) | | 33.29709 | -118.32734 | US | California | F |
11474 | Clallam Bay | | 48.26091 | -124.27327 | US | Washington | A |
| Clallam Bay Lighthouse | Slip Point Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Clallam Point | Diamond Point | | | US | Washington | F |
7158 | Clark Island | | 48.70096 | -122.76446 | US | Washington | F |
17315 | Clark Point | | 48.58913 | -122.64574 | US | Washington | F |
19869 | Clarks Island | | 43.07672 | -70.72409 | US | Maine | F |
13941 | Clarks Point | | 41.59218 | -70.89983 | US | Massachusetts | F |
16940 | Clatsop Spit Lighted Whistle Buoy 10 | | 46.25382 | -124.05412 | US | Oregon | F |
16939 | Clatsop Spit Lighted Whistle Buoy 4 | | 46.22501 | -124.11526 | US | Oregon | F |
| Clements Buoy | Clements Reef Buoy | | | US | Washington | F |
16956 | Clements Reef | | 48.77623 | -122.88924 | US | Washington | F |
20080 | Clements Reef Buoy | | 48.7777 | -122.89122 | US | Washington | F |
89 | Cleveland Ledge | | 41.63122 | -70.69475 | US | Massachusetts | L |
16308 | Clifton Pier 18 | | 40.62278 | -74.06889 | US | New York | F |
| Clyde Line Pier | Clyde Line Steamship Company | | | US | Florida | F |
7148 | Clyde Line Steamship Company | | 30.32386 | -81.65392 | US | Florida | F |
7110 | Clyde Mallory Lines Dock | | 25.78501 | -80.18595 | US | Florida | F |
7129 | Coalbin Rock | | 24.4521 | -82.09593 | US | Florida | F |
6617 | Coast Guard Station Baltimore | | 39.19957 | -76.57021 | US | Maryland | F |
14061 | Coast Guard Station Oakland | | 37.78259 | -122.24978 | US | California | F |
17065 | Coast Guard Station San Diego | | 32.72701 | -117.18246 | US | California | F |
18412 | Coasters Harbor | | 41.51546 | -71.32503 | US | Rhode Island | A |
| Cob Point | Cobb Point | | | US | Maryland | F |
90 | Cobb Point | | 38.25531 | -76.84217 | US | Maryland | F |
91 | Cobb Point Bar Lighthouse | | 38.24257 | -76.82659 | US | Maryland | L |
18536 | Cockspur Island | | 32.02672 | -80.89261 | US | Georgia | F |
18538 | Cockspur Island Lighthouse | | 32.02269 | -80.88 | US | Georgia | L |
| Cocoanut Island | Coconut Island | | | US | Hawaii | F |
19413 | Coconut Island | | 19.72944 | -155.06861 | US | Hawaii | F |
3988 | Coffin Rock | | 46.034 | -122.8811 | US | Oregon | F |
92 | Coit Tower | | 37.8024 | -122.40584 | US | California | F |
| Coitlah Point | Koitlah Point | | | US | Washington | F |
| Cojo Anchorage | Cojo Bay | | | US | California | A |
6611 | Cojo Bay | | 34.44743 | -120.44084 | US | California | A |
| Cold Spring Harbor | Cape May Harbor | | | US | New Jersey | A |
| Coleman Dock | Seattle Pier 52 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Columbia Light Vessel | Columbia River Lightship | | | US | Oregon | LS |
93 | Columbia River | | 46.24427 | -124.05793 | US | Oregon | W |
| Columbia River Light Ship | Columbia River Lightship | | | US | Oregon | LS |
1782 | Columbia River Lightship | | 46.18472 | -124.17083 | US | Oregon | LS |
13559 | Columbus (town) | | 36.75951 | -89.10349 | US | Kentucky | F |
19643 | Colvos Passage | | 47.42676 | -122.52319 | US | Washington | W |
16642 | Colvos Rocks | | 47.95065 | -122.66859 | US | Washington | F |
94 | Commencement Bay | | 47.28565 | -122.44457 | US | Washington | A |
13567 | Commerce Point | | 34.80908 | -90.44675 | US | Mississippi | F |
20478 | Commission Rock | | 38.09036 | -122.25527 | US | California | F |
7096 | Commodore Point | | 30.31836 | -81.62987 | US | Florida | F |
95 | Common Fence Point | | 41.65538 | -71.2206 | US | Rhode Island | F |
12672 | Commonwealth Pier | | 42.35196 | -71.04012 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Concepcion Lighthouse | Point Conception Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Concepcion Point | Point Conception | | | US | California | F |
| Conception Light | Point Conception Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Conception Point | Point Conception | | | US | California | F |
13662 | Coney Island Lighthouse | | 40.5766 | -74.01176 | US | New York | L |
| Connecticut Street Wharf | Seattle Terminal 37 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Content Landing | Home Landing | | | US | Mississippi | F |
14446 | Cook Point | | 19.47863 | -155.93394 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Cooks Point | Cook Point | | | US | Hawaii | F |
15987 | Cooper Point | | 46.15724 | -123.25431 | US | Washington | F |
96 | Cooper River | | 32.77851 | -79.90398 | US | South Carolina | W |
3895 | Coos Bay | | 43.38211 | -124.19812 | US | Oregon | A |
3896 | Coos Bay (town) | | 43.3665 | -124.21789 | US | Oregon | F |
17157 | Coos Bay Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy | | 43.37077 | -124.38486 | US | Oregon | F |
| Coos Head Light | Cape Arago Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
20255 | Coosaw River | | 32.48434 | -80.47029 | US | South Carolina | W |
| Coquille Light | Coquille River Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
6311 | Coquille Point | | 43.11416 | -124.4369 | US | Oregon | F |
11470 | Coquille River Lighthouse | | 43.12388 | -124.42428 | US | Oregon | L |
14432 | Cornfield Harbor | | 38.04679 | -76.3355 | US | Maryland | A |
| Cornfield Lightship | Cornfield Point Lightship | | | US | Connecticut | LS |
18760 | Cornfield Point | | 41.26061 | -72.38866 | US | Connecticut | F |
4592 | Cornfield Point Lightship | | 41.22503 | -72.38561 | US | Connecticut | LS |
3991 | Coronado Bank | | 32.58333 | -117.4 | US | California | F |
17690 | Coronado Ferry Tower | | 32.69961 | -117.17196 | US | California | F |
3993 | Coronado Ferry Wharf | | 32.69991 | -117.17169 | US | California | F |
| Coronado Hotel | Hotel Del Coronado | | | US | California | F |
| Coronado Wharf | Coronado Ferry Wharf | | | US | California | F |
97 | Corral Harbor | | 33.28032 | -119.5215 | US | California | A |
16198 | Cottage Park (town) | | 36.93758 | -76.22671 | US | Virginia | F |
13556 | Cottonwood Point (town) | | 36.06098 | -89.69382 | US | Missouri | F |
13557 | Cottonwood Point Landing | | 36.06121 | -89.68911 | US | Missouri | F |
16192 | Courthouse Point | | 39.51366 | -75.88472 | US | Maryland | F |
98 | Cove Point | | 38.38457 | -76.38106 | US | Maryland | L |
| Coxo Anchorage | Cojo Bay | | | US | California | A |
13575 | Cracraft Towhead | | 33.05012 | -91.13483 | US | Arkansas | F |
6337 | Craighill Channel | | 39.11372 | -76.3944 | US | Maryland | W |
| Crane Island | Campbell Island | | | US | North Carolina | F |
20895 | Crane Neck Point | | 40.96732 | -73.15884 | US | New York | F |
99 | Craney Island | | 36.8923701 | -76.3593881 | US | Virginia | F |
7077 | Craney Island Light | | 36.89259 | -76.33731 | US | Virginia | L |
17125 | Crescent Bay | | 48.16373 | -123.71775 | US | Washington | A |
17124 | Crescent Bay Buoy | | 48.17234 | -123.72599 | US | Washington | F |
20053 | Crescent City Lighthouse | | 41.74407 | -124.20295 | US | California | L |
6305 | Crescent Rock | | 48.16939 | -123.72582 | US | Washington | F |
15997 | Crims Island | | 46.17664 | -123.14709 | US | Oregon | F |
4386 | Crook Point | | 34.01436 | -120.35761 | US | California | F |
100 | Cross Ledge | | 39.18011 | -75.24713 | US | New Jersey | L |
19854 | Cross Ledge Light | | 39.20396 | -75.23074 | US | New Jersey | L |
| Cross Rip Light Vessel | Cross Rip Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13416 | Cross Rip Lightship | | 41.44772 | -70.29165 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
12671 | Cross Rip Shoal | | 41.44056 | -70.28793 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Crossed Rip Light Vessel | Cross Rip Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
16197 | Crumps Bank | | 36.94661 | -76.21523 | US | Virginia | F |
17129 | Crystal Springs | | 47.6028 | -122.57586 | US | Washington | F |
13585 | Cubit Gap | | 29.19597 | -89.26383 | US | Louisiana | W |
| Cubitts Crevasse | Cubit Gap | | | US | Louisiana | W |
101 | Cultus Bay | | 47.91926 | -122.39681 | US | Washington | A |
18633 | Culver Depot | | 40.57524 | -73.97425 | US | New York | F |
20683 | Cumberland Island | | 30.85123 | -81.44698 | US | Georgia | F |
7063 | Cumberland Sound | | 30.72218 | -81.4837 | US | Georgia/Florida | W |
| Cumbeyville (town) | Cumbyville (town) | | | US | Arkansas | F |
13571 | Cumbyville (town) | | 33.87279 | -91.07415 | US | Arkansas | F |
| Cure | Kure Atoll | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Currituck Beach Light | Currituck Beach Lighthouse | | | US | North Carolina | L |
102 | Currituck Beach Lighthouse | | 36.37666 | -75.83068 | US | North Carolina | L |
| Currituck Inlet | New Currituck Inlet | | | US | North Carolina | W |
| Currituck Lighthouse | Currituck Beach Lighthouse | | | US | North Carolina | L |
103 | Curtis Bay | | 39.22094 | -76.56469 | US | Maryland | F |
| Curtis Bay Depot | Coast Guard Station Baltimore | | | US | Maryland | F |
104 | Curtis Creek | | 39.21955 | -76.57413 | US | Maryland | W |
105 | Cutoff Channel | | 39.17622 | -76.43357 | US | Maryland | W |
415 | Cuttyhunk | | 41.42094 | -70.9292 | US | Massachusetts | F |
20970 | Cuttyhunk Light | | 41.41494 | -70.94911 | US | Massachusetts | L |
106 | Cuyler Harbor | | 34.05083 | -120.35292 | US | California | A |
6263 | Cypress Island | | 48.57399 | -122.70879 | US | Washington | B |
107 | Cypress Point | | 36.58019 | -121.97876 | US | California | F |
| Dakin Cove | Avalon Bay | | | US | California | A |
| Dakin's Cove | Avalon Bay | | | US | California | A |
417 | Dam Neck Wreck | | 36.76077 | -75.82901 | US | Virginia | F |
19639 | Dana Passage | | 47.16287 | -122.86847 | US | Washington | W |
17132 | Dana Point | | 33.46112 | -117.71583 | US | California | F |
| Dana's Passage | Dana Passage | | | US | Washington | W |
| Davidson Rock Buoy | Davidson Rock Light | | | US | Washington | F |
108 | Davidson Rock Light | | 48.41326 | -122.81207 | US | Washington | F |
14227 | Davis Point | | 38.05093 | -122.26235 | US | California | F |
13434 | Davis South Shoal Lightship | | 40.93732 | -69.86131 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
| De Haro Straits | Haro Strait | | | US | Washington | W |
13523 | Dead Mans Bend | | 31.26373 | -91.54761 | US | Mississippi | W |
| Dead Mans Island | Deadmans Island | | | US | California | F |
| Dead Mans Reach | Dead Mans Bend | | | US | Mississippi | W |
18558 | Deadmans Island | | 33.72579 | -118.26761 | US | California | F |
4470 | Decatur Reef | | 47.58121 | -122.47346 | US | Washington | F |
17298 | Deception Island | | 48.40772 | -122.67053 | US | Washington | F |
13019 | Deer Island Light | | 42.33985 | -70.95453 | US | Massachusetts | L |
4728 | Del Marr Landing | | 38.74277 | -123.5138 | US | California | F |
18250 | Delaware Bay | | 39.05011 | -75.14963 | US | Delaware/New Jersey | W |
109 | Delaware Breakwater Light | | 38.79713 | -75.10002 | US | Delaware | L |
20086 | Delaware City | | 39.57775 | -75.58945 | US | Delaware | F |
110 | Delaware River | | 39.43261 | -75.52881 | US | Delaware | W |
6319 | Desdemona Sands | | 46.20622 | -123.89848 | US | Oregon | F |
6320 | Desdemona Sands Channel | | 46.20288 | -123.93385 | US | Oregon | W |
111 | Destruction Island | | 47.67521 | -124.48426 | US | Washington | F |
| Destruction Island Light | Destruction Island Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
11473 | Destruction Island Lighthouse | | 47.67439 | -124.48688 | US | Washington | L |
18574 | Devils Peak | | 34.02915 | -119.78456 | US | California | F |
5793 | Diamond Head | | 21.25488 | -157.80824 | US | Hawaii | F |
5295 | Diamond Head Lighthouse | | 21.25574 | -157.80957 | US | Hawaii | L |
112 | Diamond Point | | 48.09476 | -122.9149 | US | Washington | F |
6333 | Diamond Shoal Lightship | | 35.11008 | -75.32707 | US | North Carolina | LS |
16942 | Diblee Dyke Light | | 46.11783 | -122.98728 | US | Oregon | F |
| Dimond Head | Diamond Head | | | US | Hawaii | F |
113 | Discovery Bay | | 48.04332 | -122.85736 | US | Washington | W |
17285 | Discovery Bay Quarantine Station | | 48.09143 | -122.9172 | US | Washington | F |
20647 | Dixey Bar | | 30.20327 | -88.03518 | US | Alabama | F |
17733 | Dockton Drydock | | 47.37403 | -122.46094 | US | Washington | F |
19646 | Dofflemyer Point | | 47.1408 | -122.90736 | US | Washington | F |
13513 | Donaldsonville | | 30.10114 | -90.99412 | US | Louisiana | F |
13517 | Donaldsonville Ferry Landing | | 30.11722 | -90.98954 | US | Louisiana | F |
114 | Double Bluff | | 47.97287 | -122.55126 | US | Washington | F |
| Double Bluff Black Can Buoy | Double Bluff Lighted Buoy | | | US | Washington | F |
17439 | Double Bluff Lighted Buoy | | 47.96605 | -122.55464 | US | Washington | F |
| Double Headed Rocks | Twin Rocks | | | US | Oregon | F |
4726 | Double Point | | 37.9477 | -122.78221 | US | California | F |
3742 | Dowsett Reef | | 25.23973 | -170.45975 | US | Hawaii | F |
115 | Drakes Bay | | 38.01187 | -122.91916 | US | California | W |
16213 | Drakes Bay Lighted Whistle Buoy 1 | | 37.9825 | -122.95581 | US | California | F |
15776 | Drakes Estero | | 38.04743 | -122.94222 | US | California | W |
19640 | Drayton Passage | | 47.1733 | -122.73947 | US | Washington | W |
7070 | Drum Point | | 38.31904 | -76.42165 | US | Maryland | L |
13586 | Dry Tortugas | | 24.66515 | -82.8554 | US | Florida | F |
7123 | Dry Tortugas Light | | 24.63336 | -82.92055 | US | Florida | L |
19891 | Duck Creek Light | | 39.36475 | -75.51159 | US | Delaware | L |
18772 | Duck Rocks Lighted Bell Buoy 5 | | 43.78198 | -69.33039 | US | Maine | F |
| Duksbury Point | Duxbury Point | | | US | California | F |
| Dume Point | Point Dume | | | US | California | F |
| Dumpling Light | North Dumpling Light | | | US | New York | L |
4468 | Duncan Rock | | 48.40781 | -124.74221 | US | Washington | F |
| Dungeness Buoy | New Dungeness Sand Spit Lighted Buoy 2 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Dungeness Light | New Dungeness Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Dungeness Lighthouse | New Dungeness Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
6224 | Dungeness Spit | | 48.17482 | -123.14768 | US | Washington | F |
5728 | Duntze Rock | | 48.4116 | -124.7442 | US | Washington | F |
17440 | Duntze Rock Lighted Buoy | | 48.4173 | -124.76094 | US | Washington | F |
| Dunze Reef | Duntze Rock | | | US | Washington | F |
| Duwamish Bay | Elliott Bay | | | US | Washington | A |
5995 | Duwamish East Waterway | | 47.58111 | -122.34465 | US | Washington | W |
116 | Duwamish Head | | 47.5954 | -122.3874 | US | Washington | F |
19395 | Duwamish Head Luna Park | | 47.59584 | -122.38507 | US | Washington | F |
17289 | Duwamish Light | | 47.59888 | -122.38796 | US | Washington | L |
117 | Duxbury Point | | 37.89409 | -122.7011 | US | California | F |
| Duxbury Point Whistling Buoy | Duxbury Reef Buoy | | | US | California | F |
118 | Duxbury Reef | | 37.88826 | -122.69832 | US | California | F |
14414 | Duxbury Reef Buoy | | 37.86015 | -122.69539 | US | California | F |
| Duxbury Reef Whistling Buoy | Duxbury Reef Buoy | | | US | California | F |
119 | Dyer Island | | 41.58288 | -71.29894 | US | Rhode Island | F |
120 | Eagle Harbor | | 47.61899 | -122.51791 | US | Washington | A |
4608 | Eagle Island | | 44.21258 | -68.7767 | US | Maine | L |
17995 | Eagle Reef | | 33.46083 | -118.50978 | US | California | F |
17992 | Eagle Rock | | 33.47245 | -118.60532 | US | California | F |
| East Bank | Dixey Bar | | | US | Alabama | F |
20043 | East Brother Island Light | | 37.96324 | -122.43352 | US | California | L |
18541 | East Chop | | 41.47102 | -70.56944 | US | Massachusetts | F |
20968 | East Chop Light | | 41.47027 | -70.56745 | US | Massachusetts | L |
| East Jetty Light (1) | South Pass East Jetty Lighthouse | | | US | Louisiana | L |
| East Jetty Light (2) | Head of Passes East Jetty Lighthouse | | | US | Louisiana | L |
121 | East Passage | | 41.55621 | -71.31672 | US | Rhode Island | W |
| East Passage Narragansett Bay | East Passage | | | US | Rhode Island | W |
4607 | East Penobscot Bay | | 44.14591 | -68.74586 | US | Maine | W |
17709 | East Point | | 33.30833 | -118.30525 | US | California | F |
122 | East River | | 40.78705 | -73.91764 | US | New York | W |
123 | East Sound | | 48.59983 | -122.84296 | US | Washington | W |
124 | East Twin River | | 48.1662 | -123.94743 | US | Washington | W |
| East Waterway | Duwamish East Waterway | | | US | Washington | W |
17249 | Eastern Bank | | 48.28648 | -122.96147 | US | Washington | F |
4599 | Eastern Point Light | | 42.58026 | -70.66449 | US | Massachusetts | L |
19047 | Eastport | | 44.90449 | -66.98438 | US | Maine | F |
| Eaton Neck | Eatons Neck | | | US | New York | F |
| Eaton Point Light | Eatons Neck Light | | | US | New York | L |
4530 | Eatons Neck | | 40.94176 | -73.39262 | US | New York | F |
13618 | Eatons Neck Light | | 40.95399 | -73.39549 | US | New York | L |
18247 | Eatons Neck Point | | 40.95516 | -73.39589 | US | New York | F |
| Eatons Point Light | Eatons Neck Light | | | US | New York | L |
| Edgecomb House | Griswold Hotel | | | US | Connecticut | F |
125 | Ediz Hook | | 48.13946 | -123.40155 | US | Washington | F |
17241 | Ediz Hook Bell Buoy 2 | | 48.13906 | -123.39903 | US | Washington | F |
| Ediz Hook Light | Ediz Hook Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
6023 | Ediz Hook Lighthouse | | 48.14002 | -123.40242 | US | Washington | L |
126 | Eel River | | 40.64152 | -124.31228 | US | California | W |
| Egg Island | Lehua | | | US | Hawaii | F |
20236 | Egg Rock (1) | | 44.35357 | -68.13883 | US | Maine | F |
20237 | Egg Rock (2) | | 42.43347 | -70.89807 | US | Massachusetts | F |
20238 | Egg Rock Light | | 42.43355 | -70.89789 | US | Massachusetts | L |
7211 | Egmont Channel | | 27.60932 | -82.76808 | US | Florida | W |
4227 | Egmont Key | | 27.59289 | -82.76183 | US | Florida | F |
| Egmont Key Channel | Egmont Channel | | | US | Florida | W |
19900 | Egmont Key Lighthouse | | 27.6008 | -82.76068 | US | Florida | L |
17819 | El Jarro Point | | 37.02504 | -122.22301 | US | California | F |
| El Morro | Morro Rock | | | US | California | F |
4378 | El Segundo | | 33.91918 | -118.41647 | US | California | F |
127 | Elbow of Cross Ledge Light | | 39.18223 | -75.26844 | US | New Jersey | L |
| Eliot Bay | Elliott Bay | | | US | Washington | A |
16950 | Eliza Rock | | 48.64367 | -122.57819 | US | Washington | F |
| Elizabeth Island Light | Cape Elizabeth Light | | | US | Maine | L |
128 | Elizabeth River | | 36.92487 | -76.34355 | US | Virginia | W |
13658 | Elizabeth River Channel Bell Buoy 3 | | 36.97394 | -76.32892 | US | Virginia | F |
20049 | Elk Creek | | 39.10366 | -123.70754 | US | California | W |
16187 | Elk River | | 39.4405 | -76.00196 | US | Maryland | W |
19632 | Elliot Point | | 47.94895 | -122.30646 | US | Washington | F |
129 | Elliott Bay | | 47.59982 | -122.36179 | US | Washington | A |
| Elliott Bay Buoy 2 | Duwamish Light | | | US | Washington | L |
| Elliott Point | Elliot Point | | | US | Washington | F |
130 | Ellis Island | | 40.6996 | -74.04185 | US | New Jersey | F |
3894 | Empire | | 43.39289 | -124.27734 | US | Oregon | F |
| Empire City | Empire | | | US | Oregon | F |
| Entrance Buoy Number 2 | Chesapeake Bay Entrance Buoy CH | | | US | Virginia | F |
131 | Eureka | | 40.80207 | -124.16367 | US | California | F |
6683 | Eureka Light | | 46.1679 | -123.23595 | US | Washington | L |
| Execution Rock | Execution Rocks | | | US | New York | F |
| Execution Rock Light | Execution Rocks Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
| Execution Rock Lighthouse | Execution Rocks Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
13377 | Execution Rocks | | 40.87792 | -73.73793 | US | New York | F |
13391 | Execution Rocks Lighthouse | | 40.87804 | -73.73773 | US | New York | L |
| Fair View | Fairview | | | US | Louisiana | F |
4220 | Fairview | | 29.69827 | -89.96925 | US | Louisiana | F |
4534 | Falkner Island | | 41.21216 | -72.65365 | US | Connecticut | F |
13378 | Falkner Island Light | | 41.21205 | -72.65361 | US | Connecticut | L |
| Falkner's Island | Falkner Island | | | US | Connecticut | F |
6336 | False Cape | | 36.59779 | -75.87905 | US | Virginia | F |
| False Dungeness Harbor | Port Angeles Harbor | | | US | Washington | A |
| False Listons Point | Bombay Hook Point | | | US | Delaware | F |
132 | Farallon Island Light | | 37.699 | -123.00166 | US | California | L |
133 | Farallon Islands | | 37.74251 | -123.0591 | US | California | F |
| Farallon Light | Farallon Island Light | | | US | California | L |
| Farallon Lighthouse | Farallon Island Light | | | US | California | L |
| Farallone Light | Farallon Island Light | | | US | California | L |
| Farallone Lighthouse | Farallon Island Light | | | US | California | L |
| Farallones Light | Farallon Island Light | | | US | California | L |
| Farallones Lighthouse | Farallon Island Light | | | US | California | L |
17726 | Father and Son | | 48.22641 | -124.71307 | US | Washington | F |
| Father and Son Rocks | Father and Son | | | US | Washington | F |
| Faulkner Island | Falkner Island | | | US | Connecticut | F |
| Faulkners Island Light | Falkner Island Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Fayerweather Island Light | Black Rock Harbor Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
20089 | Federal Point | | 33.95926 | -77.94449 | US | North Carolina | F |
3934 | Fenwick Island Lighthouse | | 38.45136 | -75.05497 | US | Delaware | L |
| Fenwick Island Shoals | Fenwick Shoal | | | US | Delaware | LS |
3936 | Fenwick Shoal | | 38.45289 | -74.93573 | US | Delaware | LS |
| Fermin Light | Point Fermin Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Fermin Point | Point Fermin | | | US | California | F |
| Fermin Point Light | Point Fermin Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
12606 | Fern Point | | 48.73109 | -122.7224 | US | Washington | F |
| Fernandina | Fernandina Beach | | | US | Florida | F |
7092 | Fernandina Beach | | 30.66968 | -81.46259 | US | Florida | F |
7113 | Fernandina Harbor | | 30.67236 | -81.4668 | US | Florida | A |
| Filbert Street Wharf | San Francisco Pier 21 | | | US | California | F |
| Fire Island Light | Fire Island Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
| Fire Island Light Vessel | Fire Island Lightship | | | US | New York | LS |
13403 | Fire Island Lighthouse | | 40.63245 | -73.21857 | US | New York | L |
10676 | Fire Island Lightship | | 40.6022 | -73.31777 | US | New York | LS |
20088 | First Baptist Church of Beaufort | | 34.71845 | -76.66441 | US | North Carolina | F |
13431 | Fish Point | | 43.66629 | -70.2385 | US | Maine | F |
| Fish Rock | Fish Rocks | | | US | California | F |
4725 | Fish Rocks | | 38.79991 | -123.59362 | US | California | F |
| Fisher's Island | Fishers Island (town) | | | US | New York | F |
17069 | Fisherman Harbor | | 47.69005 | -122.80238 | US | Washington | A |
| Fisherman's Bay | Fisherman Harbor | | | US | Washington | A |
| Fisherman's Harbor | Fisherman Harbor | | | US | Washington | A |
4539 | Fishers Island | | 41.27315 | -71.98174 | US | New York | F |
4538 | Fishers Island (town) | | 41.2561 | -72.02952 | US | New York | F |
13381 | Fishers Island Sound | | 41.30137 | -71.97382 | US | Connecticut/New York | W |
19892 | Fishing Point | | 37.87426 | -75.39653 | US | Virginia | F |
19893 | Fishing Point Light | | 37.86556 | -75.37425 | US | Virginia | L |
20232 | Fishing Rip | | 32.21785 | -80.63412 | US | South Carolina | F |
134 | Five Fathom Bank | | 38.90481 | -74.62739 | US | New Jersey | F |
13371 | Five Fathom Bank Northeast Buoy | | 38.96969 | -74.52617 | US | New Jersey | LS |
| Five Fathom Shoal Light | Five Fathom Bank Northeast Buoy | | | US | New Jersey | LS |
135 | Flagler Beach | | 29.47498 | -81.127 | US | Florida | F |
7090 | Flagler Beach Aero Beacon | | 29.47135 | -81.12532 | US | Florida | F |
19394 | Flattery Rocks | | 48.17783 | -124.7693 | US | Washington | F |
| Flattery Rocks Lightship | Umatilla Reef Lightship | | | US | Washington | LS |
| Folsom Street Pier | San Francisco Pier 10 | | | US | California | F |
| Folsom Street Wharf | San Francisco Pier 10 | | | US | California | F |
136 | Fort Adams | | 41.47872 | -71.33783 | US | Rhode Island | F |
13395 | Fort Adams Wharf | | 41.48168 | -71.33708 | US | Rhode Island | F |
20102 | Fort Anderson | | 34.03982 | -77.94464 | US | North Carolina | F |
137 | Fort Baker | | 37.83295 | -122.48068 | US | California | F |
| Fort Calhoun | Fort Wool | | | US | Virginia | F |
138 | Fort Carroll | | 39.21467 | -76.51917 | US | Maryland | F |
19852 | Fort Caswell | | 33.89287 | -78.01706 | US | North Carolina | F |
20685 | Fort Clinch | | 30.70481 | -81.45432 | US | Florida | F |
20397 | Fort Constitution | | 43.07154 | -70.70951 | US | New Hampshire | F |
19847 | Fort Fisher | | 33.97167 | -77.91919 | US | North Carolina | F |
12951 | Fort Flagler | | 48.09676 | -122.69516 | US | Washington | F |
20551 | Fort Gaines | | 30.2484 | -88.07552 | US | Alabama | F |
| Fort George | Fort Gorges | | | US | Maine | F |
4648 | Fort Gorges | | 43.66286 | -70.22116 | US | Maine | F |
| Fort Griswold Hotel | Griswold Hotel | | | US | Connecticut | F |
13363 | Fort Hamilton | | 40.60798 | -74.03081 | US | New York | F |
20015 | Fort Independence | | 42.33827 | -71.0111 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13507 | Fort Jackson (1) | | 29.35702 | -89.45553 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Fort Jackson (2) | Fort James Jackson | | | US | Georgia | F |
18537 | Fort James Jackson | | 32.08206 | -81.03604 | US | Georgia | F |
20085 | Fort Jefferson | | 24.62871 | -82.87315 | US | Florida | F |
13361 | Fort Lafayette | | 40.60844 | -74.03832 | US | New York | F |
7060 | Fort Lauderdale | | 26.12231 | -80.14338 | US | Florida | F |
7108 | Fort Lauderdale Aero Beacon | | 26.08045 | -80.14548 | US | Florida | F |
19883 | Fort Macon | | 34.69619 | -76.67889 | US | North Carolina | F |
139 | Fort Matanzas | | 29.71497 | -81.23868 | US | Florida | F |
140 | Fort McHenry | | 39.26327 | -76.57992 | US | Maryland | F |
141 | Fort McHenry Channel | | 39.2437187 | -76.5560754 | US | Maryland | W |
18339 | Fort Mifflin | | 39.87539 | -75.21296 | US | Pennsylvania | F |
| Fort Miflin | Fort Mifflin | | | US | Pennsylvania | F |
3935 | Fort Monroe | | 37.0042 | -76.30739 | US | Virginia | F |
| Fort Monroe Light | Old Point Comfort Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
18530 | Fort Morgan | | 30.22811 | -88.02293 | US | Alabama | F |
20682 | Fort Moultrie | | 32.75939 | -79.85771 | US | South Carolina | F |
142 | Fort Norfolk | | 36.85692 | -76.30632 | US | Virginia | F |
| Fort Phillip | Fort Saint Phillip | | | US | Louisiana | F |
19033 | Fort Pickens | | 30.3273 | -87.29057 | US | Florida | F |
5948 | Fort Pillow | | 35.64489 | -89.83798 | US | Tennessee | F |
5949 | Fort Pillow Landing | | 35.64228 | -89.84924 | US | Tennessee | F |
143 | Fort Point (1) | | 37.81048 | -122.47692 | US | California | F |
10855 | Fort Point (2) | | 43.07209 | -70.70856 | US | New Hampshire | F |
18767 | Fort Point (3) | | 44.46906 | -68.80874 | US | Maine | F |
| Fort Point Buoy | Golden Gate Buoy 2 | | | US | California | F |
19043 | Fort Point Light | | 43.07108 | -70.70864 | US | New Hampshire | L |
19046 | Fort Preble | | 43.64916 | -70.22592 | US | Maine | F |
| Fort Ripley Shoal Light | Fort Sumter Range Rear Light | | | US | South Carolina | L |
144 | Fort Rosecrans | | 32.68422 | -117.24615 | US | California | F |
13508 | Fort Saint Phillip | | 29.36268 | -89.46532 | US | Louisiana | F |
6318 | Fort Stevens | | 46.20677 | -123.96239 | US | Oregon | F |
20233 | Fort Sumter | | 32.75235 | -79.87463 | US | South Carolina | F |
18539 | Fort Sumter Range Rear Light | | 32.76601 | -79.90194 | US | South Carolina | L |
| Fort Taylor | Fort Zachary Taylor | | | US | Florida | F |
13359 | Fort Tompkins | | 40.60498 | -74.05664 | US | New York | F |
18279 | Fort Tompkins Light | | 40.60217 | -74.05374 | US | New York | L |
4588 | Fort Trumbull | | 41.34368 | -72.09344 | US | Connecticut | F |
13365 | Fort Wadsworth | | 40.60278 | -74.05778 | US | New York | F |
18278 | Fort Wadsworth Light | | 40.60585 | -74.05395 | US | New York | L |
18249 | Fort Walcott | | 41.48767 | -71.32806 | US | Rhode Island | F |
145 | Fort Ward | | 47.58093 | -122.51513 | US | Washington | F |
20689 | Fort Warren | | 42.32038 | -70.92774 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Fort William and Mary | Fort Constitution | | | US | New Hampshire | F |
7694 | Fort Wool | | 36.98666 | -76.3013 | US | Virginia | F |
19647 | Fort Worden | | 48.1397 | -122.76874 | US | Washington | F |
13651 | Fort Zachary Taylor | | 24.54788 | -81.81014 | US | Florida | F |
| Fortress Monroe | Fort Monroe | | | US | Virginia | F |
| Foul Weather Bluff | Foulweather Bluff | | | US | Washington | F |
146 | Foulweather Bluff | | 47.94001 | -122.61222 | US | Washington | F |
17271 | Foulweather Bluff Bell Buoy 2 | | 47.94746 | -122.6018 | US | Washington | F |
147 | Four Fathom Bank | | 37.82048 | -122.56303 | US | California | F |
15764 | Four Fathom Bank Lighted Bell Buoy | | 37.81212 | -122.54173 | US | California | F |
| Four Mile Rock | Fourmile Rock | | | US | Washington | F |
148 | Fourmile Rock | | 47.63901 | -122.41349 | US | Washington | F |
149 | Fourteen Foot Bank | | 39.04825 | -75.1822 | US | Delaware | L |
| Fowey Island Light | Fowey Rocks Light | | | US | Florida | L |
| Fowey Rock Light | Fowey Rocks Light | | | US | Florida | L |
3977 | Fowey Rocks | | 25.59207 | -80.09746 | US | Florida | F |
10604 | Fowey Rocks Light | | 25.59062 | -80.09669 | US | Florida | L |
| Fowey Rocks Lighthouse | Fowey Rocks Light | | | US | Florida | L |
17721 | Fox Rock | | 42.76839 | -124.63586 | US | Oregon | F |
19629 | Fremont Bridge | | 47.64769 | -122.34976 | US | Washington | F |
| Fremont Street Wharf | San Francisco Pier 34 | | | US | California | F |
18414 | French Frigate Shoals | | 23.75638 | -166.21145 | US | Hawaii | F |
13423 | Frenchman Bay | | 44.41721 | -68.17308 | US | Maine | W |
| Frenchmans Bay | Frenchman Bay | | | US | Maine | W |
13565 | Friars Point (town) | | 34.37088 | -90.63834 | US | Mississippi | F |
13552 | Frisco Bridge | | 35.12873 | -90.07635 | US | Arkansas/Tennessee | F |
7081 | Frying Pan Shoals Lightship | | 33.56667 | -77.81667 | US | North Carolina | LS |
13566 | Fulton (town) | | 35.61224 | -89.88266 | US | Tennessee | F |
20557 | Fulton Iron Works Wharf | | 37.80614 | -122.44579 | US | California | F |
| Gabrillo Point | Cabrillo Point | | | US | California | F |
| Gading Channel | Gedney's Channel | | | US | New Jersey | W |
13538 | Gaines Landing | | 33.46095 | -91.22724 | US | Arkansas | F |
| Galbraith Dock | Seattle Pier 54 | | | US | Washington | F |
3983 | Garden Key | | 24.62849 | -82.87318 | US | Florida | F |
| Garden Key Light | Garden Key Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
13502 | Garden Key Lighthouse | | 24.62815 | -82.87223 | US | Florida | L |
13607 | Gardiner Island Lighthouse | | 41.14151 | -72.14613 | US | New York | L |
| Gardiner's Island Light | Gardiner Island Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
13605 | Gardiners Bay | | 41.08879 | -72.21304 | US | New York | W |
13606 | Gardiners Island | | 41.09788 | -72.10341 | US | New York | F |
17230 | Gaviota Pier | | 34.46999 | -120.22848 | US | California | F |
| Gaviota Wharf | Gaviota Pier | | | US | California | F |
150 | Gay Head | | 41.34783 | -70.83835 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13942 | Gay Head Light | | 41.34834 | -70.83452 | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Gay Head Lighthouse | Gay Head Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
13407 | Gedney's Channel | | 40.48839 | -73.95392 | US | New Jersey | W |
15683 | General Engineering Co. Dockyard | | 37.7762 | -122.2504 | US | California | F |
18261 | General Grant National Memorial | | 40.8135 | -73.96306 | US | New York | F |
| General Grant's Tomb | General Grant National Memorial | | | US | New York | F |
19630 | George Washington Memorial Bridge | | 47.64695 | -122.34732 | US | Washington | F |
10685 | Georges Shoal | | 41.65444 | -67.73242 | US | | F |
20641 | Georgetown Lighthouse | | 33.22263 | -79.18503 | US | South Carolina | L |
| Georgia Bay | Strait of Georgia | | | US | Washington | W |
| Georgia Strait | Strait of Georgia | | | US | Washington | W |
17330 | Gettysburg | | 48.15834 | -123.82808 | US | Washington | F |
7130 | Glama Wreck | | 24.4538 | -82.2944 | US | Florida | F |
13536 | Glenora (town) | | 33.18298 | -91.06565 | US | Mississippi | F |
5905 | Glenora Landing | | 33.19818 | -91.08205 | US | Mississippi | A |
13613 | Gloucester (town) | | 42.61405 | -70.66313 | US | Massachusetts | F |
19062 | Gloucester City | | 39.89281 | -75.12041 | US | New Jersey | F |
13614 | Gloucester Inner Harbor | | 42.61121 | -70.65504 | US | Massachusetts | A |
| Gloucester NE Harbor | Gloucester Inner Harbor | | | US | Massachusetts | A |
151 | Goat Island (1) | | 41.48845 | -71.32746 | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Goat Island (2) | Yerba Buena Island | | | US | California | F |
| Goat Island Lighthouse | Yerba Buena Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
152 | Golden Gate | | 37.81779 | -122.48503 | US | California | W |
153 | Golden Gate Bridge | | 37.81966 | -122.47854 | US | California | F |
15809 | Golden Gate Buoy 2 | | 37.81297 | -122.47987 | US | California | F |
17145 | Gorda Rock | | 40.24944 | -124.36815 | US | California | F |
154 | Gosnold Island | | 41.414 | -70.94809 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Gosport Navy Yard | Norfolk Naval Shipyard | | | US | Virginia | F |
155 | Gould Island | | 41.53344 | -71.3445 | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Government Dock | Alabama State Docks | | | US | Alabama | A |
18237 | Governors Island | | 40.68899 | -74.01903 | US | New York | F |
| Gowanu Flats Buoy Number 14 | Gowanus Flats Lighted Bell Buoy 26 | | | US | New York | F |
13405 | Gowanus Flats Lighted Bell Buoy 26 | | 40.63433 | -74.05045 | US | New York | F |
| Grace Point | Pu'upoa Point | | | US | Hawaii | F |
13535 | Grand Lake Landing | | 33.09755 | -91.18201 | US | Arkansas | F |
20909 | Grand Prairie | | 29.48522 | -89.68645 | US | Louisiana | F |
11187 | Graves Light | | 42.36513 | -70.86919 | US | Massachusetts | L |
156 | Grays Harbor | | 46.95064 | -124.051 | US | Washington | A |
4993 | Grays Harbor Lighthouse | | 46.88822 | -124.1169 | US | Washington | L |
13390 | Great Captain Island Light | | 40.9825 | -73.62363 | US | Connecticut | L |
| Great Captains Island Light | Great Captain Island Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
4602 | Great Duck Island | | 44.15044 | -68.24925 | US | Maine | F |
13422 | Great Duck Island Light | | 44.14219 | -68.24591 | US | Maine | L |
| Great Duck Light | Great Duck Island Light | | | US | Maine | L |
| Great Duck Lighthouse | Great Duck Island Light | | | US | Maine | L |
| Great Point Light | Great Point Lighthouse | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
13597 | Great Point Lighthouse | | 41.39005 | -70.0482 | US | Massachusetts | L |
13600 | Great Point Whistling Buoy | | 41.43273 | -70.00528 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Great Porcupine Island | Long Porcupine Island | | | US | Maine | F |
| Great Round Shoal Light Vessel | Great Round Shoal Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13599 | Great Round Shoal Lightship | | 41.40397 | -69.91406 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
6616 | Great Wicomico River | | 37.8243 | -76.30078 | US | Virginia | W |
19864 | Green Hill | | 38.79147 | -75.16756 | US | Delaware | F |
| Green Island (1) | Tatoosh Island | | | US | Washington | F |
20669 | Green Island (2) | | 31.89683 | -81.08175 | US | Georgia | F |
16185 | Greenbury Point | | 38.97468 | -76.45448 | US | Maryland | F |
13537 | Greenville | | 33.40898 | -91.05978 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Greenwich Street Wharf | San Francisco Pier 23 | | | US | California | F |
11471 | Gregory Point | | 43.34431 | -124.37702 | US | Oregon | F |
13609 | Griswold Hotel | | 41.32551 | -72.07496 | US | Connecticut | F |
4587 | Groton Monument | | 41.35495 | -72.07942 | US | Connecticut | F |
16189 | Grove Point | | 39.38854 | -76.04029 | US | Maryland | F |
5395 | Guemes Channel | | 48.52399 | -122.62267 | US | Washington | W |
17313 | Guemes Island | | 48.54989 | -122.62502 | US | Washington | F |
| Gulf of Georgia | Strait of Georgia | | | US | Washington | W |
7131 | Gulf of Mexico | | 25 | -90 | US | | W |
1790 | Gulf of Santa Catalina | | 33.25031 | -117.75116 | US | California | W |
157 | Gulf of the Farallones | | 37.75049 | -122.75165 | US | California | W |
4504 | Gull Island | | 33.95056 | -119.82541 | US | California | F |
| Gull Islet | Gull Island | | | US | California | F |
158 | Gull Rocks | | 41.50256 | -71.33308 | US | Rhode Island | L |
| Gurnet Light | Plymouth Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Gurnet Lighthouse | Plymouth Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Halawa Point | Cape Halawa | | | US | Hawaii | F |
6631 | Half Moon Bay | | 37.48327 | -122.47192 | US | California | A |
| Half Moon Bay Black Buoy 3 | Southeast Reef Buoy | | | US | California | F |
13589 | Half Moon Buoy | | 24.55552 | -82.48106 | US | Florida | F |
| Half Way Rock | Halfway Rock | | | US | Maine | F |
| Half Way Rock Light | Halfway Rock Light | | | US | Maine | L |
4652 | Halfway Rock | | 43.65592 | -70.03699 | US | Maine | F |
13432 | Halfway Rock Light | | 43.656 | -70.03684 | US | Maine | L |
13356 | Hall Brothers Shipyard | | 47.62226 | -122.51462 | US | Washington | F |
7100 | Hallandale Dome | | 25.98687 | -80.11801 | US | Florida | F |
19886 | Hammock Point | | 37.89889 | -75.41783 | US | Virginia | F |
17910 | Hammond Mill Company Dock | | 47.58806 | -122.34279 | US | Washington | F |
| Hammond Milling Company Dock | Hammond Mill Company Dock | | | US | Washington | F |
| Hammond's Dock | Hammond Mill Company Dock | | | US | Washington | F |
18765 | Hampden | | 44.74478 | -68.83769 | US | Maine | F |
159 | Hampton Roads | | 36.97515 | -76.34967 | US | Virginia | A |
13657 | Hampton Union Soldiers Monument | | 37.01911 | -76.33442 | US | Virginia | F |
13659 | Hampton VA Medical Center | | 37.01541 | -76.33236 | US | Virginia | F |
19411 | Hanalei Bay | | 22.21233 | -159.50743 | US | Hawaii | A |
19602 | Hancock Fuel Depot | | 33.7581 | -118.2578 | US | California | F |
12670 | Handkerchief Shoal | | 41.52712 | -70.04347 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Handkerchief Shoal Light Vessel | Handkerchief Shoal Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13417 | Handkerchief Shoal Lightship | | 41.48589 | -70.08471 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
| Hanolai Bay | Hanalei Bay | | | US | Hawaii | A |
| Harawii | Hawaiian Islands | | | US | Hawaii | B |
160 | Harbor Island | | 47.57982 | -122.35207 | US | Washington | F |
161 | Harbor of Refuge | | 38.82372 | -75.10768 | US | Delaware | A |
162 | Harbor of Refuge Light | | 38.81453 | -75.09251 | US | Delaware | L |
18773 | Harding Ledge | | 42.30513 | -70.84734 | US | Massachusetts | F |
18774 | Harding Ledge Lighted Bell Buoy | | 42.30949 | -70.84385 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Harding's Ledge | Harding Ledge | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Hardings Ledge | Harding Ledge | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Harkleroad Landing | Bruins Landing | | | US | Arkansas | F |
| Harklerode's Landing | Bruins Landing | | | US | Arkansas | F |
163 | Haro Strait | | 48.54886 | -123.21891 | US | Washington | W |
| Harpswell Harbor | Potts Harbor | | | US | Maine | A |
4506 | Harris Point | | 34.07611 | -120.3682 | US | California | F |
18778 | Hart Island | | 40.85326 | -73.77044 | US | New York | F |
| Hartleroads Landing | Bruins Landing | | | US | Arkansas | F |
| Hawaii Islands | Hawaiian Islands | | | US | Hawaii | B |
5783 | Hawaiian Islands | | 21.11525 | -157.47803 | US | Hawaii | B |
164 | Hawkins Point | | 39.20955 | -76.53246 | US | Maryland | F |
6312 | Haystack Rock | | 45.21184 | -123.98702 | US | Oregon | F |
19649 | Hazel Point | | 47.69301 | -122.77081 | US | Washington | F |
| Head of Pass | Head of Passes | | | US | Louisiana | W |
13504 | Head of Passes | | 29.15448 | -89.25263 | US | Louisiana | W |
4225 | Head of Passes East Jetty Lighthouse | | 29.14885 | -89.2486 | US | Louisiana | L |
4223 | Head of Passes Lighthouse | | 29.12938 | -89.25699 | US | Louisiana | L |
4224 | Head of Passes West Jetty Lighthouse | | 29.14801 | -89.25168 | US | Louisiana | L |
| Hecate Bank | Heceta Bank | | | US | Oregon | F |
6607 | Heceta Bank | | 44.12062 | -124.8761 | US | Oregon | F |
165 | Heceta Head | | 44.13854 | -124.12956 | US | Oregon | F |
10939 | Heceta Head Lighthouse | | 44.13742 | -124.12823 | US | Oregon | L |
166 | Hein Bank | | 48.34621 | -123.05752 | US | Washington | F |
17171 | Hein Bank Lighted Buoy | | 48.36697 | -123.03644 | US | Washington | F |
5906 | Helena | | 34.52955 | -90.59177 | US | Arkansas | F |
4529 | Hell Gate (1) | | 40.77973 | -73.92781 | US | New York | W |
20670 | Hell Gate (2) | | 31.86253 | -81.08374 | US | Georgia | W |
| Hellgate | Hell Gate | | | US | New York | W |
| Hempstead Bay | Hempstead Harbor | | | US | New York | A |
13389 | Hempstead Harbor | | 40.86865 | -73.66957 | US | New York | A |
167 | Hen and Chickens Reef | | 41.47094 | -71.02782 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
| Hen and Chickens Reef Light | Hen and Chickens Shoal Light | | | US | Florida | L |
7154 | Hen and Chickens Shoal Light | | 24.933 | -80.5487 | US | Florida | L |
19044 | Henderson Point | | 43.07476 | -70.73652 | US | Maine | F |
168 | Henry Island | | 48.60399 | -123.18824 | US | Washington | F |
| Henry Lighthouse | Old Cape Henry Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
169 | Hetzel Shoal | | 28.61361 | -80.39977 | US | Florida | F |
| Hetzel Shoals | Hetzel Shoal | | | US | Florida | F |
5951 | Hickman | | 36.57117 | -89.18618 | US | Kentucky | F |
20050 | High Rock | | 39.10209 | -123.71218 | US | California | F |
4488 | Highland Light | | 42.03914 | -70.06201 | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Highland Lighthouse | Highland Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Highland Lights | Navesink Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
13373 | Highlands Light | | 40.39657 | -73.98585 | US | New Jersey | L |
| Hill's Landing | White's Landing | | | US | California | F |
170 | Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse | | 26.25918 | -80.0807 | US | Florida | L |
| Hillsboro Lighthouse | Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
| Hillsboro' Light | Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
171 | Hilo | | 19.72972 | -155.09 | US | Hawaii | F |
18259 | Hilton Head | | 32.2196 | -80.66721 | US | South Carolina | F |
13663 | Hoffman Island | | 40.57883 | -74.05397 | US | New York | F |
172 | Hog Island | | 41.64399 | -71.28005 | US | Rhode Island | L |
13670 | Hog Island Light | | 37.39576 | -75.69986 | US | Virginia | L |
| Hog Island Lighthouse | Hog Island Light | | | US | Virginia | L |
| Hoko Head | Koko Head | | | US | Hawaii | F |
7098 | Hollywood | | 26.0112 | -80.14949 | US | Florida | F |
7099 | Hollywood Beach Hotel | | 26.01232 | -80.1161 | US | Florida | F |
| Holmes Hole | Vineyard Haven | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Holmes Hole Light | West Chop Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
20092 | Holyoke Wharf | | 43.64931 | -70.25602 | US | Maine | F |
13539 | Home Landing | | 33.66428 | -91.11344 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Honollulu Bay | Honolulu Harbor | | | US | Hawaii | A |
173 | Honolulu | | 21.30694 | -157.85833 | US | Hawaii | F |
14165 | Honolulu Bell Buoy No 10 | | 21.29943 | -157.8682 | US | Hawaii | F |
13288 | Honolulu Harbor | | 21.30678 | -157.86896 | US | Hawaii | A |
17412 | Honolulu Harbor Light | | 21.30149 | -157.86906 | US | Hawaii | L |
14164 | Honolulu Upper Range Light | | 21.30712 | -157.86525 | US | Hawaii | F |
174 | Hood Canal | | 47.56426 | -122.99682 | US | Washington | W |
17054 | Hood Canal Light 9 | | 47.80164 | -122.68219 | US | Washington | F |
19652 | Hood Point | | 47.62207 | -122.91676 | US | Washington | F |
14426 | Horseshoe Shoals Bell Buoy | | 37.02203 | -76.14901 | US | Virginia | F |
13595 | Horton Lighthouse | | 41.08514 | -72.4456 | US | New York | L |
18248 | Horton Point | | 41.08492 | -72.44784 | US | New York | F |
| Horton Point Light | Horton Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
| Hortons Point | Horton Point | | | US | New York | F |
| Hospital Island | Rainsford Island | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
18501 | Hotel Del Coronado | | 32.68079 | -117.17797 | US | California | F |
19626 | Houghton | | 47.66104 | -122.20648 | US | Washington | F |
13516 | Houmas Plantation | | 30.12381 | -90.90843 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Houmians Plantation | Houmas Plantation | | | US | Louisiana | F |
19914 | Housatonic Buoy | | 32.71373 | -79.76088 | US | South Carolina | F |
| Housatonic Wreck | Housatonic Buoy | | | US | South Carolina | F |
| Howard Street Dock | San Francisco Pier 6 | | | US | California | F |
175 | Howell Point (1) | | 38.61249 | -76.11043 | US | Maryland | F |
176 | Howell Point (2) | | 39.37219 | -76.1106 | US | Maryland | F |
| Hudson Point | Point Hudson | | | US | Washington | F |
5610 | Hudson River | | 40.69677 | -74.0282 | US | New Jersey/New York | W |
| Hueneme Light | Point Hueneme Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Hueneme Point Lighthouse | Point Hueneme Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Humboldt Light | Table Bluff Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Humboldt Lighthouse | Table Bluff Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
15684 | Hunters Point | | 37.72584 | -122.3669 | US | California | F |
177 | Hunting Island | | 32.36631 | -80.44455 | US | South Carolina | F |
7084 | Hunting Island Lighthouse | | 32.37556 | -80.43752 | US | South Carolina | L |
4381 | Huntington Beach | | 33.6603 | -117.99923 | US | California | F |
| Huntington Island | Hunting Island | | | US | South Carolina | F |
18660 | Hurricane Gulch | | 37.84893 | -122.48259 | US | California | F |
20093 | Hussey Sound | | 43.67801 | -70.17906 | US | Maine | W |
| Hussey's Sound | Hussey Sound | | | US | Maine | W |
16186 | Hylands Point | | 39.50487 | -75.927 | US | Maryland | F |
| Ida Lewis Rock Light | Lime Rock | | | US | Rhode Island | L |
| Illinois Central RR Bridge | Cairo Rail Bridge | | | US | Kentucky/Illinois | F |
5293 | Indian Point | | 47.93007 | -122.44494 | US | Washington | F |
13922 | Invincible Rock | | 37.95621 | -122.43986 | US | California | F |
17991 | Iron Bound Bay | | 33.44582 | -118.57554 | US | California | A |
178 | Irondale | | 48.04204 | -122.77267 | US | Washington | F |
13530 | Island Number 102 | | 32.51957 | -91.08898 | US | Mississippi | F |
13563 | Island Number 21 | | 35.97525 | -89.69989 | US | Tennessee | F |
5950 | Island Number 25 | | 35.8248 | -89.74258 | US | Arkansas | F |
5979 | Island Number 27 | | 35.78202 | -89.79175 | US | Tennessee | F |
13553 | Island Number 35 | | 35.51842 | -90.0137 | US | Tennessee | F |
13555 | Island Number 6 | | 36.57997 | -89.20753 | US | Kentucky | F |
13569 | Island Number 66 | | 34.16316 | -90.83677 | US | Arkansas | F |
5977 | Island Number 8 | | 36.61227 | -89.34958 | US | Kentucky | F |
13531 | Island Number 95 | | 32.73639 | -91.05589 | US | Mississippi | F |
5790 | Island of Hawai'i | | 19.54944 | -155.56229 | US | Hawaii | B |
| Island of Hawaii | Island of Hawai'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
18649 | Isle of Shoals Lighthouse | | 42.96724 | -70.62326 | US | New Hampshire | L |
16003 | Isthmus Cove | | 33.44364 | -118.49574 | US | California | A |
18531 | Jackson Barracks | | 29.95541 | -90.00855 | US | Louisiana | F |
7095 | Jacksonville | | 30.33218 | -81.65565 | US | Florida | F |
7166 | Jacksonville Standard Oil Company Dock | | 30.35917 | -81.62172 | US | Florida | F |
17618 | Jagged Island | | 47.99729 | -124.6955 | US | Washington | F |
179 | James Island (1) | | 47.90618 | -124.64744 | US | Washington | F |
16955 | James Island (2) | | 48.51259 | -122.7751 | US | Washington | F |
180 | James River | | 36.94154 | -76.44356 | US | Virginia | W |
18763 | Jameson Point | | 43.96904 | -69.34501 | US | Maine | F |
181 | Jamestown | | 41.49705 | -71.36728 | US | Rhode Island | F |
182 | Jamestown Harbor | | 41.4964 | -71.36354 | US | Rhode Island | A |
| Jefferson Point | Point Jefferson | | | US | Washington | F |
| John Begg's Rock | Begg Rock | | | US | California | F |
19641 | Johnson Point | | 47.17816 | -122.81465 | US | Washington | F |
| Johnson's Lee | Johnsons Lee | | | US | California | A |
4379 | Johnsons Lee | | 33.89973 | -120.10874 | US | California | A |
| Juan de Fuca Strait | Strait of Juan de Fuca | | | US | Washington | W |
16537 | Juanita Point | | 47.6974 | -122.22858 | US | Washington | F |
184 | Judge Rock | | 34.05 | -120.35542 | US | California | F |
10938 | Junipero Serra Peak | | 36.14568 | -121.41904 | US | California | F |
| Jupiter Inlet Light | Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
185 | Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse | | 26.94859 | -80.08195 | US | Florida | L |
| Jupiter Light | Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
5792 | Ka'ena Point | | 21.57488 | -158.2809 | US | Hawaii | F |
17411 | Ka'ena Point Lighthouse | | 21.5744 | -158.2794 | US | Hawaii | L |
5625 | Ka'ula | | 21.65404 | -160.5421 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Kaena Point | Ka'ena Point | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Kaena Point Light | Ka'ena Point Lighthouse | | | US | Hawaii | L |
186 | Kahalu'u | | 21.45759 | -157.84431 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Kahaluu | Kahalu'u | | | US | Hawaii | F |
5788 | Kaho'olawe | | 20.55 | -156.6 | US | Hawaii | B |
| Kahoolawe | Kaho'olawe | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Kahowrowee | Kaho'olawe | | | US | Hawaii | B |
17898 | Kailua Bay (1) | | 19.63676 | -155.99615 | US | Hawaii | A |
19416 | Kailua Bay (2) | | 21.41114 | -157.73516 | US | Hawaii | A |
187 | Kala Point | | 48.05704 | -122.76628 | US | Washington | F |
19415 | Kalae | | 18.91058 | -155.68074 | US | Hawaii | F |
5301 | Kalaeloa | | 21.29626 | -158.10623 | US | Hawaii | F |
15995 | Kalama | | 46.00767 | -122.84436 | US | Washington | F |
6680 | Kalama Channel | | 46.00757 | -122.85444 | US | Oregon/Washington | W |
6684 | Kalama River | | 46.03372 | -122.87039 | US | Washington | W |
| Kaloa | Koloa | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Kanlo Island | Ka'ula | | | US | Hawaii | F |
19414 | Kapoho Point | | 19.49528 | -154.81603 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Karakakua Bay | Kealakekua Bay | | | US | Hawaii | A |
5782 | Kaua'i | | 22.04942 | -159.53099 | US | Hawaii | B |
| Kauai | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Kauai Island | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Kaula Rock | Ka'ula | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Kawaihoa Point | Koko Head | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Kawi | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
14445 | Kealakekua Bay | | 19.47289 | -155.92891 | US | Hawaii | A |
| Keehoua | Lehua | | | US | Hawaii | F |
188 | Kellett Bluff | | 48.58843 | -123.20185 | US | Washington | F |
15992 | Kelley Point | | 45.65098 | -122.76298 | US | Oregon | F |
| Kenebeck River | Kennebec River | | | US | Maine | W |
4646 | Kennebec River | | 43.73508 | -69.77393 | US | Maine | W |
7057 | Kent Island | | 38.94872 | -76.31495 | US | Maryland | B |
4485 | Key West | | 24.55459 | -81.79148 | US | Florida | L |
13495 | Key West Entrance Buoy | | 24.45719 | -81.79989 | US | Florida | F |
13499 | Key West Government Dock | | 24.55879 | -81.80826 | US | Florida | F |
13652 | Key West Lighthouse | | 24.55059 | -81.80087 | US | Florida | L |
| Key West Main Channel | Key West Main Ship Channel | | | US | Florida | W |
7204 | Key West Main Ship Channel | | 24.52765 | -81.81454 | US | Florida | W |
19665 | Keyport Naval Undersea Warfare Center | | 47.70049 | -122.62106 | US | Washington | F |
| Keyport US Naval Torpedo Station | Keyport Naval Undersea Warfare Center | | | US | Washington | F |
17720 | King Peak | | 40.15681 | -124.12421 | US | California | F |
19648 | King Spit | | 47.72008 | -122.74962 | US | Washington | F |
| King Street Coal Wharf | Seattle Pier 46 | | | US | Washington | F |
9769 | Kingston | | 47.7985 | -122.49806 | US | Washington | F |
17158 | Kingston Degaussing Range | | 47.75107 | -122.4602 | US | Washington | A |
19607 | Kittery Point | | 43.07897 | -70.71496 | US | Maine | F |
16001 | Knapp Landing | | 45.73812 | -122.75471 | US | Washington | F |
3937 | Koitlah Point | | 48.38812 | -124.63607 | US | Washington | F |
5627 | Koko Head | | 21.26015 | -157.69993 | US | Hawaii | F |
19412 | Koloa | | 21.90365 | -159.46663 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Koruai | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Kowi | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
19767 | Kure Atoll | | 28.41862 | -178.32549 | US | Hawaii | F |
6317 | Kydaka Point | | 48.28758 | -124.3605 | US | Washington | F |
4382 | La Jolla | | 32.84727 | -117.2742 | US | California | F |
6323 | La Playa | | 32.71227 | -117.24531 | US | California | F |
17217 | La Playa Bar | | 32.71326 | -117.22744 | US | California | F |
| Lady's Point | Whitehall Point | | | US | South Carolina | F |
4384 | Laguna Beach | | 33.54225 | -117.78311 | US | California | F |
19761 | Lahaina | | 20.87526 | -156.67982 | US | Hawaii | F |
7091 | Lake Mabel | | 26.09306 | -80.11667 | US | Florida | W |
13576 | Lake Providence (town) | | 32.80499 | -91.17098 | US | Louisiana | F |
5993 | Lake Union | | 47.64082 | -122.33465 | US | Washington | A |
| Lake Union Dry Dock and Machine Company | Lake Union Dry Dock Company | | | US | Washington | F |
5994 | Lake Union Dry Dock Company | | 47.63364 | -122.32882 | US | Washington | F |
17312 | Lake Washington | | 47.62663 | -122.26064 | US | Washington | W |
5992 | Lake Washington Ship Canal | | 47.65601 | -122.36714 | US | Washington | W |
7066 | Lake Worth Inlet | | 26.77229 | -80.03726 | US | Florida | W |
| Lambert's Point | Lamberts Point | | | US | Virginia | F |
4487 | Lamberts Point | | 36.87543 | -76.32744 | US | Virginia | F |
5786 | Lana'i | | 20.84341 | -156.92253 | US | Hawaii | B |
| Lanai | Lana'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
189 | Lawrence Point | | 48.66065 | -122.74205 | US | Washington | F |
190 | Lawson Reef | | 48.40245 | -122.71336 | US | Washington | F |
20081 | Lawson Reef Buoy | | 48.40077 | -122.7163 | US | Washington | F |
3561 | Laysan Island | | 25.77083 | -171.7375 | US | Hawaii | F |
19844 | League Island | | 39.88946 | -75.18095 | US | Pennsylvania | F |
7155 | Legare Anchorage | | 25.48261 | -80.13171 | US | Florida | A |
5784 | Lehua | | 22.01949 | -160.09629 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Lenua Island | Lehua | | | US | Hawaii | F |
13534 | Leota (town) | | 33.10457 | -91.07635 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Leota City | Leota (town) | | | US | Mississippi | F |
18251 | Lewes Life Saving Station | | 38.78093 | -75.1204 | US | Delaware | F |
| Libbey Islands | Libby Islands | | | US | Maine | F |
| Libby Island | Libby Islands | | | US | Maine | F |
19049 | Libby Islands | | 44.57478 | -67.36052 | US | Maine | F |
18628 | Liberty Island | | 40.68995 | -74.04526 | US | New York | F |
7232 | Lime Kiln Lighthouse | | 48.51587 | -123.15258 | US | Washington | L |
7231 | Lime Kiln Point | | 48.51576 | -123.15261 | US | Washington | F |
191 | Lime Point | | 37.82576 | -122.47914 | US | California | F |
11420 | Lime Point Lighthouse | | 37.82546 | -122.47832 | US | California | L |
4597 | Lime Rock | | 41.47732 | -71.32575 | US | Rhode Island | L |
17994 | Lion Head | | 33.45307 | -118.50156 | US | California | F |
3889 | Lion Rock | | 35.21775 | -120.87268 | US | California | F |
17245 | Liplip Point | | 48.01735 | -122.67044 | US | Washington | F |
6615 | Lisianski Island | | 26.06403 | -173.96559 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Lisiansky Island | Lisianski Island | | | US | Hawaii | F |
19890 | Liston Point | | 39.41698 | -75.54096 | US | Delaware | F |
| Listons Point | Liston Point | | | US | Delaware | F |
16196 | Little Creek | | 36.92977 | -76.1774 | US | Virginia | W |
20684 | Little Cumberland Island Lighthouse | | 30.97619 | -81.41309 | US | Georgia | L |
13421 | Little Duck Island | | 44.17419 | -68.24469 | US | Maine | F |
3932 | Little Egg Harbor Light | | 39.50695 | -74.30028 | US | New Jersey | L |
13394 | Little Gull Island Light | | 41.20639 | -72.10672 | US | New York | L |
| Little Gull Light | Little Gull Island Light | | | US | New York | L |
20671 | Little Ogeechee River | | 31.85308 | -81.02097 | US | Georgia | W |
20399 | Little River | | 33.85389 | -78.54931 | US | South Carolina | W |
| Little Warsaw Island | Little Wassaw Island | | | US | Georgia | F |
20667 | Little Wassaw Island | | 31.88516 | -81.02397 | US | Georgia | F |
4218 | Live Oak | | 29.75493 | -90.02868 | US | Louisiana | F |
4531 | Lloyd Point | | 40.94621 | -73.4854 | US | New York | F |
| Lloyds Point | Lloyd Point | | | US | New York | F |
17051 | Lofall | | 47.81192 | -122.65841 | US | Washington | F |
13587 | Loggerhead Buoy | | 24.60858 | -82.96054 | US | Florida | F |
3982 | Loggerhead Key | | 24.63294 | -82.92085 | US | Florida | F |
| Loggerhead Key Lighthouse | Dry Tortugas Light | | | US | Florida | L |
| Loggerhead Light | Dry Tortugas Light | | | US | Florida | L |
| Loma Light | Point Loma Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Loma Point | Point Loma | | | US | California | F |
| Loma Point Light | Point Loma Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
17228 | Lompoc Landing | | 34.73284 | -120.61508 | US | California | F |
| Lone Point | Long Point | | | US | California | F |
192 | Long Beach | | 33.76696 | -118.18923 | US | California | F |
17149 | Long Beach Breakwater East End Light | | 33.72319 | -118.13703 | US | California | L |
| Long Beach Breakwater West End Light | Long Beach Light | | | US | California | L |
4349 | Long Beach Channel | | 33.74002 | -118.20924 | US | California | W |
17147 | Long Beach Channel Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy | | 33.68997 | -118.18361 | US | California | F |
17150 | Long Beach Inner Breakwater Light | | 33.72323 | -118.18681 | US | California | L |
17151 | Long Beach Light | | 33.72322 | -118.18056 | US | California | L |
17146 | Long Beach Measured Mile | | 33.7232 | -118.15578 | US | California | F |
19601 | Long Beach Mooring Buoy 3 | | 33.7453 | -118.2278 | US | California | F |
9847 | Long Beach Naval Shipyard | | 33.75683 | -118.23454 | US | California | F |
17697 | Long Beach Naval Shipyard Pier 6 | | 33.75196 | -118.23563 | US | California | F |
19603 | Long Beach Pier 12 | | 33.74321 | -118.23319 | US | California | F |
17698 | Long Beach Sea Buoy | | 33.7114 | -118.1833 | US | California | F |
13409 | Long Island (1) | | 40.81677 | -73.06622 | US | New York | B |
18413 | Long Island (2) | | 42.32089 | -70.96576 | US | Massachusetts | F |
20094 | Long Island (3) | | 43.69298 | -70.15218 | US | Maine | F |
20582 | Long Island Head | | 42.33116 | -70.9561 | US | Massachusetts | F |
20583 | Long Island Head Light | | 42.33024 | -70.95768 | US | Massachusetts | L |
20581 | Long Island Hotel | | 42.32399 | -70.96417 | US | Massachusetts | F |
4532 | Long Island Sound | | 41.09694 | -72.87966 | US | Connecticut/New York | W |
4500 | Long Point | | 33.40642 | -118.36646 | US | California | F |
19039 | Long Point Light | | 42.03313 | -70.16865 | US | Massachusetts | L |
19054 | Long Porcupine Island | | 44.40652 | -68.16277 | US | Maine | F |
| Long Sand Shoal Lightship | Cornfield Point Lightship | | | US | Connecticut | LS |
18274 | Lookout Breakers | | 34.53328 | -76.50692 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Lookout Creek | Station Creek | | | US | South Carolina | W |
| Lookout Shoals | Cape Lookout Shoals | | | US | North Carolina | F |
7159 | Lopez Island | | 48.47871 | -122.89296 | US | Washington | B |
17243 | Lopez Pass | | 48.4801 | -122.82073 | US | Washington | W |
17244 | Lopez Pass Light 2 | | 48.48116 | -122.81824 | US | Washington | L |
14933 | Lopez Rock | | 36.02628 | -121.58041 | US | California | F |
17148 | Los Angeles Explosive Anchorage | | 33.71804 | -118.15868 | US | California | A |
17152 | Los Angeles Explosives Anchorage | | 33.7144 | -118.2436 | US | California | A |
17153 | Los Angeles Explosives Anchorage Number 1 | | 33.7267 | -118.2069 | US | California | A |
17154 | Los Angeles Explosives Anchorage Number 2 | | 33.7272 | -118.1725 | US | California | A |
| Los Angeles Harbor | Los Angeles Outer Harbor | | | US | California | A |
| Los Angeles Harbor Light | Angels Gate Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Los Angeles Light | Angels Gate Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
6321 | Los Angeles Outer Harbor | | 33.71185 | -118.26782 | US | California | A |
| Los Farallones | Farallon Islands | | | US | California | F |
193 | Low Point | | 48.1612 | -123.82687 | US | Washington | F |
18755 | Lower Cedar Point | | 38.34251 | -76.97787 | US | Maryland | F |
14437 | Lower Entrance Kettle Bottom Shoal | | 38.2389 | -76.8472 | US | Maryland | W |
| Lower Farallone | Southeast Farallon | | | US | California | F |
13665 | Lower New York Bay | | 40.51677 | -74.04958 | US | New York | W |
| Lower Quarantine Island | Swinburne Island | | | US | New York | F |
194 | Lummi Point | | 48.734 | -122.68879 | US | Washington | F |
| Lynde Point Light | Saybrook Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Lynhaven Bay | Lynnhaven Roads | | | US | Virginia | A |
| Lynn Haven Bay | Lynnhaven Roads | | | US | Virginia | A |
| Lynn Roads | Lynnhaven Roads | | | US | Virginia | A |
| Lynnhaven Bay | Lynnhaven Roads | | | US | Virginia | A |
195 | Lynnhaven Roads | | 36.92189 | -76.08954 | US | Virginia | A |
196 | Lynnhaven Shores | | 36.9107 | -76.0816 | US | Virginia | F |
| Lyon Dupuy Wharf | Carltons Wharf | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
19048 | Machias Seal Island Light | | 44.5019 | -67.10186 | US | Maine | L |
17305 | Mack Arch | | 42.22817 | -124.40937 | US | California | F |
| Macks Arch | Mack Arch | | | US | California | F |
7183 | Main Channel (1) | | 25.77565 | -80.16227 | US | Florida | W |
7191 | Main Channel (2) | | 30.21469 | -88.0395 | US | Alabama | W |
| Main Ship Channel (1) | Main Channel | | | US | Alabama | W |
| Main Ship Channel (2) | Sandy Hook Channel | | | US | New Jersey | W |
17213 | Main Street Wharf | | 37.78603 | -122.38704 | US | California | F |
19763 | Makahoa Point | | 22.21404 | -159.51688 | US | Hawaii | F |
5628 | Makapu'u Point | | 21.3108 | -157.64918 | US | Hawaii | L |
| Makapuu Point | Makapu'u Point | | | US | Hawaii | L |
19764 | Makena Bay | | 20.65296 | -156.44203 | US | Hawaii | A |
197 | Manasquan Inlet | | 40.10206 | -74.03319 | US | New Jersey | W |
9764 | Manchester | | 47.55566 | -122.54507 | US | Washington | F |
17134 | Manchester Naval Station Fuel Depot | | 47.56361 | -122.53722 | US | Washington | F |
20097 | Marblehead Light | | 42.50544 | -70.83369 | US | Massachusetts | L |
14170 | Mare Island | | 38.09548 | -122.27247 | US | California | F |
18563 | Mare Island Buoy No 1 | | 38.09582 | -122.26207 | US | California | F |
17299 | Mare Island Buoy No 2 | | 38.09998 | -122.26665 | US | California | F |
17237 | Mare Island Buoy No 3 | | 38.1026 | -122.26888 | US | California | F |
14172 | Mare Island Buoy No 4 | | 38.10524 | -122.27127 | US | California | F |
18575 | Mare Island Coal Sheds | | 38.1013 | -122.26956 | US | California | F |
17193 | Mare Island Ferry Slip | | 38.09976 | -122.2684 | US | California | F |
| Mare Island Naval Anchorage | San Pablo Bay Anchorage No. 21 | | | US | California | A |
198 | Mare Island Navy Yard | | 38.0988 | -122.27272 | US | California | F |
14234 | Mare Island Observatory | | 38.10042 | -122.27167 | US | California | F |
17205 | Mare Island Pier 21 | | 38.08893 | -122.25926 | US | California | F |
17204 | Mare Island Pier 22 | | 38.08821 | -122.25848 | US | California | F |
17206 | Mare Island Pier 23 | | 38.0875 | -122.2577 | US | California | F |
| Mare Island Steam Building | Mare Island Steam Engineering Building | | | US | California | F |
14235 | Mare Island Steam Engineering Building | | 38.1046 | -122.27373 | US | California | F |
17192 | Mare Island Stone Drydock | | 38.09868 | -122.26822 | US | California | F |
3893 | Mare Island Strait | | 38.09964 | -122.2658 | US | California | W |
| Mare Island Straits | Mare Island Strait | | | US | California | W |
17194 | Mare Island US Naval Hospital | | 38.08824 | -122.26516 | US | California | F |
13526 | Marengo Bend | | 31.63266 | -91.49458 | US | Mississippi | W |
15722 | Market Street Terminal | | 37.79521 | -122.28497 | US | California | F |
3560 | Maro Reef | | 25.41667 | -170.58333 | US | Hawaii | F |
3980 | Marquesas Keys | | 24.58397 | -82.11405 | US | Florida | F |
13500 | Marquesas Rock | | 24.45867 | -82.20622 | US | Florida | F |
| Marquitis Rock | Marquesas Rock | | | US | Florida | F |
| Marrow Stone Point | Marrowstone Point | | | US | Washington | F |
5164 | Marrowstone (town) | | 48.05315 | -122.68933 | US | Washington | F |
| Marrowstone Lighthouse | Marrowstone Point Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
199 | Marrowstone Point | | 48.1013 | -122.68692 | US | Washington | F |
| Marrowstone Point Light | Marrowstone Point Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
13291 | Marrowstone Point Lighthouse | | 48.10151 | -122.68789 | US | Washington | L |
| Martia Island | Matia Island | | | US | Washington | F |
7085 | Martins Industry Shoal | | 32.1091 | -80.57205 | US | South Carolina | F |
18276 | Martins Industry Shoal Lightship | | 32.0907 | -80.5542 | US | South Carolina | LS |
20623 | Mason Inlet | | 34.24284 | -77.76975 | US | North Carolina | W |
20100 | Masonboro Inlet | | 34.18384 | -77.81375 | US | North Carolina | W |
| Massachusetts Bay Lightship | Boston Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
4524 | Massachusetts State House | | 42.35874 | -71.06401 | US | Massachusetts | F |
5154 | Matia Island | | 48.74677 | -122.83769 | US | Washington | F |
| Matinicas Rock Light | Matinicus Rock Light | | | US | Maine | L |
4601 | Matinicus Rock | | 43.78548 | -68.85397 | US | Maine | F |
13420 | Matinicus Rock Light | | 43.7836 | -68.85488 | US | Maine | L |
5787 | Maui | | 20.77024 | -156.26816 | US | Hawaii | B |
14444 | Mauna Loa | | 19.47217 | -155.59221 | US | Hawaii | F |
200 | Maury Island | | 47.37704 | -122.42985 | US | Washington | F |
201 | McCrie Shoal | | 38.85122 | -74.88267 | US | New Jersey | F |
202 | McCurdy Point | | 48.13648 | -122.83739 | US | Washington | F |
| McHenry Channel | Fort McHenry Channel | | | US | Maryland | W |
12258 | Meiggs Wharf | | 37.80903 | -122.4126 | US | California | F |
203 | Melville | | 41.58705 | -71.28338 | US | Rhode Island | F |
5907 | Memphis | | 35.14953 | -90.04898 | US | Tennessee | F |
| Memphis Bridge | Frisco Bridge | | | US | Arkansas/Tennessee | F |
14231 | Mendocino (town) | | 39.3075 | -123.79889 | US | California | F |
| Mendocino City | Mendocino (town) | | | US | California | F |
| Mendocino Light | Cape Mendocino Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
204 | Menemsha Bight | | 41.35289 | -70.77864 | US | Massachusetts | W |
7165 | Merrill-Stevens Drydock | | 30.32294 | -81.65036 | US | Florida | F |
18270 | Metompkin Inlet Life Saving Station | | 37.69484 | -75.58087 | US | Virginia | F |
13568 | Mhoon Landing | | 34.74054 | -90.44448 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Mhoon's Landing | Mhoon Landing | | | US | Mississippi | F |
205 | Miah Maull Shoals | | 39.11261 | -75.19269 | US | New Jersey | L |
206 | Miami | | 25.77427 | -80.19366 | US | Florida | F |
7208 | Miami Beach | | 25.79065 | -80.13005 | US | Florida | F |
7107 | Miami Beach District Court | | 25.78262 | -80.13265 | US | Florida | F |
| Miami Channel | Main Channel | | | US | Florida | W |
| Miami Courthouse | Miami Beach District Court | | | US | Florida | F |
7170 | Miami Harbor | | 25.78364 | -80.18251 | US | Florida | A |
207 | Miantonomi Hill | | 41.51038 | -71.31116 | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Miantonomy Hill | Miantonomi Hill | | | US | Rhode Island | F |
7192 | Middle Bay Light | | 30.43828 | -88.01124 | US | Alabama | L |
14167 | Middle Farallon | | 37.72764 | -123.03221 | US | California | F |
| Middle Farallone | Middle Farallon | | | US | California | F |
7345 | Middle Ground (1) | | 37.03626 | -76.04215 | US | Virginia | F |
| Middle Ground (2) | Stratford Shoal | | | US | Connecticut | F |
14424 | Middle Ground Buoy C1 | | 37.07055 | -75.99483 | US | Virginia | F |
| Middle Ground Light | Stratford Shoal Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Middle Ground Lighthouse | Stratford Shoal Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Middle Ground Shoal | Middle Ground | | | US | Virginia | F |
| Middle Point (1) | McCurdy Point | | | US | Washington | F |
17836 | Middle Point (2) | | 47.57734 | -122.54402 | US | Washington | F |
208 | Mile Rock | | 37.79272 | -122.51042 | US | California | L |
19762 | Millet Island | | 23.82464 | -166.22477 | US | Hawaii | F |
13577 | Millikens Bend | | 32.47954 | -91.11065 | US | Louisiana/Mississippi | W |
| Millikins Bend | Millikens Bend | | | US | Louisiana/Mississippi | W |
7071 | Millstone Landing | | 38.29179 | -76.44245 | US | Maryland | F |
209 | Minor Island | | 48.32427 | -122.8199 | US | Washington | F |
| Minot's Ledge | Minots Ledge | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
4489 | Minots Ledge | | 42.26929 | -70.75981 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13602 | Minots Ledge Light | | 42.26971 | -70.75908 | US | Massachusetts | L |
19650 | Misery Point | | 47.65488 | -122.82863 | US | Washington | F |
11419 | Mission Rock | | 37.77366 | -122.38254 | US | California | F |
17223 | Mission Santa Barbara | | 34.43832 | -119.71402 | US | California | F |
| Mission Street Wharf | Mission Wharf | | | US | California | F |
18566 | Mission Wharf | | 37.79367 | -122.39267 | US | California | F |
13511 | Mississippi Old Quarantine Station | | 29.36713 | -89.52697 | US | Louisiana | F |
13505 | Mississippi Pilot Station | | 29.1792 | -89.25742 | US | Louisiana | F |
13506 | Mississippi Quarantine Station | | 29.20643 | -89.27422 | US | Louisiana | F |
7120 | Mobile | | 30.69436 | -88.04305 | US | Alabama | F |
7190 | Mobile Bay | | 30.46813 | -87.98684 | US | Alabama | W |
| Mobile Bay Light | Middle Bay Light | | | US | Alabama | L |
| Mobile Bay Outer Buoy | Mobile Bay Whistle Buoy | | | US | Alabama | F |
20910 | Mobile Bay Whistle Buoy | | 30.14686 | -88.03654 | US | Alabama | F |
20646 | Mobile Point | | 30.22371 | -88.02555 | US | Alabama | F |
7194 | Mobile River | | 30.65979 | -88.03073 | US | Alabama | W |
20058 | Mobjack Bay | | 37.32337 | -76.35123 | US | Virginia | W |
| Mokapuu Point | Makapu'u Point | | | US | Hawaii | L |
210 | Molasses Reef | | 25.01236 | -80.37517 | US | Florida | L |
| Mollasses Reef | Molasses Reef | | | US | Florida | L |
5785 | Moloka'i | | 21.13831 | -157.01248 | US | Hawaii | B |
| Molokai | Moloka'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Molokii | Moloka'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
5789 | Molokini | | 20.63092 | -156.49544 | US | Hawaii | F |
4600 | Monhegan Island | | 43.76533 | -69.31369 | US | Maine | L |
| Monhegan Island Whistle Buoy | Duck Rocks Lighted Bell Buoy 5 | | | US | Maine | F |
| Montara Point | Point Montara | | | US | California | F |
| Montaug | Montauk | | | US | New York | B |
5511 | Montauk | | 41.04725 | -71.94603 | US | New York | B |
5510 | Montauk (town) | | 41.03594 | -71.95451 | US | New York | F |
| Montauk Light | Montauk Point Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
| Montauk Lighthouse | Montauk Point Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
211 | Montauk Point | | 41.07102 | -71.85622 | US | New York | F |
| Montauk Point Light | Montauk Point Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
13402 | Montauk Point Lighthouse | | 41.07096 | -71.8571 | US | New York | L |
212 | Monterey | | 36.60024 | -121.89468 | US | California | F |
213 | Monterey Bay | | 36.79996 | -121.90107 | US | California | W |
17713 | Monterey Fishermans Wharf | | 36.60461 | -121.89262 | US | California | F |
17715 | Monterey Fort | | 36.60672 | -121.90011 | US | California | F |
| Monterey Pier | Monterey Fishermans Wharf | | | US | California | F |
| Monterey Wharf | Monterey Fishermans Wharf | | | US | California | F |
13545 | Montezuma Bend | | 34.42199 | -90.58245 | US | Arkansas | W |
13888 | Moore and Scott Shipyard | | 37.797 | -122.28951 | US | California | F |
4522 | Moore's Landing | | 36.94974 | -122.0582 | US | California | F |
| Moore's Ship Yard | Moore and Scott Shipyard | | | US | California | F |
| Moreville Landing | Morville Landing | | | US | Louisiana | F |
| Morgan Bend | Morgans Bend | | | US | Louisiana | W |
16945 | Morgan Channel Light 42 | | 45.65754 | -122.76699 | US | Oregon | L |
13583 | Morgans Bend | | 30.74753 | -91.59086 | US | Louisiana | W |
14222 | Mormon Island | | 33.75974 | -118.26424 | US | California | F |
| Morokinne | Molokini | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Morokinnee | Molokini | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Morokoi | Moloka'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Morotinnee | Molokini | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Morotoi | Moloka'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Morris Island Lighthouse | Charleston Lighthouse | | | US | South Carolina | L |
| Morris Listons Landing | Liston Point | | | US | Delaware | F |
6677 | Morrison Bridge | | 45.51762 | -122.66898 | US | Oregon | F |
17225 | Morro Rock | | 35.36942 | -120.86768 | US | California | F |
13525 | Morville Landing | | 31.46441 | -91.52359 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Mosquito Inlet Lighthouse | Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
17047 | Moss Bay | | 47.6728 | -122.20801 | US | Washington | A |
4507 | Moss Landing | | 36.8044 | -121.7869 | US | California | F |
19848 | Mound Battery | | 33.96901 | -77.91853 | US | North Carolina | F |
3989 | Mount Coffin | | 46.12807 | -122.98784 | US | Washington | F |
13612 | Mount Desert Light | | 43.96861 | -68.12834 | US | Maine | L |
4604 | Mount Desert Rock | | 43.9687 | -68.12778 | US | Maine | F |
| Mount Desert Rock Light | Mount Desert Light | | | US | Maine | L |
214 | Mount Hope Bay | | 41.68344 | -71.21616 | US | Massachusetts | A |
215 | Mount Hope Bridge | | 41.63955 | -71.25755 | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Mount Lucia | Junipero Serra Peak | | | US | California | F |
18572 | Mount Orizaba | | 33.37692 | -118.41833 | US | California | F |
| Mount Tamalpais | Mount Tamalpais East Peak | | | US | California | F |
20861 | Mount Tamalpais East Peak | | 37.929 | -122.57781 | US | California | F |
20863 | Mount Tamalpais Middle Peak | | 37.92724 | -122.58854 | US | California | F |
20862 | Mount Tamalpais West Peak | | 37.92374 | -122.59626 | US | California | F |
14436 | Mount Vernon (town) | | 38.71412 | -77.10082 | US | Virginia | F |
| Mowee | Maui | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Muna Loa Waii | Mauna Loa | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Municipal Landing | Municipal Pier | | | US | Florida | F |
7147 | Municipal Pier | | 30.32401 | -81.65504 | US | Florida | F |
20407 | Murrells Inlet | | 33.52917 | -79.03246 | US | South Carolina | W |
18769 | Muscle Ridge Channel | | 44.00949 | -69.09324 | US | Maine | W |
| Mussel Point | Point Cabrillo | | | US | California | F |
19628 | Mutiny Bay | | 47.99545 | -122.55702 | US | Washington | A |
4221 | Myrtle Grove | | 29.63744 | -89.94924 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Nahant Rock | Egg Rock | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
13598 | Nantucket Harbor | | 41.30429 | -70.04529 | US | Massachusetts | A |
20849 | Nantucket Island | | 41.27363 | -70.04325 | US | Massachusetts | B |
| Nantucket Light Vessel | Nantucket Shoals Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13413 | Nantucket Shoals | | 41.06917 | -69.67983 | US | Massachusetts | F |
10675 | Nantucket Shoals Lightship | | 40.55071 | -69.46617 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
| Napa Creek | Napa River | | | US | California | W |
14171 | Napa River | | 38.0745 | -122.24446 | US | California | W |
216 | Narragansett Bay | | 41.57025 | -71.33423 | US | Rhode Island | W |
217 | Nashawena Island | | 41.42928 | -70.87448 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13579 | Natchez | | 31.56017 | -91.40329 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Naucet Beacons | Nauset Beach Lighthouse | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
4525 | Nauset Beach Lighthouse | | 41.86015 | -69.95296 | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Nauset Beacons | Nauset Beach Lighthouse | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Nauset Light | Nauset Beach Lighthouse | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Nausett Light | Nauset Beach Lighthouse | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
218 | Naushon Island | | 41.48344 | -70.75781 | US | Massachusetts | F |
6322 | Naval Air Station North Island | | 32.69922 | -117.21531 | US | California | F |
| Naval Air Station San Diego | Naval Air Station North Island | | | US | California | F |
15693 | Naval Anchorage San Francisco Bay | | 37.79 | -122.37 | US | California | A |
17070 | Naval Magazine Indian Island | | 48.05729 | -122.73421 | US | Washington | F |
| Navesink Light | Navesink Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
219 | Navesink Lighthouse | | 40.39601 | -73.98548 | US | New Jersey | L |
| Navesink Lights | Navesink Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
| Navesink North Tower | Highlands Light | | | US | New Jersey | L |
| Navesnik | Navesink Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
| Navy Yard Puget Sound | Puget Sound Naval Shipyard | | | US | Washington | F |
221 | Neah Bay | | 48.37785 | -124.6144 | US | Washington | A |
14102 | Neah Bay Buoy | | 48.39288 | -124.60767 | US | Washington | F |
| Neah Bay Buoy N2 | Neah Bay Light 4 | | | US | Washington | F |
19623 | Neah Bay Entrance Lighted Bell Buoy 1 | | 48.37685 | -124.58773 | US | Washington | F |
19624 | Neah Bay Light 4 | | 48.37488 | -124.60036 | US | Washington | F |
| Neah Island Buoy | Neah Bay Buoy | | | US | Washington | F |
| Nee-ah Bay | Neah Bay | | | US | Washington | A |
| Nee-ah Bay Light | Waadah Island Light | | | US | Washington | L |
| Neeah Bay | Neah Bay | | | US | Washington | A |
6310 | Needle Rock | | 42.44826 | -124.48353 | US | Oregon | F |
| Neeheehow | Ni'ihau | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Nehow Island | Ni'ihau | | | US | Hawaii | B |
4517 | Neponset | | 36.72857 | -121.78439 | US | California | F |
13943 | New Bedford | | 41.63526 | -70.92701 | US | Massachusetts | F |
19045 | New Castle (1) | | 43.07229 | -70.71718 | US | New Hampshire | F |
19925 | New Castle (2) | | 39.65948 | -75.56359 | US | Delaware | F |
18254 | New Currituck Inlet | | 36.45518 | -75.85557 | US | North Carolina | W |
| New Dungeness Light | New Dungeness Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
222 | New Dungeness Lighthouse | | 48.18175 | -123.11029 | US | Washington | L |
| New Dungeness Sand Spit Lighted Buoy | New Dungeness Sand Spit Lighted Buoy 2 | | | US | Washington | F |
17242 | New Dungeness Sand Spit Lighted Buoy 2 | | 48.1925 | -123.09411 | US | Washington | F |
| New Haven Lighthouse (1) | Southwest Ledge Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
4594 | New Haven Lighthouse (2) | | 41.22126 | -72.94229 | US | Connecticut | L |
19850 | New Inlet | | 33.95824 | -77.92456 | US | North Carolina | W |
4540 | New London | | 41.35565 | -72.09952 | US | Connecticut | F |
13384 | New London Harbor | | 41.33423 | -72.08663 | US | Connecticut | A |
4536 | New London Harbor Lighthouse | | 41.31663 | -72.08974 | US | Connecticut | L |
13385 | New London Inner Harbor | | 41.37986 | -72.09232 | US | Connecticut | A |
4537 | New London Ledge Lighthouse | | 41.30587 | -72.07745 | US | Connecticut | L |
| New London Light | New London Harbor Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| New London Lighthouse | New London Harbor Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| New London Outer Harbor | New London Harbor | | | US | Connecticut | A |
5978 | New Madrid | | 36.58645 | -89.52785 | US | Missouri | F |
7326 | New Orleans | | 29.95465 | -90.07507 | US | Louisiana | F |
13512 | New Orleans Canal Street Ferry | | 29.94995 | -90.06223 | US | Louisiana | F |
223 | New Point Comfort | | 37.30208 | -76.27744 | US | Virginia | L |
7133 | New River Jetty Light | | 26.10999 | -80.10393 | US | Florida | L |
224 | New Whatcom | | 48.75264 | -122.481 | US | Washington | F |
| New Whatcom Coal Dock | Blue Canyon Coal Company's dock | | | US | Washington | F |
| New York | New York City | | | US | New York | F |
19059 | New York 50th Street Dock | | 40.76655 | -73.99751 | US | New York | F |
| New York Bay | Upper New York Bay | | | US | New York | A |
225 | New York City | | 40.71427 | -74.00597 | US | New York | F |
18241 | New York Dry Dock Number 1 | | 40.70133 | -73.97607 | US | New York | A |
18632 | New York East 125th Street Dock | | 40.80159 | -73.93068 | US | New York | F |
18240 | New York East 26th Street Dock | | 40.73789 | -73.97497 | US | New York | F |
18239 | New York East 30th Street Dock | | 40.74085 | -73.97439 | US | New York | F |
18238 | New York East 31st Street Dock | | 40.74149 | -73.97397 | US | New York | F |
| New York Harbor | Upper New York Bay | | | US | New York | A |
220 | New York Naval Shipyard | | 40.70049 | -73.97402 | US | New York | F |
| New York North River 27th Street Dock | New York West 27th Street Dock | | | US | New York | F |
18246 | New York Stone Drydock | | 40.70043 | -73.97508 | US | New York | A |
18630 | New York West 27th Street Dock | | 40.75216 | -74.00773 | US | New York | F |
20234 | New York West 42nd Street Dock | | 40.76225 | -74.00179 | US | New York | F |
20402 | New York Whistling Buoy | | 40.4839 | -73.9183 | US | New Jersey | F |
| Newcastle (1) | New Castle | | | US | New Hampshire | F |
| Newcastle (2) | New Castle | | | US | Delaware | F |
226 | Newport | | 41.4901 | -71.31283 | US | Rhode Island | F |
17155 | Newport Bay West Jetty Light | | 33.58834 | -117.87958 | US | California | L |
19843 | Newport Harbor | | 41.48311 | -71.32262 | US | Rhode Island | A |
13397 | Newport Harbor Light | | 41.49332 | -71.32705 | US | Rhode Island | L |
227 | Newport Memorial Tower | | 41.51104 | -71.31003 | US | Rhode Island | F |
19909 | Newport News | | 36.98038 | -76.42975 | US | Virginia | F |
14423 | Newport News Channel | | 36.95654 | -76.38272 | US | Virginia | W |
19910 | Newport News Point | | 36.96262 | -76.41135 | US | Virginia | F |
1786 | Newport Pier | | 33.60669 | -117.93034 | US | California | F |
13398 | Newport Torpedo Station | | 41.4876 | -71.32684 | US | Rhode Island | F |
5626 | Ni'ihau | | 21.90667 | -160.14917 | US | Hawaii | B |
8049 | Nihoa | | 23.06092 | -161.9214 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Niihau | Ni'ihau | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Niihau Island | Ni'ihau | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Nine Mile Bank | Coronado Bank | | | US | California | F |
19645 | Nisqually Reach | | 47.14565 | -122.76402 | US | Washington | W |
| Nix's Mate | Nixes Mate | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
13603 | Nixes Mate | | 42.3315 | -70.9442 | US | Massachusetts | F |
18776 | Nobska Light | | 41.51579 | -70.65512 | US | Massachusetts | L |
18782 | Nobska Point | | 41.72818 | -70.72122 | US | Massachusetts | F |
6816 | Nodule Point | | 48.03231 | -122.66933 | US | Washington | F |
18627 | Nomans Land | | 41.25638 | -70.81418 | US | Massachusetts | F |
228 | Norfolk | | 36.84681 | -76.28522 | US | Virginia | F |
13655 | Norfolk City Hall | | 36.84739 | -76.28862 | US | Virginia | F |
| Norfolk Naval Hospital | Portsmouth Naval Medical Center | | | US | Virginia | F |
13656 | Norfolk Naval Hospital Wharf | | 36.84758 | -76.30222 | US | Virginia | F |
13653 | Norfolk Naval Shipyard | | 36.81531 | -76.29912 | US | Virginia | F |
| Norfolk Navy Yard | Norfolk Naval Shipyard | | | US | Virginia | F |
20288 | Norfolk Quaratine Station (historical) | | 36.87277 | -76.323 | US | Virginia | F |
| Normans Woe | Normans Woe Rock | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
13617 | Normans Woe Rock | | 42.57992 | -70.69311 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| North Channel | Bonita Channel | | | US | California | W |
4535 | North Dumpling | | 41.28791 | -72.01897 | US | New York | F |
13379 | North Dumpling Light | | 41.28787 | -72.01928 | US | New York | L |
| North East End Five Fathom Lightship | Five Fathom Bank Northeast Buoy | | | US | New Jersey | LS |
| North East End Lightship | Five Fathom Bank Northeast Buoy | | | US | New Jersey | LS |
19917 | North Edisto River | | 32.56034 | -80.18619 | US | South Carolina | W |
17717 | North Farallon | | 37.77178 | -123.10702 | US | California | F |
| North Farallone | North Farallon | | | US | California | F |
229 | North Head | | 46.29881 | -124.079 | US | Washington | F |
14177 | North Head Lighthouse (1) | | 46.2989 | -124.078 | US | Washington | L |
16925 | North Head Lighthouse (2) | | 33.03052 | -118.59626 | US | California | L |
17216 | North Island | | 32.69727 | -117.1992 | US | California | F |
| North Passage | Bonita Channel | | | US | California | W |
5155 | North Peapod | | 48.64205 | -122.74601 | US | Washington | F |
20005 | North Point | | 37.80769 | -122.40709 | US | California | F |
| North River | Hudson River | | | US | New Jersey/New York | W |
16004 | North West Seal Rock | | 41.83716 | -124.37528 | US | California | F |
19670 | Northern Pacific Railway Bridge | | 47.65642 | -122.36755 | US | Washington | F |
7209 | Northwest Channel | | 24.59568 | -81.84986 | US | Florida | W |
16924 | Northwest Harbor | | 33.03253 | -118.58425 | US | California | A |
| Northwest Harbor Light | North Head Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Northwest Passage | Northwest Channel | | | US | Florida | W |
20907 | Northwest Passage Light | | 24.61893 | -81.89914 | US | Florida | L |
| Northwest Seal Rock | North West Seal Rock | | | US | California | F |
20051 | Noyo | | 39.42069 | -123.80293 | US | California | F |
| NW Seal Rock | North West Seal Rock | | | US | California | F |
| NW Seal Rock Light | Saint George Reef Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
13666 | NY Central RR South Pier | | 40.77536 | -73.99305 | US | New York | F |
13668 | NYO And Western RR Pier 3 | | 40.7747 | -74.00951 | US | New Jersey | F |
5781 | O'ahu | | 21.43333 | -157.96667 | US | Hawaii | B |
| O'Daniel's Island | Island Number 27 | | | US | Tennessee | F |
13564 | O'Donnell Bend (town) | | 35.7969 | -89.8031 | US | Arkansas | F |
| O'Donnels Island | Island Number 27 | | | US | Tennessee | F |
| Oahoo | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Oahu | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Oahu Island | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
17042 | Oak Bay | | 48.00067 | -122.70424 | US | Washington | A |
17240 | Oak Bay Light | | 48.00462 | -122.6926 | US | Washington | F |
7188 | Oak Hill Aero Beacon | | 28.86418 | -80.86829 | US | Florida | F |
4729 | Oakland | | 37.80437 | -122.2708 | US | California | F |
| Oakland Bay Bridge | San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge | | | US | California | F |
18385 | Oakland City Wharf | | 37.79344 | -122.27509 | US | California | F |
| Oakland Creek | Oakland Inner Harbor | | | US | California | A |
| Oakland Estuary | Oakland Inner Harbor | | | US | California | A |
| Oakland Ferry | Oakland Mole | | | US | California | F |
15775 | Oakland Grove Street Dock | | 37.79551 | -122.28352 | US | California | F |
15165 | Oakland Grove Street Pier | | 37.79579 | -122.28239 | US | California | F |
| Oakland Grove Street Wharf | Oakland Grove Street Pier | | | US | California | F |
6306 | Oakland Inner Harbor | | 37.79326 | -122.28941 | US | California | A |
18386 | Oakland King Coal Company Wharf | | 37.7946 | -122.306 | US | California | F |
14232 | Oakland Mole | | 37.80882 | -122.32969 | US | California | F |
15672 | Oakland Ninth Avenue Pier | | 37.786 | -122.25837 | US | California | F |
14442 | Oakland Santa Fe Wharf (2) | | 37.78972 | -122.26667 | US | California | F |
231 | Observatory Point | | 48.14981 | -123.63714 | US | Washington | F |
| Obstruction Pass Beacon | Obstruction Pass Light | | | US | Washington | L |
20323 | Obstruction Pass Light | | 48.59751 | -122.8045 | US | Washington | L |
18565 | Occidental Hotel | | 37.79088 | -122.40206 | US | California | F |
| Ocean Island (1) | Kure Atoll | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Ocean Island (2) | Kure Atoll | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Ocean Islands | Kure Atoll | | | US | Hawaii | F |
17414 | Oceanic Steamship Company Wharf | | 21.3077 | -157.86598 | US | Hawaii | F |
20253 | Ocracoke Inlet | | 35.06384 | -76.01142 | US | North Carolina | W |
20668 | Ogeechee River | | 31.83012 | -81.03592 | US | Georgia | W |
13558 | Ohio River | | 36.98751 | -89.13365 | US | Kentucky/Illinois | W |
19655 | Olalla | | 47.42317 | -122.5388 | US | Washington | F |
20382 | Old Alameda Point | | 37.77378 | -122.2904 | US | California | F |
13368 | Old Cape Charles Lighthouse | | 37.1201 | -75.89167 | US | Virginia | L |
7692 | Old Cape Henry Lighthouse | | 36.92581 | -76.00812 | US | Virginia | L |
232 | Old Harbor Point | | 41.16483 | -71.54422 | US | Rhode Island | F |
13660 | Old Plantation Flats Lighthouse | | 37.22866 | -76.0467 | US | Virginia | L |
| Old Plantation Lighthouse | Old Plantation Flats Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
| Old Point | Old Point Comfort | | | US | Virginia | F |
233 | Old Point Comfort | | 37.00019 | -76.31175 | US | Virginia | F |
7693 | Old Point Comfort Lighthouse | | 37.00174 | -76.30645 | US | Virginia | L |
| Old Point Isabel Lighthouse | Point Isabel Lighthouse | | | US | Texas | L |
| Old Point Light | Old Point Comfort Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
11414 | Old Point Loma Lighthouse | | 32.67199 | -117.24097 | US | California | L |
234 | Old Town Point | | 39.50237 | -75.91546 | US | Maryland | F |
235 | Old Town Point Wharf | | 39.50262 | -75.91578 | US | Maryland | F |
17252 | Olele Point | | 47.97004 | -122.68047 | US | Washington | F |
19644 | Olympia | | 47.04491 | -122.90169 | US | Washington | F |
13289 | Olympic Mountains | | 47.87203 | -123.66797 | US | Washington | F |
| Oneeheow | Ni'ihau | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Oneehow | Ni'ihau | | | US | Hawaii | B |
18256 | Onslow Bay | | 34.51112 | -77.28832 | US | North Carolina | W |
19135 | Open Bay | | 48.59149 | -123.18852 | US | Washington | A |
13518 | Ophelia Plantation | | 30.21428 | -91.1346 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Ophilia Plantation | Ophelia Plantation | | | US | Louisiana | F |
| Oranai | Lana'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
236 | Orcas Island | | 48.65427 | -122.93824 | US | Washington | F |
17046 | Orchard Point | | 47.56523 | -122.53179 | US | Washington | F |
19633 | Orchard Rocks | | 47.57783 | -122.5318 | US | Washington | F |
| Orechoua | Lehua | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Oreehoua | Lehua | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Oregon Inlet Life Saving Station | Oregon Inlet Lifeboat Station | | | US | North Carolina | F |
18277 | Oregon Inlet Lifeboat Station | | 35.76792 | -75.52378 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Orford Light | Cape Blanco Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
10941 | Orford Reef | | 42.79035 | -124.59275 | US | Oregon | F |
13601 | Orion Shoal Bell Buoy | | 41.46667 | -69.81667 | US | Massachusetts | F |
20257 | Orton Point | | 34.05963 | -77.94047 | US | North Carolina | F |
| Ortons | Orton Point | | | US | North Carolina | F |
19817 | Osborn Bank | | 33.36548 | -119.04877 | US | California | F |
20378 | Ossabaw Sound | | 31.85078 | -81.03622 | US | Georgia | W |
| Ossibaw Sound | Ossabaw Sound | | | US | Georgia | W |
19666 | Ostrich Bay | | 47.58613 | -122.68335 | US | Washington | A |
| Otter Passage | Pass a Loutre | | | US | Louisiana | W |
17236 | Outer San Martin Rock | | 35.89101 | -121.47416 | US | California | F |
237 | Overfalls Shoal | | 38.85733 | -74.9924 | US | Delaware | LS |
| Owhyhee | Island of Hawai'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Owl's Head | Owls Head | | | US | Maine | F |
18768 | Owls Head | | 44.09216 | -69.04352 | US | Maine | F |
19922 | Oyster Point | | 32.76921 | -79.92888 | US | South Carolina | F |
3995 | Pacific Beach | | 32.79783 | -117.24031 | US | California | F |
| Pacific Coal Bunkers | Seattle Pier 43 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Pacific Coast Coal Bunkers | Seattle Pier 43 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Pacific Coast Coal Company Dock | Seattle Pier 43 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Pacific Coast Coal Company Wharf | Seattle Pier 43 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Pacific Mail Dock (1) | Pacific Mail Steamship Company Wharf | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Pacific Mail Dock (2) | San Francisco Pier 40 | | | US | California | F |
17413 | Pacific Mail Steamship Company Wharf | | 21.30545 | -157.8651 | US | Hawaii | F |
7103 | Pacific Reef | | 25.37094 | -80.14181 | US | Florida | L |
18659 | Pacific Yacht Club House | | 37.84726 | -122.48052 | US | California | F |
4521 | Pajaro Landing | | 36.86635 | -121.82027 | US | California | F |
7118 | Palm Beach | | 26.70562 | -80.03643 | US | Florida | F |
7134 | Palm Beach Hotel | | 26.71555 | -80.04261 | US | Florida | F |
6676 | Pancake Point | | 46.15067 | -123.36735 | US | Washington | F |
| Paramore Beach | Parramore Beach | | | US | Virginia | F |
18272 | Paramore Beach Life Saving Station | | 37.54712 | -75.62194 | US | Virginia | F |
| Paris Island | Parris Island | | | US | South Carolina | F |
13542 | Parker Landing | | 34.10054 | -90.89091 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Parkers Landing | Parker Landing | | | US | Mississippi | F |
18253 | Parramore Beach | | 37.54929 | -75.6185 | US | Virginia | F |
18752 | Parris Island | | 32.3352 | -80.69233 | US | South Carolina | F |
18754 | Parris Island Buoy | | 32.2694 | -80.6583 | US | South Carolina | F |
238 | Partridge Bank | | 48.2556538 | -122.8485078 | US | Washington | F |
16937 | Partridge Bank Buoy | | 48.2565 | -122.83228 | US | Washington | F |
| Partridge Point | Point Partridge | | | US | Washington | F |
| Partridge Point Bell Buoy | Point Partridge Lighted Bell Buoy 5 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Partridge Point Buoy | Point Partridge Lighted Bell Buoy 5 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Partridge Reef | Partridge Bank | | | US | Washington | F |
240 | Pasque Island | | 41.45011 | -70.82725 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Pass a l'Outre | Pass a Loutre | | | US | Louisiana | W |
20649 | Pass A L'Outre Light | | 29.19057 | -89.04152 | US | Louisiana | L |
19285 | Pass a Loutre | | 29.17018 | -89.13614 | US | Louisiana | W |
| Pass a Loutre Light | Pass A L'Outre Light | | | US | Louisiana | L |
241 | Patapsco River | | 39.17372 | -76.44329 | US | Maryland | W |
242 | Patos Island | | 48.78416 | -122.95523 | US | Washington | F |
17082 | Patos Island Lighthouse | | 48.78901 | -122.9714 | US | Washington | L |
| Patos Light | Patos Island Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
7068 | Patuxent River | | 38.31901 | -76.40495 | US | Maryland | W |
| Pea Pod Rocks | Peapod Rocks | | | US | Washington | L |
| Pea-pod Rocks | Peapod Rocks | | | US | Washington | L |
16947 | Peacock Spit Lighted Buoy 7 | | 46.2524 | -124.09978 | US | Oregon | F |
16207 | Peaked Hill Bar | | 42.08553 | -70.1501 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Peaked Hill Bar Light | Peaked Hill Bar Lighted Buoy | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
16206 | Peaked Hill Bar Lighted Buoy | | 42.12383 | -70.10921 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Peapod Island | North Peapod | | | US | Washington | F |
243 | Peapod Rocks | | 48.63832 | -122.75146 | US | Washington | L |
| Pearl and Herman Reef | Pearl and Hermes Atoll | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Pearl and Hermens Reef | Pearl and Hermes Atoll | | | US | Hawaii | F |
19408 | Pearl and Hermes Atoll | | 27.85202 | -175.873 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Pearl and Hermes Reef | Pearl and Hermes Atoll | | | US | Hawaii | F |
19596 | Pearl Harbor | | 21.3527 | -157.96962 | US | Hawaii | A |
19597 | Pearl Harbor Entrance | | 21.32319 | -157.96825 | US | Hawaii | W |
17234 | Pecho Rock | | 35.17941 | -120.81672 | US | California | F |
13436 | Penfield Reef Light | | 41.11709 | -73.22202 | US | Connecticut | L |
4730 | Peninsula Point | | 37.86218 | -122.45797 | US | California | F |
| Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge | Canal Bridge | | | US | Delaware | F |
4644 | Penobscot Bay | | 44.1873 | -68.92114 | US | Maine | W |
18766 | Penobscot River | | 44.44091 | -68.82809 | US | Maine | W |
| Penole Point | Pinole Point | | | US | California | F |
4226 | Pensacola Lighthouse | | 30.34617 | -87.30807 | US | Florida | L |
18529 | Pensacola Navy Yard | | 30.34712 | -87.26872 | US | Florida | F |
| Pepper Key | Sandy Key | | | US | Florida | F |
18337 | Philadelphia | | 39.95238 | -75.16362 | US | Pennsylvania | F |
18338 | Philadelphia Navy Yard | | 39.89004 | -75.17586 | US | Pennsylvania | F |
| Pidgeon Point | Pigeon Point | | | US | California | F |
4393 | Piedras Blancas | | 35.6593 | -121.26873 | US | California | F |
| Piedras Blancas Light | Piedras Blancas Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11418 | Piedras Blancas Lighthouse | | 35.66563 | -121.28436 | US | California | L |
244 | Pigeon Point | | 37.18127 | -122.39471 | US | California | F |
| Pigeon Point Light | Pigeon Point Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11503 | Pigeon Point Lighthouse | | 37.18175 | -122.39397 | US | California | L |
245 | Pillar Point (1) | | 37.49554 | -122.49925 | US | California | F |
12208 | Pillar Point (2) | | 48.21699 | -124.10209 | US | Washington | F |
6688 | Pillar Rock | | 46.25807 | -123.58719 | US | Washington | F |
8836 | Pilot Point | | 47.88065 | -122.51395 | US | Washington | F |
| Pilot Town | Pilottown | | | US | Louisiana | F |
20906 | Pilottown | | 29.17963 | -89.2565 | US | Louisiana | F |
19818 | Pin Rock | | 33.42531 | -118.50693 | US | California | F |
246 | Piner Point | | 47.34398 | -122.45441 | US | Washington | F |
247 | Piney Point | | 38.13489 | -76.52945 | US | Maryland | L |
5543 | Pinole Point | | 38.01214 | -122.36664 | US | California | F |
| Pinos Point Light | Point Pinos Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
18750 | Piscataqua River | | 43.0562 | -70.70311 | US | New Hampshire | W |
17725 | Pitcher Point | | 45.50687 | -123.94349 | US | Oregon | F |
| Pitchers Point | Pitcher Point | | | US | Oregon | F |
| Plaque Mine | Plaquemine | | | US | Louisiana | F |
13519 | Plaquemine | | 30.29005 | -91.23497 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Plum Island Light | Plum Island Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
4591 | Plum Island Lighthouse | | 41.17369 | -72.21154 | US | New York | L |
13554 | Plum Point | | 35.69772 | -89.92965 | US | Tennessee | F |
| Plumb Island Light | Plum Island Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
| Plymouth Gurnet Light | Plymouth Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
20584 | Plymouth Light | | 42.00376 | -70.60058 | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Plymouth Light Station | Plymouth Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
13940 | Point Adams | | 46.21198 | -123.97148 | US | Oregon | F |
18102 | Point Allerton | | 42.30979 | -70.88185 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Point Almeja | Point Cabrillo | | | US | California | F |
| Point Angeles | Ediz Hook | | | US | Washington | F |
248 | Point Ano Nuevo | | 37.11258 | -122.32912 | US | California | F |
| Point Ano Nuevo Light | Ano Nuevo Island Light | | | US | California | L |
| Point Ano Nuevos | Point Ano Nuevo | | | US | California | F |
249 | Point Arena | | 38.95592 | -123.74203 | US | California | F |
| Point Arena Light | Point Arena Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11467 | Point Arena Lighthouse | | 38.95474 | -123.74062 | US | California | L |
250 | Point Arguello | | 34.57694 | -120.65058 | US | California | F |
11506 | Point Arguello Lighthouse | | 34.5771 | -120.64721 | US | California | L |
17229 | Point Arguello Whistling Buoy | | 34.57482 | -120.67244 | US | California | F |
251 | Point Avisadero | | 37.72979 | -122.35884 | US | California | F |
| Point Bennet | Point Bennett | | | US | California | F |
9765 | Point Bennett | | 34.02972 | -120.45264 | US | California | F |
| Point Blanco | Cape Blanco | | | US | Oregon | F |
| Point Blanco Light | Cape Blanco Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
17201 | Point Blunt | | 37.85263 | -122.41872 | US | California | F |
19816 | Point Blunt Light | | 37.85326 | -122.41923 | US | California | L |
| Point Blunt Lighthouse | Point Blunt Light | | | US | California | L |
252 | Point Bonita | | 37.81537 | -122.52798 | US | California | F |
11421 | Point Bonita Lighthouse | | 37.8156 | -122.52954 | US | California | L |
253 | Point Buchon | | 35.25525 | -120.89907 | US | California | F |
254 | Point Cabrillo (1) | | 36.62163 | -121.9044 | US | California | F |
| Point Cabrillo (2) | Cabrillo Point | | | US | California | F |
19824 | Point Cabrillo Light | | 39.3486 | -123.8261 | US | California | L |
17222 | Point Castillo | | 34.40509 | -119.69483 | US | California | F |
15808 | Point Cavallo | | 37.83205 | -122.47286 | US | California | F |
13510 | Point Celeste (town) | | 29.59637 | -89.8487 | US | Louisiana | F |
4394 | Point Chauncey | | 37.89411 | -122.44983 | US | California | F |
7160 | Point Colville | | 48.42176 | -122.81226 | US | Washington | F |
| Point Comfort | Old Point Comfort | | | US | Virginia | F |
| Point Comfort | New Point Comfort | | | US | Virginia | L |
255 | Point Conception | | 34.4484 | -120.47197 | US | California | F |
| Point Conception Light | Point Conception Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11507 | Point Conception Lighthouse | | 34.4487 | -120.47077 | US | California | L |
19635 | Point Defiance | | 47.31775 | -122.54784 | US | Washington | F |
256 | Point Delgada | | 40.02153 | -124.0692 | US | California | F |
257 | Point Diablo | | 37.82048 | -122.49997 | US | California | F |
258 | Point Dume | | 34.00019 | -118.80683 | US | California | F |
| Point Elliott | Elliot Point | | | US | Washington | F |
259 | Point Fermin | | 33.7046 | -118.29433 | US | California | F |
| Point Fermin Light | Point Fermin Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11416 | Point Fermin Lighthouse | | 33.70542 | -118.29365 | US | California | L |
| Point Firmin Light | Point Fermin Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
6267 | Point Glover | | 47.5903 | -122.5552 | US | Washington | F |
| Point Gorda | Punta Gorda | | | US | California | L |
16890 | Point Hammond | | 48.72249 | -123.01028 | US | Washington | F |
16641 | Point Hannon | | 47.8874 | -122.60967 | US | Washington | F |
| Point Harris | Browns Point | | | US | Washington | F |
17442 | Point Herron | | 47.56709 | -122.61187 | US | Washington | F |
| Point Hope | Newport News Point | | | US | Virginia | F |
260 | Point Hudson | | 48.11732 | -122.74906 | US | Washington | F |
20829 | Point Hudson Lighthouse | | 48.11727 | -122.74922 | US | Washington | L |
261 | Point Hueneme | | 34.14493 | -119.21649 | US | California | F |
| Point Hueneme Light | Point Hueneme Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
262 | Point Hueneme Lighthouse | | 34.14518 | -119.21002 | US | California | L |
| Point Huenume | Point Hueneme | | | US | California | F |
19283 | Point Isabel Lighthouse | | 26.07777 | -97.20756 | US | Texas | L |
263 | Point Jefferson | | 47.74783 | -122.47312 | US | Washington | F |
264 | Point Judith | | 41.36108 | -71.48046 | US | Rhode Island | F |
265 | Point Judith Harbor of Refuge | | 41.36538 | -71.50645 | US | Rhode Island | A |
13400 | Point Judith Light | | 41.36103 | -71.4814 | US | Rhode Island | L |
13596 | Point Judith Lighted Whistle Buoy | | 41.30764 | -71.4725 | US | Rhode Island | F |
19813 | Point Knox Lighthouse | | 37.8562 | -122.44248 | US | California | L |
3994 | Point La Jolla | | 32.85089 | -117.27343 | US | California | F |
266 | Point Lobos | | 37.78104 | -122.51414 | US | California | F |
1788 | Point Loma | | 32.66488 | -117.24273 | US | California | F |
| Point Loma Light | Point Loma Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11415 | Point Loma Lighthouse | | 32.66508 | -117.24269 | US | California | L |
267 | Point Lookout | | 38.03795 | -76.32206 | US | Maryland | L |
17200 | Point Molate Naval Fuel Depot | | 37.94861 | -122.41361 | US | California | F |
15811 | Point Monroe | | 47.70903 | -122.51155 | US | Washington | F |
15812 | Point Monroe Light | | 47.70854 | -122.51134 | US | Washington | L |
268 | Point Montara | | 37.53746 | -122.51964 | US | California | F |
| Point Montara Light | Point Montara Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11502 | Point Montara Lighthouse | | 37.53649 | -122.51931 | US | California | L |
| Point Moody | Johnson Point | | | US | Washington | F |
18573 | Point Mugu | | 34.08529 | -119.06113 | US | California | F |
269 | Point No Point | | 47.91242 | -122.52571 | US | Washington | F |
7074 | Point No Point Light (1) | | 38.128 | -76.29 | US | Maryland | L |
13293 | Point No Point Light (2) | | 47.91217 | -122.52681 | US | Washington | L |
| Point No Point Lighthouse | Point No Point Light | | | US | Washington | L |
19896 | Point Orient | | 37.95644 | -122.42426 | US | California | F |
270 | Point Partridge | | 48.22454 | -122.77034 | US | Washington | F |
17729 | Point Partridge Lighted Bell Buoy 5 | | 48.22053 | -122.78318 | US | Washington | F |
17728 | Point Partridge Lighthouse | | 48.22468 | -122.76945 | US | Washington | L |
271 | Point Piedras Blancas | | 35.66503 | -121.28727 | US | California | F |
| Point Piedras Blanco | Point Piedras Blancas | | | US | California | F |
| Point Pigeon | Pigeon Point | | | US | California | F |
272 | Point Pinos | | 36.63865 | -121.93829 | US | California | F |
| Point Pinos Light | Point Pinos Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
17714 | Point Pinos Lighted Bell Buoy 2 | | 36.6475 | -121.94415 | US | California | F |
11504 | Point Pinos Lighthouse | | 36.63339 | -121.93376 | US | California | L |
| Point Pinos Whistling Buoy | Point Pinos Lighted Bell Buoy 2 | | | US | California | F |
| Point Pully | Three Tree Point | | | US | Washington | F |
| Point Purisima | Purisima Point | | | US | California | F |
273 | Point Reyes | | 37.9958 | -122.99462 | US | California | F |
| Point Reyes Light | Point Reyes Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11422 | Point Reyes Lighthouse | | 37.99563 | -123.02318 | US | California | L |
274 | Point Roberts | | 48.97142 | -123.08371 | US | Washington | F |
17813 | Point Roberts Lighthouse | | 48.97164 | -123.08369 | US | Washington | L |
275 | Point Robinson | | 47.38848 | -122.37328 | US | Washington | F |
15984 | Point Saint George | | 41.78313 | -124.25567 | US | California | F |
4392 | Point Sal | | 34.9027 | -120.67174 | US | California | F |
17302 | Point San Bruno | | 37.65214 | -122.37758 | US | California | F |
276 | Point San Luis | | 35.16007 | -120.75624 | US | California | F |
20220 | Point San Luis Lighthouse | | 35.16035 | -120.76085 | US | California | L |
3892 | Point San Pablo | | 37.9652 | -122.42858 | US | California | F |
277 | Point San Pedro (1) | | 37.59437 | -122.52109 | US | California | F |
| Point San Pedro (2) | San Pedro Point | | | US | California | F |
19654 | Point Southworth | | 47.5098 | -122.49505 | US | Washington | F |
| Point St. Lawrence | Lawrence Point | | | US | Washington | F |
14899 | Point Stuart | | 37.86118 | -122.44639 | US | California | F |
278 | Point Sur | | 36.30481 | -121.90098 | US | California | F |
| Point Sur Light | Point Sur Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11505 | Point Sur Lighthouse | | 36.30632 | -121.90157 | US | California | L |
18656 | Point Tiburon | | 37.87206 | -122.45113 | US | California | F |
279 | Point Vicente | | 33.74124 | -118.41136 | US | California | L |
20037 | Point Vicente Buoy | | 33.7382 | -118.41051 | US | California | F |
| Point Vincent | Point Vicente | | | US | California | L |
| Point Vincent Buoy | Point Vicente Buoy | | | US | California | F |
| Point Vincente | Point Vicente | | | US | California | L |
11180 | Point Wells | | 47.78208 | -122.39744 | US | Washington | F |
6304 | Point White | | 47.59093 | -122.56764 | US | Washington | F |
19625 | Point Williams | | 47.53034 | -122.40154 | US | Washington | F |
280 | Point Wilson | | 48.14404 | -122.75389 | US | Washington | F |
20214 | Point Wilson Buoy | | 48.15311 | -122.75982 | US | Washington | F |
13290 | Point Wilson Lighthouse | | 48.14415 | -122.75481 | US | Washington | L |
20643 | Pointe a la Hache | | 29.57623 | -89.79341 | US | Louisiana | F |
13549 | Polk Landing | | 34.82911 | -90.37955 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Polks Landing | Polk Landing | | | US | Mississippi | F |
| Pollock Rip Light Vessel | Pollock Rip Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13419 | Pollock Rip Lightship | | 41.5375 | -69.925 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
281 | Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse | | 29.08062 | -80.92803 | US | Florida | L |
16203 | Pooles Island Flats Channel Buoy 3 | | 39.23791 | -76.32548 | US | Maryland | F |
16202 | Pooles Island Flats Channel Lighted Buoy 5 | | 39.25018 | -76.30388 | US | Maryland | F |
282 | Poplar Island | | 38.76706 | -76.38162 | US | Maryland | F |
| Porcupine Island | Bald Porcupine Island | | | US | Maine | F |
283 | Port Angeles | | 48.11815 | -123.43074 | US | Washington | F |
| Port Angeles Bay | Port Angeles Harbor | | | US | Washington | A |
14161 | Port Angeles Coast Guard Air Station | | 48.1412 | -123.41407 | US | Washington | F |
284 | Port Angeles Harbor | | 48.12398 | -123.41657 | US | Washington | A |
| Port Angeles Light | Ediz Hook Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
14178 | Port Angeles Shingle Wharf | | 48.13553 | -123.46345 | US | Washington | F |
17238 | Port Blakely | | 47.59732 | -122.51013 | US | Washington | F |
17202 | Port Chicago | | 38.0442 | -122.02069 | US | California | F |
17203 | Port Chicago Naval Magazine National Memorial | | 38.0575 | -122.02973 | US | California | F |
285 | Port Crescent | | 48.16203 | -123.7327 | US | Washington | F |
16219 | Port Discovery (town) | | 48.01702 | -122.85827 | US | Washington | F |
4217 | Port Eads | | 29.01536 | -89.1686 | US | Louisiana | F |
7058 | Port Everglades | | 26.09317 | -80.12428 | US | Florida | F |
7184 | Port Everglades Channel | | 26.09354 | -80.10793 | US | Florida | W |
6148 | Port Hadlock | | 48.03176 | -122.75822 | US | Washington | F |
| Port Harford | Port San Luis | | | US | California | F |
| Port Isabel Lighthouse | Point Isabel Lighthouse | | | US | Texas | L |
19651 | Port Ludlow | | 47.9237 | -122.67544 | US | Washington | A |
4752 | Port Madison | | 47.72704 | -122.52875 | US | Washington | A |
| Port Madison Light | Point Monroe Light | | | US | Washington | L |
17248 | Port of Indianola Pier Light B | | 47.74446 | -122.52591 | US | Washington | F |
15990 | Port of Longview | | 46.11278 | -122.95648 | US | Washington | F |
4992 | Port of Portland | | 45.56762 | -122.72232 | US | Oregon | A |
1783 | Port of San Francisco | | 37.76704 | -122.33771 | US | California | A |
19668 | Port of Tacoma Dock | | 47.27665 | -122.46543 | US | Washington | F |
15994 | Port of Vancouver | | 45.6361 | -122.70121 | US | Washington | F |
286 | Port Orchard | | 47.63454 | -122.58597 | US | Washington | W |
| Port Orchard Bay | Port Orchard | | | US | Washington | W |
| Port Orchard Sound | Port Orchard | | | US | Washington | W |
20381 | Port Orford Entrance Lighted Buoy | | 42.72159 | -124.51079 | US | Oregon | F |
18258 | Port Royal | | 32.37896 | -80.69265 | US | South Carolina | F |
| Port Royal Island | Parris Island | | | US | South Carolina | F |
| Port Royal Lightship | Martins Industry Shoal Lightship | | | US | South Carolina | LS |
18273 | Port Royal Navy Yard | | 32.35013 | -80.6701 | US | South Carolina | F |
19926 | Port Royal Outer Buoy | | 32.13611 | -80.53194 | US | South Carolina | F |
287 | Port Royal Sound | | 32.26187 | -80.67816 | US | South Carolina | W |
17233 | Port San Luis | | 35.17493 | -120.75534 | US | California | F |
7126 | Port Tampa | | 27.86364 | -82.52676 | US | Florida | F |
288 | Port Townsend | | 48.09605 | -122.75823 | US | Washington | A |
17730 | Port Townsend (town) | | 48.11742 | -122.76071 | US | Washington | F |
| Port Townsend Bay | Port Townsend | | | US | Washington | A |
19659 | Port Townsend Boat Haven Light | | 48.10711 | -122.77111 | US | Washington | L |
16568 | Port Townsend Canal Light | | 48.03294 | -122.73393 | US | Washington | F |
19660 | Port Townsend City Dock | | 48.11495 | -122.75282 | US | Washington | F |
19658 | Port Townsend Clock Tower | | 48.11208 | -122.7676 | US | Washington | F |
20317 | Port Townsend Customs House | | 48.1134 | -122.76204 | US | Washington | F |
19663 | Port Townsend Ferry Terminal | | 48.11181 | -122.75995 | US | Washington | F |
| Port Townsend Harbor | Port Townsend | | | US | Washington | A |
4508 | Port Watsonville | | 36.86849 | -121.81708 | US | California | F |
4650 | Portland (1) | | 43.65737 | -70.2589 | US | Maine | F |
6678 | Portland (2) | | 45.52345 | -122.67621 | US | Oregon | F |
4649 | Portland Breakwater Light | | 43.65556 | -70.23486 | US | Maine | L |
4651 | Portland Harbor | | 43.65758 | -70.2406 | US | Maine | A |
20235 | Portland Head Lighthouse | | 43.62311 | -70.20785 | US | Maine | L |
| Portland Light | North Head Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Portland Naval Hospital | Portland US Marine Hospital | | | US | Maine | F |
20633 | Portland Observatory | | 43.66539 | -70.24826 | US | Maine | F |
13430 | Portland US Marine Hospital | | 43.68818 | -70.24589 | US | Maine | F |
10858 | Portsmouth | | 43.07704 | -70.75766 | US | New Hampshire | F |
10856 | Portsmouth Harbor | | 43.07703 | -70.71283 | US | Maine | A |
| Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse | Fort Point Light | | | US | New Hampshire | L |
13654 | Portsmouth Naval Medical Center | | 36.84715 | -76.30543 | US | Virginia | F |
10857 | Portsmouth Naval Shipyard | | 43.08126 | -70.73699 | US | Maine | F |
| Portsmouth Navy Yard | Portsmouth Naval Shipyard | | | US | Maine | F |
10852 | Portsmouth Pier Number 2 | | 43.08132 | -70.74554 | US | Maine | F |
289 | Possession Point | | 47.90593 | -122.38875 | US | Washington | F |
19664 | Possession Point Lighted Bell Buoy 1 | | 47.89681 | -122.38564 | US | Washington | F |
| Potato Patch | Potatopatch Shoal | | | US | California | F |
290 | Potatopatch Shoal | | 37.82187 | -122.57831 | US | California | F |
13886 | Potrero Point | | 37.75815 | -122.38134 | US | California | F |
20095 | Potts Harbor | | 43.73974 | -70.02827 | US | Maine | A |
13503 | Poverty Point | | 29.65269 | -89.95324 | US | Louisiana | F |
20644 | Poverty Point Light | | 29.65189 | -89.95305 | US | Louisiana | L |
13546 | Prairie Point | | 34.57874 | -90.57051 | US | Arkansas | F |
16943 | Prescott Anchorage Lighted Buoy P | | 46.04587 | -122.8829 | US | Oregon | F |
291 | President Point | | 47.76593 | -122.47208 | US | Washington | F |
11435 | President Roads | | 42.3376 | -70.94949 | US | Massachusetts | W |
18903 | Presidio Shoal | | 37.81529 | -122.45578 | US | California | F |
292 | Prince Island | | 34.05805 | -120.33348 | US | California | F |
| Princeton Towhead | Cracraft Towhead | | | US | Arkansas | F |
17219 | Prisoners Harbor | | 34.02139 | -119.68485 | US | California | A |
19865 | Prospect Point | | 40.87027 | -73.71457 | US | New York | F |
293 | Protection Island | | 48.12787 | -122.92628 | US | Washington | F |
9828 | Provincetown | | 42.05295 | -70.1864 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Pu'uloa | Pearl Harbor | | | US | Hawaii | A |
19410 | Pu'upoa Point | | 22.22213 | -159.49779 | US | Hawaii | F |
6269 | Puffin Island | | 48.74455 | -122.8213 | US | Washington | L |
15989 | Puget Island Light | | 46.18204 | -123.42567 | US | Washington | L |
294 | Puget Sound | | 47.83315 | -122.43458 | US | Washington | W |
17133 | Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company | | 47.57839 | -122.35683 | US | Washington | F |
5294 | Puget Sound Naval Shipyard | | 47.56154 | -122.63516 | US | Washington | F |
| Puget Sound Naval Shipyard | Puget Sound Naval Shipyard | | | US | Washington | F |
| Puget Sound Navy Yard | Puget Sound Naval Shipyard | | | US | Washington | F |
| Puget Sound Navy Yard Number 5 Pier | Puget Sound Navy Yard Pier 5 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Puget Sound Navy Yard Number 6 Pier | Puget Sound Navy Yard Pier 6 | | | US | Washington | F |
13296 | Puget Sound Navy Yard Pier 5 | | 47.55944 | -122.63221 | US | Washington | F |
13295 | Puget Sound Navy Yard Pier 6 | | 47.55969 | -122.63027 | US | Washington | F |
7121 | Pulaski Shoal | | 24.69543 | -82.78401 | US | Florida | F |
| Pully Point | Three Tree Point | | | US | Washington | F |
19582 | Punchbowl Crater | | 21.31265 | -157.84625 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Punta Arenas Light | Point Arena Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
295 | Punta Gorda | | 40.26125 | -124.36283 | US | California | L |
20012 | Purisima Point | | 34.75581 | -120.6376 | US | California | F |
| Puuloa | Pearl Harbor | | | US | Hawaii | A |
296 | Pyramid Cove | | 32.81945 | -118.38833 | US | California | A |
15681 | Pyramid Head | | 32.8204 | -118.34885 | US | California | F |
297 | Quantico | | 38.52234 | -77.29359 | US | Virginia | F |
14433 | Quantico Spar Buoy S33 | | 38.49595 | -77.279 | US | Maryland | F |
18280 | Quarantine Headquarters | | 40.60548 | -74.05441 | US | New York | F |
| Quarantine Island | Rainsford Island | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
14510 | Quarry Point | | 37.8626 | -122.419 | US | California | F |
| Quarter Master Harbor | Quartermaster Harbor | | | US | Washington | A |
| Quarter Master's Harbor | Quartermaster Harbor | | | US | Washington | A |
| Quarter Shoal Lightship | Winter Quarter Shoal | | | US | Virginia | LS |
298 | Quartermaster Harbor | | 47.37507 | -122.47519 | US | Washington | A |
19826 | Quillayute Needles | | 47.88296 | -124.63749 | US | Washington | F |
17343 | Quimper Peninsula | | 48.06537 | -122.81489 | US | Washington | B |
13527 | Quitman | | 31.67933 | -91.36722 | US | Mississippi | F |
13528 | Quitman Point | | 31.66346 | -91.39612 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Raccoon Island | Raccoon Key | | | US | Georgia | F |
20665 | Raccoon Key | | 31.85485 | -81.07164 | US | Georgia | F |
1817 | Raccoon Strait | | 37.86854 | -122.44581 | US | California | W |
| Raccoun Strait | Raccoon Strait | | | US | California | W |
16306 | Race Point (1) | | 41.24957 | -72.0382 | US | New York | F |
18106 | Race Point (2) | | 42.06171 | -70.24602 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13382 | Race Rock | | 41.24356 | -72.04706 | US | New York | F |
13380 | Race Rock Light | | 41.24349 | -72.04705 | US | New York | L |
20016 | Rainsford Island | | 42.31191 | -70.95304 | US | Massachusetts | F |
3559 | Raita Bank | | 25.61667 | -169.45 | US | Hawaii | F |
| Ranai | Lana'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
300 | Rappahannock Light | | 37.53849 | -76.01417 | US | Virginia | L |
301 | Rappahannock Spit | | 37.60825 | -76.25919 | US | Virginia | F |
13669 | Raritan Bay Channel Lighted Buoy 1 | | 40.4758 | -74.04978 | US | New Jersey | F |
18257 | Rattlesnake Shoal | | 32.74498 | -79.74289 | US | South Carolina | F |
17250 | Rayonier Pulp Mill | | 48.11729 | -123.40832 | US | Washington | F |
6309 | Reading Rock | | 41.34012 | -124.17841 | US | California | F |
20251 | Reaves Point | | 34.00043 | -77.95461 | US | North Carolina | F |
3981 | Rebecca Shoal | | 24.58057 | -82.58859 | US | Florida | F |
13501 | Rebecca Shoal Light | | 24.57899 | -82.58533 | US | Florida | L |
| Rebecca Shoals Light | Rebecca Shoal Light | | | US | Florida | L |
19923 | Rebellion Reach | | 32.77434 | -79.89203 | US | South Carolina | A |
| Rebellion Road | Rebellion Reach | | | US | South Carolina | A |
6608 | Red Bluff | | 40.74259 | -124.21019 | US | California | F |
13522 | Red River | | 30.99417 | -91.66108 | US | Louisiana | W |
13582 | Red River Landing | | 30.95724 | -91.66646 | US | Louisiana | F |
13965 | Red Rock | | 37.92919 | -122.43095 | US | California | F |
| Redding Rock | Reading Rock | | | US | California | F |
4950 | Redondo Beach | | 33.84918 | -118.38841 | US | California | F |
15998 | Reeder Point | | 45.71104 | -122.77084 | US | Oregon | F |
302 | Reedy Island | | 39.51539 | -75.56298 | US | Delaware | F |
19887 | Reedy Island Light | | 39.50943 | -75.56681 | US | Delaware | L |
20899 | Reedy Point | | 39.56216 | -75.56372 | US | Delaware | F |
303 | Reedy Point Bridge | | 39.55817 | -75.58243 | US | Delaware | F |
6264 | Reef Point | | 48.54094 | -122.72212 | US | Washington | F |
| Reeves Point | Reaves Point | | | US | North Carolina | F |
| Reeves Point Battery | Battery Lamb | | | US | North Carolina | F |
5396 | Restoration Point | | 47.58371 | -122.47902 | US | Washington | F |
| Reyes Point | Point Reyes | | | US | California | F |
304 | Rich Passage | | 47.59149 | -122.54458 | US | Washington | W |
| Rich's Passage | Rich Passage | | | US | Washington | W |
14418 | Richardson Bay | | 37.87151 | -122.48239 | US | California | W |
305 | Richardson Rock | | 34.10208 | -120.51957 | US | California | F |
| Richardson Rock Light | Richardson Rock Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
10937 | Richardson Rock Lighthouse | | 34.102 | -120.51951 | US | California | L |
5849 | Rifle Point | | 31.61405 | -91.42317 | US | Louisiana | F |
13928 | Rincon Point | | 37.78882 | -122.38775 | US | California | F |
306 | Rip Raps Island | | 36.98673 | -76.30125 | US | Virginia | F |
| Rip-Raps | Rip Raps Island | | | US | Virginia | F |
| Ripraps Island | Rip Raps Island | | | US | Virginia | F |
| Risdon Iron Works | Union Iron Works | | | US | California | F |
4645 | Roaring Bull | | 43.86036 | -69.19866 | US | Maine | F |
13404 | Robbins Reef Light | | 40.65738 | -74.06536 | US | New Jersey | L |
20057 | Roberts Spit | | 48.97272 | -123.02746 | US | Washington | F |
| Robins Hole | Robinsons Hole | | | US | Massachusetts | A |
| Robins Reef Lighthouse | Robbins Reef Light | | | US | New Jersey | L |
| Robinson Point | Point Robinson | | | US | Washington | F |
17810 | Robinson Point Lighthouse | | 47.38814 | -122.37441 | US | Washington | L |
307 | Robinsons Hole | | 41.45011 | -70.80781 | US | Massachusetts | A |
13543 | Robson Light | | 34.21096 | -90.83968 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Rock Ridge Landing | Buckridge Landing | | | US | Louisiana | F |
18762 | Rockland Harbor | | 44.10397 | -69.09004 | US | Maine | A |
17235 | Rocky Butte | | 35.66528 | -121.05928 | US | California | F |
16155 | Rocky Point (1) | | 39.33428 | -76.14551 | US | Maryland | F |
17246 | Rocky Point (2) | | 48.09657 | -122.97551 | US | Washington | F |
| Rolph Navigation & Coal Company Wharf | San Francisco Pier 15 | | | US | California | F |
18555 | Romer Shoal | | 40.50812 | -73.9968 | US | New Jersey | F |
18556 | Romer Shoal Lighthouse | | 40.513 | -74.01352 | US | New Jersey | L |
308 | Rosario | | 48.64871 | -122.87602 | US | Washington | F |
309 | Rosario Strait | | 48.56655 | -122.75451 | US | Washington | W |
| Rosario Straits | Rosario Strait | | | US | Washington | W |
15705 | Rose and Crown Shoals | | 41.29665 | -69.7366 | US | Massachusetts | F |
310 | Rose Island | | 41.49649 | -71.34116 | US | Rhode Island | F |
13396 | Rose Island Light | | 41.49549 | -71.34274 | US | Rhode Island | L |
| Rose Island Lighthouse | Rose Island Light | | | US | Rhode Island | L |
| Rose Point | Elliot Point | | | US | Washington | F |
13515 | Roseland Plantation | | 30.00464 | -90.43629 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Roslyn Coal Wharf | Seattle Pier 69 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Round Porcupine | Bald Porcupine Island | | | US | Maine | F |
| Round Porcupine Island | Bald Porcupine Island | | | US | Maine | F |
19480 | Saddle Peak | | 35.22226 | -120.79306 | US | California | F |
| Saddle Rock Island | Saddleback Ledge | | | US | Maine | L |
4610 | Saddleback Ledge | | 44.01455 | -68.72657 | US | Maine | L |
311 | Sail Rock | | 48.35924 | -124.54551 | US | Washington | F |
| Saint Andrew Island | Cumberland Island | | | US | Georgia | F |
| Saint Andrew Light | Little Cumberland Island Lighthouse | | | US | Georgia | L |
7197 | Saint Andrew Sound | | 30.98829 | -81.42843 | US | Georgia | W |
7064 | Saint Augustine | | 29.89469 | -81.31452 | US | Florida | F |
7187 | Saint Augustine Aero Beacon | | 29.91282 | -81.34914 | US | Florida | F |
312 | Saint Augustine Inlet | | 29.90703 | -81.29866 | US | Florida | A |
| Saint Augustine Inlet Lighthouse | Saint Augustine Light | | | US | Florida | L |
7089 | Saint Augustine Light | | 29.88543 | -81.28854 | US | Florida | L |
313 | Saint Clements Island | | 38.21124 | -76.74552 | US | Maryland | L |
13547 | Saint Francis River | | 34.62481 | -90.59382 | US | Arkansas | W |
314 | Saint George Reef | | 41.8005 | -124.32574 | US | California | F |
11468 | Saint George Reef Lighthouse | | 41.83722 | -124.37556 | US | California | L |
| Saint Georges Bridge | Saint Georges Bridge East | | | US | Delaware | F |
315 | Saint Georges Bridge East | | 39.55258 | -75.65113 | US | Delaware | F |
316 | Saint Georges Bridge West | | 39.54978 | -75.65637 | US | Delaware | F |
| Saint Helen's Bar | Saint Helens Bar | | | US | Oregon | F |
15991 | Saint Helen's City Marina | | 45.86631 | -122.79694 | US | Oregon | A |
19918 | Saint Helena Buoy | | 32.43056 | -80.36694 | US | South Carolina | F |
20254 | Saint Helena Sound | | 32.45592 | -80.43565 | US | South Carolina | W |
6679 | Saint Helens Bar | | 45.86761 | -122.79205 | US | Oregon | F |
| Saint Helens City Marina | Saint Helen's City Marina | | | US | Oregon | A |
| Saint John's Church | Saint Johns Episcopal Cathedral | | | US | Florida | F |
317 | Saint John's Lightship | | 30.39167 | -81.30833 | US | Florida | LS |
7146 | Saint Johns Episcopal Cathedral | | 30.32894 | -81.65332 | US | Florida | F |
7145 | Saint Johns River | | 30.40053 | -81.40045 | US | Florida | W |
13580 | Saint Joseph Lower Landing | | 31.88892 | -91.24897 | US | Louisiana | F |
318 | Saint Lucie Shoal | | 27.33699 | -80.14143 | US | Florida | F |
7144 | Saint Marys Entrance | | 30.71024 | -81.42954 | US | Georgia/Florida | W |
7112 | Saint Marys River | | 30.7242 | -81.49057 | US | Georgia/Florida | W |
20681 | Saint Michaels Episcopal Church | | 32.77633 | -79.93087 | US | South Carolina | F |
20688 | Saint Simon Outer Buoy | | 31.07114 | -81.28281 | US | Georgia | F |
20687 | Saint Simons Lighthouse | | 31.13411 | -81.3936 | US | Georgia | L |
20686 | Saint Simons Sound | | 31.12833 | -81.41489 | US | Georgia | W |
14233 | Saint Vincents Roman Catholic Church | | 38.10562 | -122.25863 | US | California | F |
| Sakonet Point | Sakonnet Point | | | US | Rhode Island | F |
319 | Sakonnet Point | | 41.45427 | -71.19477 | US | Rhode Island | F |
20096 | Salem | | 42.51977 | -70.89552 | US | Massachusetts | F |
19662 | Salmon Bay | | 47.66391 | -122.38732 | US | Washington | W |
16639 | Salsbury Point | | 47.85685 | -122.60813 | US | Washington | F |
| San Antonio Creek | Oakland Inner Harbor | | | US | California | A |
| San Buenaventura | Ventura | | | US | California | F |
320 | San Clemente Island | | 32.90004 | -118.50091 | US | California | F |
| San Clemente Light | North Head Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11408 | San Diego | | 32.71571 | -117.16472 | US | California | F |
17215 | San Diego Barracks | | 32.71166 | -117.17 | US | California | F |
321 | San Diego Bay | | 32.65005 | -117.1342 | US | California | A |
| San Diego Bay Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy | San Diego Whistle Buoy | | | US | California | F |
17156 | San Diego Bay Channel Lighted Buoy 5 | | 32.65254 | -117.22478 | US | California | F |
17703 | San Diego Bay Channel Lighted Buoy 7 | | 32.66492 | -117.22902 | US | California | F |
18008 | San Diego Berth 206 | | 32.71198 | -117.22149 | US | California | A |
18006 | San Diego Berth 208 | | 32.71501 | -117.21858 | US | California | A |
19599 | San Diego Berth 211 | | 32.71756 | -117.2136 | US | California | A |
11412 | San Diego Broadway Pier | | 32.7157 | -117.17509 | US | California | F |
| San Diego Buoy 5 | San Diego Bay Channel Lighted Buoy 5 | | | US | California | F |
| San Diego Buoy 7 | San Diego Bay Channel Lighted Buoy 7 | | | US | California | F |
19600 | San Diego Buoy C1 | | 32.6369 | -117.2358 | US | California | F |
| San Diego Buoy C3 | San Diego Buoy C1 | | | US | California | F |
19605 | San Diego Buoy C6 | | 32.6447 | -117.2119 | US | California | F |
18500 | San Diego Fifth Street Wharf | | 32.70565 | -117.16261 | US | California | F |
19604 | San Diego Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center | | 32.72534 | -117.21956 | US | California | F |
| San Diego Fleet Sonar School | San Diego Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center | | | US | California | F |
| San Diego Gong and Whistle Buoy | San Diego Bay Channel Lighted Buoy 5 | | | US | California | F |
17689 | San Diego Harbor | | 32.7186 | -117.18317 | US | California | A |
| San Diego Light | Point Loma Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
17696 | San Diego Mooring Buoy 12 | | 32.7211 | -117.1939 | US | California | F |
| San Diego Municipal Wharf | San Diego Broadway Pier | | | US | California | F |
17989 | San Diego Naval Air Station Pier J | | 32.71277 | -117.18977 | US | California | F |
17057 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 1 | | 32.68512 | -117.13376 | US | California | F |
17058 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 2 | | 32.68321 | -117.13142 | US | California | F |
17059 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 3 | | 32.68185 | -117.12955 | US | California | F |
17060 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 4 | | 32.6803 | -117.12787 | US | California | F |
17061 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 5 | | 32.67862 | -117.12641 | US | California | F |
17062 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 6 | | 32.67679 | -117.12518 | US | California | F |
17063 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 7 | | 32.67506 | -117.12379 | US | California | F |
17064 | San Diego Naval Base Pier 8 | | 32.67328 | -117.12249 | US | California | F |
| San Diego Naval Coaling Station | San Diego Naval Fuel Depot | | | US | California | F |
6324 | San Diego Naval Fuel Depot | | 32.70242 | -117.2399 | US | California | F |
17700 | San Diego Nel Pier | | 32.72232 | -117.21692 | US | California | F |
11410 | San Diego No. 10 Beacon | | 32.71452 | -117.20722 | US | California | F |
11508 | San Diego No. 12 Beacon | | 32.69733 | -117.16597 | US | California | F |
17701 | San Diego No. 2 Beacon | | 32.7028 | -117.2239 | US | California | F |
11413 | San Diego No. 4 Beacon | | 32.7089 | -117.2192 | US | California | F |
18007 | San Diego No. 5 Beacon | | 32.71482 | -117.22297 | US | California | F |
17702 | San Diego No. 6 Beacon | | 32.71142 | -117.21595 | US | California | F |
13887 | San Diego No. 7 Beacon | | 32.72085 | -117.20279 | US | California | F |
11411 | San Diego No. 8 Beacon | | 32.71327 | -117.21195 | US | California | F |
3992 | San Diego Quarantine Station | | 32.70469 | -117.23777 | US | California | F |
17909 | San Diego Standard Oil Dock | | 32.69148 | -117.14088 | US | California | F |
| San Diego US Coast Guard Station | Coast Guard Station San Diego | | | US | California | F |
11511 | San Diego Whistle Buoy | | 32.62227 | -117.24587 | US | California | F |
322 | San Francisco | | 37.77493 | -122.41942 | US | California | F |
19998 | San Francisco Appraisers Building | | 37.79634 | -122.4015 | US | California | F |
13932 | San Francisco Bar Buoy | | 37.78531 | -122.5731 | US | California | F |
19996 | San Francisco Barge Office | | 37.80898 | -122.41237 | US | California | F |
323 | San Francisco Bay | | 37.708264 | -122.280247 | US | California | W |
| San Francisco Buoy 1 | San Francisco Main Ship Channel Light Bell Buoy 1 | | | US | California | F |
| San Francisco Buoy 3 | San Francisco Main Ship Channel Lighted Buoy 3 | | | US | California | F |
| San Francisco Buoy 5 | San Francisco Main Ship Channel Lighted Bell Buoy 5 | | | US | California | F |
| San Francisco Entrance Buoy | San Francisco Lightship | | | US | California | LS |
| San Francisco Entrance Whistling Buoy | San Francisco Lightship | | | US | California | LS |
11500 | San Francisco Ferry Building | | 37.79543 | -122.39356 | US | California | F |
| San Francisco Harbor | Port of San Francisco | | | US | California | A |
324 | San Francisco Lightship | | 37.74722 | -122.69167 | US | California | LS |
17131 | San Francisco Main Ship Channel Light Bell Buoy 1 | | 37.76975 | -122.63221 | US | California | F |
20032 | San Francisco Main Ship Channel Lighted Bell Buoy 5 | | 37.77725 | -122.60609 | US | California | F |
20031 | San Francisco Main Ship Channel Lighted Buoy 3 | | 37.77359 | -122.61891 | US | California | F |
| San Francisco Man of Wars Anchorage | Naval Anchorage San Francisco Bay | | | US | California | A |
| San Francisco Naval Anchorage | Naval Anchorage San Francisco Bay | | | US | California | A |
17214 | San Francisco Pier 10 | | 37.79186 | -122.3888 | US | California | F |
18564 | San Francisco Pier 12 | | 37.79117 | -122.38818 | US | California | F |
18224 | San Francisco Pier 15 | | 37.80148 | -122.39759 | US | California | F |
17212 | San Francisco Pier 16 | | 37.78998 | -122.38724 | US | California | F |
20044 | San Francisco Pier 17 | | 37.80214 | -122.39824 | US | California | F |
| San Francisco Pier 2 | San Francisco Pier 10 | | | US | California | F |
20579 | San Francisco Pier 21 | | 37.80353 | -122.39898 | US | California | F |
20740 | San Francisco Pier 23 | | 37.80406 | -122.39936 | US | California | F |
14420 | San Francisco Pier 24 | | 37.78702 | -122.38685 | US | California | F |
18743 | San Francisco Pier 34 | | 37.78429 | -122.38786 | US | California | F |
20006 | San Francisco Pier 36 | | 37.78354 | -122.38745 | US | California | F |
18744 | San Francisco Pier 40 | | 37.78174 | -122.38641 | US | California | F |
20578 | San Francisco Pier 6 | | 37.79311 | -122.3903 | US | California | F |
16315 | San Francisco Pier 70 | | 37.76184 | -122.37952 | US | California | F |
| San Francisco Whistle Buoy | San Francisco Lightship | | | US | California | LS |
18657 | San Francisco Yacht Club House | | 37.8536 | -122.47857 | US | California | F |
230 | San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge | | 37.816039 | -122.3530259 | US | California | F |
7233 | San Juan Island | | 48.54093 | -123.08602 | US | Washington | B |
17232 | San Luis Obispo Bay | | 35.16609 | -120.72656 | US | California | A |
| San Luis Obispo Harbor | San Luis Obispo Bay | | | US | California | A |
| San Luis Obispo Light | Point San Luis Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
17226 | San Martin Rock | | 35.88836 | -121.46614 | US | California | F |
9768 | San Mateo Point | | 33.38685 | -117.59593 | US | California | F |
| San Miguel | San Miguel Island | | | US | California | F |
325 | San Miguel Island | | 34.03972 | -120.37543 | US | California | F |
| San Nicholas Island | San Nicolas Island | | | US | California | F |
326 | San Nicolas Island | | 33.24948 | -119.50038 | US | California | F |
9766 | San Nicolas Island Light | | 33.22774 | -119.43601 | US | California | L |
3890 | San Pablo Bay | | 38.06659 | -122.38442 | US | California | W |
17207 | San Pablo Bay Anchorage No. 21 | | 38.0639 | -122.2539 | US | California | A |
| San Pablo Point | Point San Pablo | | | US | California | F |
327 | San Pedro | | 33.73585 | -118.29229 | US | California | F |
17990 | San Pedro Ammunition Anchorage L7 | | 33.73153 | -118.15622 | US | California | A |
328 | San Pedro Bay | | 33.73419 | -118.21873 | US | California | A |
18559 | San Pedro Bell Buoy | | 33.71729 | -118.25759 | US | California | F |
15967 | San Pedro Berth 58 | | 33.72388 | -118.27421 | US | California | F |
| San Pedro Breakwater Light | Angels Gate Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
1784 | San Pedro Channel | | 33.58336 | -118.38424 | US | California | W |
| San Pedro Harbor | Los Angeles Outer Harbor | | | US | California | A |
18557 | San Pedro Hill | | 33.74585 | -118.33629 | US | California | F |
| San Pedro Light | Angels Gate Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
17224 | San Pedro Pacific Coast Steamship Company Wharf | | 33.73964 | -118.27896 | US | California | F |
| San Pedro PCSS Wharf | San Pedro Pacific Coast Steamship Company Wharf | | | US | California | F |
4503 | San Pedro Point (1) | | 34.03411 | -119.52026 | US | California | F |
| San Pedro Point (2) | Point San Pedro | | | US | California | F |
6609 | San Pedro Rock | | 37.59522 | -122.52414 | US | California | F |
14898 | San Quentin | | 37.94126 | -122.4848 | US | California | F |
| Sand Cay Light | Sand Key Light | | | US | Florida | L |
19409 | Sand Island (1) | | 27.7937 | -175.86693 | US | Hawaii | F |
20544 | Sand Island (2) | | 30.18766 | -88.05057 | US | Alabama | F |
7122 | Sand Island Lighthouse | | 30.18763 | -88.05062 | US | Alabama | L |
7128 | Sand Key | | 24.45378 | -81.87742 | US | Florida | F |
13494 | Sand Key Light | | 24.45392 | -81.87748 | US | Florida | L |
| Sand Key Lighthouse | Sand Key Light | | | US | Florida | L |
| Sand Point | Sands Point | | | US | New York | F |
| Sand Point Bell Buoy | Sandy Point Bell Buoy | | | US | Rhode Island | F |
329 | Sands Key | | 25.50205 | -80.18394 | US | Florida | F |
4596 | Sands Point | | 40.8658 | -73.73063 | US | New York | F |
15682 | Sandstone Point | | 33.99584 | -119.55985 | US | California | F |
| Sandwich Islands | Hawaiian Islands | | | US | Hawaii | B |
13438 | Sandy Hook | | 40.44346 | -73.98788 | US | New Jersey | F |
13374 | Sandy Hook Channel | | 40.48481 | -74.00446 | US | New Jersey | W |
20327 | Sandy Hook Compass Buoy | | 40.4611 | -74.0251 | US | New Jersey | F |
| Sandy Hook Light Vessel | Sandy Hook Lightship | | | US | New Jersey/New York | LS |
13408 | Sandy Hook Lighthouse | | 40.46171 | -74.00205 | US | New Jersey | L |
4527 | Sandy Hook Lightship | | 40.45777 | -73.83673 | US | New Jersey/New York | LS |
19038 | Sandy Key | | 25.0345 | -81.01447 | US | Florida | F |
330 | Sandy Point (1) | | 41.23251 | -71.57831 | US | Rhode Island | F |
331 | Sandy Point (2) | | 39.0115 | -76.3944 | US | Maryland | L |
| Sandy Point (3) | Hood Point | | | US | Washington | F |
13401 | Sandy Point Bell Buoy | | 41.25727 | -71.57594 | US | Rhode Island | F |
332 | Sandy Point Shoal Lighthouse | | 39.01598 | -76.38455 | US | Maryland | L |
| Sankaty Head Light | Sankaty Head Lighthouse | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
14443 | Sankaty Head Lighthouse | | 41.28441 | -69.96627 | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Sanquel Point | Soquel Point | | | US | California | F |
333 | Santa Barbara Channel | | 34.25 | -120.00097 | US | California | W |
15673 | Santa Barbara Harbor Breakwater Light | | 34.40485 | -119.68787 | US | California | L |
334 | Santa Barbara Island | | 33.47558 | -119.03621 | US | California | F |
4377 | Santa Barbara Island Light | | 33.48738 | -119.03017 | US | California | L |
| Santa Barbara Light (1) | Santa Barbara Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| Santa Barbara Light (2) | Santa Barbara Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
335 | Santa Barbara Lighthouse | | 34.39639 | -119.72236 | US | California | L |
| Santa Barbara Mission | Mission Santa Barbara | | | US | California | F |
17220 | Santa Barbara Point | | 34.39822 | -119.70225 | US | California | F |
| Santa Barbara Wharf | Stearns Wharf | | | US | California | F |
4454 | Santa Catalina Island | | 33.38336 | -118.41758 | US | California | F |
17705 | Santa Catalina Island East End Light | | 33.30191 | -118.31763 | US | California | L |
| Santa Catalina West End Light | Catalina Island West End Light | | | US | California | F |
336 | Santa Cruz | | 36.97412 | -122.0308 | US | California | L |
17712 | Santa Cruz Anchorage | | 36.95743 | -122.0134 | US | California | A |
17218 | Santa Cruz Channel | | 33.99247 | -119.93229 | US | California | W |
| Santa Cruz Harbor | Santa Cruz Anchorage | | | US | California | A |
4455 | Santa Cruz Island | | 34.01226 | -119.76059 | US | California | F |
| Santa Cruz Light | Santa Cruz Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
337 | Santa Cruz Lighthouse | | 36.95158 | -122.02671 | US | California | L |
13935 | Santa Cruz Whistle Buoy | | 36.93928 | -122.00972 | US | California | F |
| Santa Cruz Whistling Buoy | Santa Cruz Whistle Buoy | | | US | California | F |
11509 | Santa Fe Wharf (1) | | 32.70989 | -117.1692 | US | California | F |
17688 | Santa Monica | | 34.01949 | -118.49138 | US | California | F |
4949 | Santa Monica Bay | | 33.92541 | -118.58574 | US | California | W |
4380 | Santa Rosa Island | | 33.95 | -120.10096 | US | California | F |
338 | Sapelo Island | | 31.47745 | -81.24176 | US | Georgia | F |
7198 | Sapelo Island Light | | 31.39126 | -81.28569 | US | Georgia | L |
| Sapelo Light | Sapelo Island Light | | | US | Georgia | L |
339 | Sassafras River | | 39.3789 | -76.04393 | US | Maryland | W |
340 | Saunders Reef | | 38.85269 | -123.66029 | US | California | F |
341 | Sausalito | | 37.85909 | -122.48525 | US | California | F |
18560 | Sausalito Ferry Flagstaff | | 37.85632 | -122.47882 | US | California | F |
18658 | Sausalito Wharf | | 37.8489 | -122.47949 | US | California | F |
7088 | Savannah | | 32.08354 | -81.09983 | US | Georgia | F |
342 | Savannah Lighthouse | | 32.03771 | -80.85011 | US | Georgia | L |
7086 | Savannah Lightship | | 31.9428 | -80.6618 | US | Georgia | LS |
7087 | Savannah River | | 32.03464 | -80.85835 | US | South Carolina/Georgia | W |
| Saybrook Breakwater Light | Breakwater Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Saybrook Inner Lighthouse | Saybrook Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Saybrook Lighthouse (1) | Breakwater Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
4590 | Saybrook Lighthouse (2) | | 41.27146 | -72.34314 | US | Connecticut | L |
4469 | Scatchet Head | | 47.91287 | -122.41903 | US | Washington | F |
| Scotland Light Vessel | Scotland Lightship | | | US | New Jersey | LS |
343 | Scotland Lightship | | 40.44244 | -73.94167 | US | New Jersey | LS |
| SE Block Island Light | Block Island Southeast Lighthouse | | | US | Rhode Island | L |
| SE Farallon | Southeast Farallon | | | US | California | F |
| SE Lighthouse | Block Island Southeast Lighthouse | | | US | Rhode Island | L |
| Sea Girt Inlet Light | Sea Girt Inlet Lighthouse | | | US | New Jersey | L |
10677 | Sea Girt Inlet Lighthouse | | 40.13666 | -74.02748 | US | New Jersey | L |
17619 | Sea Lion Rock | | 47.99176 | -124.72744 | US | Washington | F |
9848 | Seal Beach Pier | | 33.73696 | -118.10806 | US | California | F |
344 | Seal Cove | | 32.90179 | -118.53373 | US | California | A |
345 | Seal Rock (1) | | 48.36285 | -124.54857 | US | Washington | F |
| Seal Rock (2) | South West Seal Rock | | | US | California | F |
17231 | Seal Rock (3) | | 34.89977 | -120.67306 | US | California | F |
17722 | Seal Rock (4) | | 42.78713 | -124.59451 | US | Oregon | F |
| Seal Rock Lighthouse | Saint George Reef Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
11501 | Seal Rocks | | 37.77839 | -122.5165 | US | California | F |
346 | Seattle | | 47.60621 | -122.33207 | US | Washington | F |
6266 | Seattle Coast Guard Wharf | | 47.61477 | -122.35647 | US | Washington | F |
| Seattle Harbor | Elliott Bay | | | US | Washington | A |
| Seattle Municipal Dock | Seattle Pier 66 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Seattle Outer Buoy | Duwamish Light | | | US | Washington | L |
13938 | Seattle Pier 11 | | 47.58247 | -122.35829 | US | Washington | F |
| Seattle Pier 14 | Seattle Pier 70 | | | US | Washington | F |
16211 | Seattle Pier 32 | | 47.58433 | -122.34282 | US | Washington | F |
15692 | Seattle Pier 34 | | 47.58683 | -122.34279 | US | Washington | F |
13924 | Seattle Pier 42 | | 47.59485 | -122.33893 | US | Washington | F |
5996 | Seattle Pier 43 | | 47.59637 | -122.33788 | US | Washington | F |
6268 | Seattle Pier 44 | | 47.59689 | -122.33792 | US | Washington | F |
20741 | Seattle Pier 46 | | 47.59837 | -122.33803 | US | Washington | F |
16210 | Seattle Pier 48 | | 47.60012 | -122.33826 | US | Washington | F |
14417 | Seattle Pier 52 | | 47.603 | -122.33866 | US | Washington | F |
12939 | Seattle Pier 53 | | 47.60367 | -122.33936 | US | Washington | F |
12399 | Seattle Pier 54 | | 47.6042 | -122.33965 | US | Washington | F |
13479 | Seattle Pier 62 | | 47.60849 | -122.34499 | US | Washington | F |
19657 | Seattle Pier 64 | | 47.60941 | -122.3465 | US | Washington | F |
4906 | Seattle Pier 66 | | 47.61138 | -122.34961 | US | Washington | F |
20664 | Seattle Pier 69 | | 47.61386 | -122.35445 | US | Washington | F |
16613 | Seattle Pier 70 | | 47.61477 | -122.35598 | US | Washington | F |
16561 | Seattle Pier 71 | | 47.6164 | -122.35837 | US | Washington | F |
16765 | Seattle Pier 90 | | 47.62887 | -122.38031 | US | Washington | F |
9876 | Seattle Pier 91 | | 47.62887 | -122.38289 | US | Washington | F |
| Seattle Pier B | Seattle Pier 48 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Seattle Pier Number 9 | Seattle Pier 62 | | | US | Washington | F |
| Seattle Standard Oil Dock | Seattle Pier 32 | | | US | Washington | F |
16137 | Seattle Terminal 37 | | 47.5928 | -122.34042 | US | Washington | F |
| Seattle Union Oil Dock Pier 18 | Seattle Pier 71 | | | US | Washington | F |
18118 | Seattle US Coast Guard Station | | 47.5892 | -122.34014 | US | Washington | F |
19042 | Seavey Island | | 43.07989 | -70.73383 | US | Maine | F |
19853 | Sedge Island | | 39.04393 | -74.77287 | US | New Jersey | F |
13428 | Seguin Island | | 43.70838 | -69.75825 | US | Maine | F |
13433 | Seguin Island Light | | 43.70756 | -69.75809 | US | Maine | L |
| Seguin Light | Seguin Island Light | | | US | Maine | L |
6260 | Semiahmoo Bay | | 48.99983 | -122.81796 | US | Washington | W |
6262 | Semiahmoo Bay Light | | 48.99228 | -122.78401 | US | Washington | L |
| Semiamoo Bay | Semiahmoo Bay | | | US | Washington | W |
| Semiamoo Bay Light | Semiahmoo Bay Light | | | US | Washington | L |
347 | Seven Foot Knoll | | 39.15705 | -76.40329 | US | Maryland | L |
16199 | Sewells Point | | 36.95459 | -76.32751 | US | Virginia | F |
19884 | Shackleford Banks | | 34.6678 | -76.59151 | US | North Carolina | F |
20408 | Shackleford Point | | 34.68626 | -76.65259 | US | North Carolina | F |
16191 | Shad Battery Shoal | | 39.36455 | -76.1535 | US | Maryland | F |
16205 | Shad Battery Shoal Buoy 1A | | 39.35897 | -76.1631 | US | Maryland | F |
15537 | Shag Rock | | 37.71825 | -122.36972 | US | California | F |
15536 | Shag Rocks | | 37.83414 | -122.44048 | US | California | F |
20398 | Shallotte Inlet | | 33.90411 | -78.38141 | US | North Carolina | W |
348 | Sharps Island | | 38.61873 | -76.36356 | US | Maryland | L |
4606 | Sheep Porcupine Island | | 44.40026 | -68.19381 | US | Maine | F |
18631 | Sheepshead Bay | | 40.58205 | -73.93958 | US | New York | A |
4595 | Sheffield Island | | 41.05149 | -73.41623 | US | Connecticut | L |
12937 | Shilshole Bay | | 47.67628 | -122.41679 | US | Washington | A |
19661 | Shilshole Bay Lighted Entrance Buoy 2 | | 47.67751 | -122.41606 | US | Washington | F |
13410 | Shinnecock Light | | 40.84832 | -72.50332 | US | New York | L |
349 | Ship John Shoal | | 39.30511 | -75.37631 | US | New Jersey | L |
17708 | Ship Rock | | 33.46271 | -118.4919 | US | California | F |
| Shoalwater Bay Light | Willapa Bay Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Shovelful Light Vessel | Shovelful Shoal Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
| Shovelful Shoal Light Vessel | Shovelful Shoal Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13418 | Shovelful Shoal Lightship | | 41.54583 | -69.9875 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
18245 | Shrewsbury Rocks | | 40.34425 | -73.95948 | US | New Jersey | F |
350 | Sinclair Inlet | | 47.54676 | -122.65069 | US | Washington | W |
14904 | Sinclair Island | | 48.61952 | -122.67714 | US | Washington | F |
16637 | Sisters | | 47.85949 | -122.64029 | US | Washington | F |
| Sisters Island | The Sisters | | | US | Washington | F |
| Sisters Light | Sisters Rock Light | | | US | Washington | L |
16638 | Sisters Rock Light | | 47.85865 | -122.64168 | US | Washington | L |
| Sisters Rocks | Sisters | | | US | Washington | F |
6686 | Skamokawa | | 46.27039 | -123.45708 | US | Washington | F |
6687 | Skamokawa Channel | | 46.26018 | -123.458 | US | Washington | W |
| Slaughter's Bar | Slaughters Bar | | | US | Oregon | F |
6681 | Slaughters Bar | | 46.11478 | -122.98765 | US | Oregon | F |
16946 | Slaughters Channel Lighted Buoy 23 | | 46.12518 | -122.99112 | US | Washington | F |
351 | Slip Point | | 48.26486 | -124.25078 | US | Washington | F |
| Slip Point Light | Slip Point Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
11475 | Slip Point Lighthouse | | 48.26425 | -124.25079 | US | Washington | L |
352 | Smith Cove | | 47.6301 | -122.38596 | US | Washington | A |
353 | Smith Island (1) | | 48.31914 | -122.84221 | US | Washington | F |
14983 | Smith Island (2) | | 33.88473 | -77.97334 | US | North Carolina | F |
20099 | Smith Island (3) | | 37.14473 | -75.87119 | US | Virginia | F |
| Smith Island Light | Smith Island Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
17812 | Smith Island Lighthouse | | 48.31843 | -122.84472 | US | Washington | L |
| Smith Island Shoal Light | Cape Charles Lightship | | | US | Virginia | LS |
354 | Smith Point | | 37.88902 | -76.23744 | US | Virginia | L |
7124 | Smith Shoal | | 24.71874 | -83.91817 | US | Florida | F |
7210 | Smith Shoal Light | | 24.71662 | -81.91685 | US | Florida | L |
355 | Smith Tower | | 47.60193 | -122.33167 | US | Washington | F |
| Smith's Island | Smith Island | | | US | North Carolina | F |
| Smithville | Southport | | | US | North Carolina | F |
| Smuggler's Cove | Smugglers Cove | | | US | California | A |
| Smugglers Cove (1) | Pyramid Cove | | | US | California | A |
4456 | Smugglers Cove (2) | | 34.02044 | -119.53979 | US | California | A |
| Soldier's Home | Hampton VA Medical Center | | | US | Virginia | F |
16194 | Sollers Point | | 39.22871 | -76.5126 | US | Maryland | F |
7072 | Solomon Light | | 38.3203 | -76.45735 | US | Maryland | L |
7069 | Solomons Island | | 38.32151 | -76.45829 | US | Maryland | F |
356 | Sombrero Key | | 24.62653 | -81.11091 | US | Florida | F |
13593 | Sombrero Key Lighthouse | | 24.62782 | -81.11086 | US | Florida | L |
| Sombrero Light | Sombrero Key Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
| Sombrero Lighthouse | Sombrero Key Lighthouse | | | US | Florida | L |
13933 | Soquel Cove | | 36.96578 | -121.93079 | US | California | A |
4518 | Soquel Point | | 36.95412 | -121.97579 | US | California | F |
18771 | South Breaker Bell Buoy | | 43.97132 | -69.12564 | US | Maine | F |
13375 | South Channel | | 40.46902 | -73.96224 | US | New Jersey | W |
| South East Farallon | Southeast Farallon | | | US | California | F |
20256 | South Edisto River | | 32.48556 | -80.35006 | US | South Carolina | W |
| South Farallon | Southeast Farallon | | | US | California | F |
| South Farallon Island | Southeast Farallon | | | US | California | F |
357 | South Jetty | | 46.2176 | -123.98737 | US | Oregon | F |
4215 | South Pass | | 29.07605 | -89.21422 | US | Louisiana | W |
4222 | South Pass East Jetty Lighthouse | | 28.98967 | -89.13648 | US | Louisiana | L |
4216 | South Pass Lighthouse | | 29.01524 | -89.16684 | US | Louisiana | L |
17052 | South Point (1) | | 47.83241 | -122.68735 | US | Washington | F |
17710 | South Point (2) | | 33.29891 | -118.32541 | US | California | F |
| South Point (3) | Kalae | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| South Shoal Light Vessel | Davis South Shoal Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13498 | South West Channel | | 24.45973 | -81.94668 | US | Florida | W |
13590 | South West Channel Buoy 1 | | 24.46231 | -81.96213 | US | Florida | F |
13591 | South West Channel Buoy 3 | | 24.47207 | -81.94711 | US | Florida | F |
6308 | South West Seal Rock | | 41.81363 | -124.3518 | US | California | F |
13923 | Southampton Shoal | | 37.88937 | -122.40528 | US | California | F |
14174 | Southampton Shoal North Buoy | | 37.91276 | -122.41645 | US | California | F |
14166 | Southeast Farallon | | 37.69851 | -123.0028 | US | California | F |
17716 | Southeast Reef Buoy | | 37.46465 | -122.46964 | US | California | F |
| Southeast Rock | Church Rock | | | US | California | F |
19851 | Southport | | 33.91821 | -78.01933 | US | North Carolina | F |
7212 | Southwest Channel (1) | | 27.56824 | -82.75297 | US | Florida | W |
| Southwest Channel (2) | South West Channel | | | US | Florida | W |
13496 | Southwest Channel Beacon Number 2 | | 24.45699 | -81.93933 | US | Florida | F |
13497 | Southwest Channel Beacon Number 4 | | 24.47416 | -81.91314 | US | Florida | F |
358 | Southwest Ledge | | 41.10768 | -71.68734 | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Southwest Ledge Light | New London Ledge Lighthouse | | | US | Connecticut | L |
4593 | Southwest Ledge Lighthouse | | 41.23447 | -72.9121 | US | Connecticut | L |
4214 | Southwest Pass Lighthouse | | 28.97182 | -89.39202 | US | Louisiana | L |
| Sow and Pigs Lightship | Vineyard Sound Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
16183 | Sparrows Point | | 39.20138 | -76.49219 | US | Maryland | F |
7036 | Sparrows Point Shipyard and Industrial Complex | | 39.21952 | -76.49248 | US | Maryland | F |
17734 | Spieden Channel | | 48.62843 | -123.13019 | US | Washington | W |
359 | Spike Rock | | 48.2546 | -124.71763 | US | Washington | F |
| Spindle Rock | Black Rock | | | US | Washington | F |
| St George's Shoal | Georges Shoal | | | US | | F |
| St. Andrew Sound | Saint Andrew Sound | | | US | Georgia | W |
| St. Augustine | Saint Augustine | | | US | Florida | F |
| St. George Light | Saint George Reef Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| St. George Reef Light | Saint George Reef Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
| St. John's Lightship | Saint John's Lightship | | | US | Florida | LS |
| St. John's River | Saint Johns River | | | US | Florida | W |
20231 | St. Johns River Light | | 30.39357 | -81.42598 | US | Florida | L |
| St. Joseph Landing | Saint Joseph Lower Landing | | | US | Louisiana | F |
| St. Lucie Shoal | Saint Lucie Shoal | | | US | Florida | F |
| St. Nicholas Island | San Nicolas Island | | | US | California | F |
7125 | St. Petersburg | | 27.77086 | -82.67927 | US | Florida | F |
| Stacy Street Dock | Stacy Street Wharf | | | US | Washington | F |
5988 | Stacy Street Wharf | | 47.5822 | -122.34287 | US | Washington | F |
| Stafford Light | Stamford Harbor Ledge Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
13616 | Stage Head | | 42.60514 | -70.67538 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13388 | Stamford Harbor Ledge Light | | 41.01367 | -73.54259 | US | Connecticut | L |
| Stamford Light | Stamford Harbor Ledge Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
13364 | Stapleton | | 40.62649 | -74.07764 | US | New York | F |
| State House Dome | Massachusetts State House | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
13362 | Staten Island | | 40.5796 | -74.15062 | US | New York | B |
20640 | Station Creek | | 32.27995 | -80.642 | US | South Carolina | W |
16307 | Statue of Liberty | | 40.68928 | -74.04455 | US | New York | F |
17221 | Stearns Wharf | | 34.40987 | -119.68559 | US | California | F |
| Steep Porcupine | Sheep Porcupine Island | | | US | Maine | F |
15996 | Stella | | 46.19008 | -123.12036 | US | Washington | F |
18777 | Stepping Stones | | 40.8254 | -73.77245 | US | New York | F |
360 | Stingray Point Light | | 37.56124 | -76.27022 | US | Virginia | L |
| Stonehorse Shoal Lightship | Shovelful Shoal Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
5512 | Stonington | | 41.33593 | -71.9059 | US | Connecticut | F |
19924 | Stono Inlet | | 32.62962 | -79.99509 | US | South Carolina | W |
20894 | Stony Brook Harbor | | 40.90232 | -73.17483 | US | New York | A |
| Strafford Shoal Light | Stratford Shoal Light | | | US | Connecticut | L |
| Strait of Fuca | Strait of Juan de Fuca | | | US | Washington | W |
361 | Strait of Georgia | | 48.83149 | -122.94463 | US | Washington | W |
183 | Strait of Juan de Fuca | | 48.29674 | -124.01225 | US | Washington | W |
7101 | Straits of Florida | | 25 | -79.75 | US | Florida | W |
| Straits of Fucca | Strait of Juan de Fuca | | | US | Washington | W |
| Straits of Juan de Fucca | Strait of Juan de Fuca | | | US | Washington | W |
| Straits of Rosario | Rosario Strait | | | US | Washington | W |
4533 | Stratford Shoal | | 41.06626 | -73.09709 | US | Connecticut | F |
13387 | Stratford Shoal Light | | 41.0598 | -73.1013 | US | Connecticut | L |
362 | Strawberry Island | | 48.56205 | -122.73546 | US | Washington | F |
17301 | Strawberry Point | | 37.87736 | -122.49722 | US | California | F |
363 | Striped Peak | | 48.15648 | -123.68464 | US | Washington | F |
7114 | Stuart Aero Beacon | | 27.20067 | -80.21631 | US | Florida | F |
6150 | Stuart Island | | 48.67899 | -123.21186 | US | Washington | F |
12947 | Sucia Island | | 48.76205 | -122.91324 | US | Washington | F |
17818 | Sugarloaf Island | | 40.43874 | -124.41367 | US | California | F |
| Sugarloaf Rock | Sugarloaf Island | | | US | California | F |
364 | Summit Bridge | | 39.54135 | -75.73796 | US | Delaware | F |
14163 | Sumners House | | 21.30754 | -157.87033 | US | Hawaii | F |
17415 | Sumners Island | | 21.30753 | -157.87034 | US | Hawaii | F |
13570 | Sunflower Landing | | 34.16432 | -90.80282 | US | Mississippi | F |
| Sur Point Light | Point Sur Lighthouse | | | US | California | L |
4502 | Sutil Island | | 33.46391 | -119.04816 | US | California | F |
| SW Channel | South West Channel | | | US | Florida | W |
| SW Pass Light | Southwest Pass Lighthouse | | | US | Louisiana | L |
17056 | Swan Island | | 45.56124 | -122.71341 | US | Oregon | F |
16204 | Swan Point | | 39.1469 | -76.27595 | US | Maryland | F |
13406 | Swash Channel (1) | | 40.50713 | -74.0063 | US | New York | W |
19915 | Swash Channel (2) | | 32.7333 | -79.8267 | US | South Carolina | W |
| Swift Sure Lightvessel | Swiftsure Lightship | | | US | Washington | LS |
| Swiftsure Bank Light Vessel | Swiftsure Lightship | | | US | Washington | LS |
| Swiftsure Bank Lightship | Swiftsure Lightship | | | US | Washington | LS |
| Swiftsure Light Vessel | Swiftsure Lightship | | | US | Washington | LS |
18223 | Swiftsure Lightship | | 48.54317 | -125.00068 | US | Washington | LS |
13664 | Swinburne Island | | 40.56592 | -74.05007 | US | New York | F |
5030 | Table Bluff Lighthouse | | 40.69513 | -124.27562 | US | California | L |
366 | Tacoma | | 47.25288 | -122.44429 | US | Washington | F |
16934 | Tacoma Athletic Club Dock | | 47.27646 | -122.46643 | US | Washington | F |
19669 | Tacoma Baker Dock | | 47.25007 | -122.43181 | US | Washington | F |
16935 | Tacoma City Waterway | | 47.25183 | -122.43293 | US | Washington | W |
| Tacoma Harbor | Commencement Bay | | | US | Washington | A |
17732 | Tacoma Railroad Wharf | | 47.26589 | -122.44377 | US | Washington | F |
| Tahoora | Ka'ula | | | US | Hawaii | F |
| Tahoorowa | Kaho'olawe | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Tail of Horseshoe Buoy | Tail of the Horseshoe Buoy 2T | | | US | Virginia | F |
13672 | Tail of the Horseshoe Buoy 2T | | 36.97395 | -76.03804 | US | Virginia | F |
9826 | Tala Point | | 47.93096 | -122.65906 | US | Washington | F |
| Tamalpais Peak | Mount Tamalpais East Peak | | | US | California | F |
7127 | Tampa | | 27.94752 | -82.45843 | US | Florida | F |
4228 | Tampa Bay | | 27.76589 | -82.54749 | US | Florida | W |
7213 | Tampa Bay Roadstead | | 27.59654 | -82.72585 | US | Florida | A |
7214 | Tampa Marine Company Shipyard | | 27.9445 | -82.44128 | US | Florida | F |
16195 | Tangier Island | | 37.82846 | -75.99188 | US | Virginia | F |
367 | Tanner Point | | 36.90376 | -76.32244 | US | Virginia | F |
368 | Tarpaulin Cove | | 41.47511 | -70.75503 | US | Massachusetts | L |
19868 | Tarpaulin Cove Light | | 41.46882 | -70.7575 | US | Massachusetts | L |
369 | Tatoosh Island | | 48.39208 | -124.73618 | US | Washington | F |
| Tatoosh Island Light | Cape Flattery Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Tatoosh Island Lighthouse | Cape Flattery Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Tatoosh Light | Cape Flattery Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Tatoosh Lighthouse | Cape Flattery Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
14173 | Telegraph Hill | | 37.80287 | -122.406 | US | California | F |
| Tellamook Light | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
| Ten Pound Light | Tenpound Island Light | | | US | Massachusetts | L |
3978 | Tennessee Reef Lighthouse | | 24.74604 | -80.78232 | US | Florida | L |
| Tennessee Whistling Buoy | Bonita Channel Buoy No 2 | | | US | California | F |
13615 | Tenpound Island Light | | 42.60188 | -70.66555 | US | Massachusetts | L |
18114 | Terminal Island | | 33.75696 | -118.24813 | US | California | F |
13540 | Terrene Landing | | 33.89027 | -91.04053 | US | Mississippi | F |
4598 | Thacher Island | | 42.63727 | -70.57646 | US | Massachusetts | F |
19057 | Thacher Island North Light | | 42.63918 | -70.57477 | US | Massachusetts | L |
| Thachers Island | Thacher Island | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
13383 | Thames River | | 41.31888 | -72.08046 | US | Connecticut | W |
370 | Thatcher Pass | | 48.52705 | -122.80712 | US | Washington | W |
| Thatcher's Island | Thacher Island | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
13367 | The Bar | | 40.49996 | -73.96761 | US | New Jersey | F |
18540 | The Battery | | 40.70246 | -74.01688 | US | New York | F |
7153 | The Breakers | | 26.71492 | -80.03399 | US | Florida | F |
14419 | The Brothers | | 37.9631 | -122.43433 | US | California | F |
13369 | The Capes of Chesapeake | | 37.00724 | -75.98329 | US | Virginia | W |
| The Capes of Virginia | The Capes of Chesapeake | | | US | Virginia | W |
| The Castle (1) | Fort Independence | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
| The Castle (2) | Fort Constitution | | | US | New Hampshire | F |
7119 | The Elbow | | 25.14151 | -80.26227 | US | Florida | F |
| The Farallones | Farallon Islands | | | US | California | F |
13366 | The Narrows (1) | | 40.6252 | -74.05418 | US | New York | W |
19637 | The Narrows (2) | | 47.27883 | -122.54153 | US | Washington | W |
13386 | The Race | | 41.23621 | -72.05752 | US | New York | W |
4472 | The Sisters | | 48.69122 | -122.75935 | US | Washington | F |
20249 | Thimble Island | | 42.3078 | -71.02352 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Thimble Light | Thimble Shoal Lighthouse | | | US | Virginia | L |
371 | Thimble Shoal | | 37.01449 | -76.23986 | US | Virginia | F |
16209 | Thimble Shoal Buoy No. 10 | | 36.98058 | -76.13096 | US | Virginia | F |
14422 | Thimble Shoal Buoy No. 3 | | 36.95714 | -76.05136 | US | Virginia | F |
7076 | Thimble Shoal Channel | | 36.97848 | -76.12771 | US | Virginia | W |
13370 | Thimble Shoal Lighthouse | | 37.01448 | -76.23985 | US | Virginia | L |
7067 | Thomas Point Shoal | | 38.90407 | -76.44676 | US | Maryland | F |
14431 | Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse | | 38.89909 | -76.43582 | US | Maryland | F |
14430 | Thomas Shoal Can Buoy | | 38.89428 | -76.43117 | US | Maryland | F |
372 | Thompson Spit | | 48.09787 | -122.94462 | US | Washington | F |
9825 | Thorndyke Bay | | 47.80426 | -122.74044 | US | Washington | W |
17441 | Thorndyke Bay Emergency Explosives Anchorage | | 47.7956 | -122.7334 | US | Washington | A |
| Thrashers Point | Yucatan Point | | | US | Mississippi | F |
17723 | Three Arch Rocks | | 45.46296 | -123.9876 | US | Oregon | F |
| Three Arched Rocks | Three Arch Rocks | | | US | Oregon | F |
3986 | Three Tree Point (1) | | 46.26761 | -123.52041 | US | Washington | F |
16938 | Three Tree Point (2) | | 47.45051 | -122.38294 | US | Washington | F |
| Tiburon Point | Point Tiburon | | | US | California | F |
| Tilamook Light | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
| Tillamock Light | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
10944 | Tillamook Head | | 45.94645 | -123.99322 | US | Oregon | F |
| Tillamook Light | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
| Tillamook Lighthouse | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
1795 | Tillamook Rock | | 45.93722 | -124.01857 | US | Oregon | F |
| Tillamook Rock Light | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
10943 | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse | | 45.93727 | -124.01888 | US | Oregon | L |
6265 | Todd Dry Dock | | 47.58634 | -122.35725 | US | Washington | F |
| Todd Pacific Shipyards | Todd Dry Dock | | | US | Washington | F |
| Todd's Dry Dock | Todd Dry Dock | | | US | Washington | F |
| Todd's Drydock | Todd Dry Dock | | | US | Washington | F |
11267 | Toke Point | | 46.70516 | -123.96629 | US | Washington | F |
16190 | Tolchester Beach (town) | | 39.21451 | -76.24167 | US | Maryland | F |
19636 | Toliva Shoal | | 47.20415 | -122.60876 | US | Washington | F |
13360 | Tompkinsville | | 40.63812 | -74.07795 | US | New York | F |
373 | Tongue Point (1) | | 48.1662 | -123.7052 | US | Washington | F |
6689 | Tongue Point (2) | | 46.21304 | -123.75741 | US | Oregon | F |
| Tonomy Hill | Miantonomi Hill | | | US | Rhode Island | F |
| Tonomy Tower | Newport Memorial Tower | | | US | Rhode Island | F |
13588 | Tortugas Buoy | | 24.58124 | -82.91518 | US | Florida | F |
| Towi | Kaua'i | | | US | Hawaii | B |
16188 | Town Point | | 39.48819 | -75.9248 | US | Maryland | F |
20831 | Treasure Island | | 37.82465 | -122.37108 | US | California | F |
| Triangles Beacon | West Triangle | | | US | Florida | F |
374 | Trinidad | | 41.05929 | -124.14312 | US | California | F |
375 | Trinidad Head | | 41.05374 | -124.1534 | US | California | L |
13667 | Tripp's Elevator | | 40.75696 | -74.00558 | US | New York | F |
| Trumpet Light | Execution Rocks Lighthouse | | | US | New York | L |
| Tuckers Beach Light | Little Egg Harbor Light | | | US | New Jersey | L |
| Tuckers Beach Lighthouse | Little Egg Harbor Light | | | US | New Jersey | L |
| Tuckers Island Light | Little Egg Harbor Light | | | US | New Jersey | L |
5848 | Tunica Island | | 30.82601 | -91.51428 | US | Louisiana | F |
376 | Turkey Point | | 39.44946 | -76.00918 | US | Maryland | L |
377 | Turn Point | | 48.68884 | -123.23752 | US | Washington | F |
| Turn Point Light | Turn Point Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
11478 | Turn Point Lighthouse | | 48.68871 | -123.23737 | US | Washington | L |
| Turning Buoy 12 | Raritan Bay Channel Lighted Buoy 1 | | | US | New Jersey | F |
7202 | Turtle Rocks | | 25.26992 | -80.21582 | US | Florida | F |
20645 | Twelvemile Point | | 29.86903 | -89.91376 | US | Louisiana | F |
378 | Twin | | 48.16481 | -123.95409 | US | Washington | F |
17227 | Twin Peak | | 36.05258 | -121.50843 | US | California | F |
| Twin Peaks | Twin Peak | | | US | California | F |
| Twin River | East Twin River | | | US | Washington | W |
| Twin River | West Twin River | | | US | Washington | W |
17724 | Twin Rocks | | 45.59728 | -123.95954 | US | Oregon | F |
20055 | Two Arches Rock | | 45.06156 | -124.01755 | US | Oregon | F |
| Two Brothers | The Brothers | | | US | California | F |
| Tybee Inlet | Tybee Roads | | | US | Georgia | A |
379 | Tybee Island Lighthouse | | 32.02223 | -80.84564 | US | Georgia | L |
18535 | Tybee Roads | | 32.03077 | -80.8165 | US | Georgia | A |
17049 | Tyee Shoal | | 47.61032 | -122.48762 | US | Washington | F |
4385 | Tyler Bight | | 34.03083 | -120.41265 | US | California | A |
| Umatilla Light Vessel | Umatilla Reef Lightship | | | US | Washington | LS |
380 | Umatilla Reef | | 48.18532 | -124.78408 | US | Washington | F |
| Umatilla Reef Buoy | Umatilla Reef Lightship | | | US | Washington | LS |
10945 | Umatilla Reef Lightship | | 48.18673 | -124.78692 | US | Washington | LS |
| Umpqua Lighthouse | Umpqua River Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
3897 | Umpqua River | | 43.66928 | -124.20512 | US | Oregon | W |
3898 | Umpqua River Lighthouse | | 43.66228 | -124.19849 | US | Oregon | L |
| Umpquah Light | Umpqua River Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
18562 | Union Iron Works | | 37.76196 | -122.38569 | US | California | F |
| Union Pacific Dock | Seattle Pier 44 | | | US | Washington | F |
13509 | Union Settlement | | 29.52425 | -89.71776 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Union Street Wharf | San Francisco Pier 17 | | | US | California | F |
19631 | University Bridge | | 47.65302 | -122.3202 | US | Washington | F |
19766 | Upolu Point | | 20.26853 | -155.85076 | US | Hawaii | F |
18756 | Upper Cedar Point | | 38.40773 | -77.09145 | US | Maryland | F |
402 | Upper New York Bay | | 40.66677 | -74.04959 | US | New York | A |
| Upper Quarantine Island | Hoffman Island | | | US | New York | F |
7216 | US Coast Guard Base 21 | | 27.76242 | -82.63004 | US | Florida | F |
| US Naval Magazine | US Powder Magazine | | | US | District of Columbia | F |
7203 | US Naval Station Key West | | 24.55573 | -81.80617 | US | Florida | F |
| US Naval Supply Depot | Seattle Pier 90 | | | US | Washington | F |
18757 | US Powder Magazine | | 38.82669 | -77.02508 | US | District of Columbia | F |
20052 | Usal Creek | | 39.83133 | -123.85065 | US | California | W |
| Ussal Creek | Usal Creek | | | US | California | W |
| Vallejo Roman Catholic Church | Saint Vincents Roman Catholic Church | | | US | California | F |
20038 | Valley Anchorage | | 33.98437 | -119.66402 | US | California | A |
| Vancouver Channel Lighted Buoy | Vancouver Channel Lighted Buoy 47 | | | US | Washington | F |
15993 | Vancouver Channel Lighted Buoy 47 | | 45.64816 | -122.74707 | US | Washington | F |
381 | Vashon Island | | 47.42899 | -122.47818 | US | Washington | F |
17687 | Ventura | | 34.27834 | -119.29317 | US | California | F |
5850 | Vicksburg | | 32.35265 | -90.87788 | US | Mississippi | F |
12603 | Village Point | | 48.71709 | -122.71896 | US | Washington | F |
20098 | Vineyard Haven | | 41.45398 | -70.6012 | US | Massachusetts | F |
13415 | Vineyard Haven Harbor | | 41.46601 | -70.58945 | US | Massachusetts | A |
382 | Vineyard Sound | | 41.43743 | -70.74507 | US | Massachusetts | W |
| Vineyard Sound Light Vessel | Vineyard Sound Lightship | | | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13412 | Vineyard Sound Lightship | | 41.37917 | -71 | US | Massachusetts | LS |
13414 | Vineyard Sound Whistling Buoy | | 41.29167 | -70.99944 | US | Massachusetts | F |
17050 | Vinland | | 47.77295 | -122.70049 | US | Washington | F |
383 | Virginia Beach | | 36.85293 | -75.97798 | US | Virginia | F |
14438 | Virginia Beach Buoy CB2 | | 36.81629 | -75.76002 | US | Virginia | F |
16949 | Viti Rocks | | 48.63342 | -122.62275 | US | Washington | F |
| Waada Island | Waadah Island | | | US | Washington | F |
| Waada Point | Waadah Point | | | US | Washington | F |
384 | Waadah Island | | 48.3820128 | -124.5974585 | US | Washington | F |
17198 | Waadah Island Light | | 48.38494 | -124.59974 | US | Washington | L |
385 | Waadah Point | | 48.38687 | -124.60217 | US | Washington | F |
18252 | Wachapreague Inlet | | 37.57897 | -75.60525 | US | Virginia | W |
18271 | Wachapreague Inlet Life Saving Station | | 37.59117 | -75.6155 | US | Virginia | F |
| Waddah Island | Waadah Island | | | US | Washington | F |
| Waehoo | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
16184 | Wagners Point | | 39.23339 | -76.55861 | US | Maryland | F |
| Wahau | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Wahoo | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
| Wahou | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
13044 | Waialae | | 21.26962 | -157.78665 | US | Hawaii | F |
13045 | Waianae | | 21.43785 | -158.18555 | US | Hawaii | F |
386 | Walan Point | | 48.07204 | -122.74795 | US | Washington | F |
18742 | Walhalla | | 37.84913 | -122.48012 | US | California | F |
387 | Wallabout Bay | | 40.70638 | -73.97604 | US | New York | A |
| Wallop's Island | Wallops Island | | | US | Virginia | B |
18243 | Wallops Beach | | 37.85207 | -75.46687 | US | Virginia | F |
18242 | Wallops Island | | 37.85318 | -75.47409 | US | Virginia | B |
388 | Walnut Point | | 39.20733 | -76.57746 | US | Maryland | F |
| Warrenton | Warrington | | | US | Florida | F |
20648 | Warrington | | 30.34692 | -87.27646 | US | Florida | F |
| Warsaw Island | Wassaw Island | | | US | Georgia | B |
| Wasadedah Island | Waadah Island | | | US | Washington | F |
14434 | Washington Navy Yard Pier 4 | | 38.87243 | -76.99837 | US | District of Columbia | F |
17251 | Washington Pulp Mill Smoke Stack | | 48.13554 | -123.46518 | US | Washington | F |
389 | Washington Sound | | 48.52775 | -122.95266 | US | Washington | W |
| Washum Island | Vashon Island | | | US | Washington | F |
20666 | Wassaw Island | | 31.90494 | -80.98066 | US | Georgia | B |
5513 | Watch Hill Reef | | 41.29465 | -71.86431 | US | Rhode Island | F |
16313 | Watchorn Basin | | 33.72002 | -118.27702 | US | California | A |
19653 | Waterman Point | | 47.58466 | -122.57046 | US | Washington | F |
16889 | Waterman Point (town) | | 47.58416 | -122.56914 | US | Washington | F |
20260 | Weehawken Light Vessel | | 32.71705 | -79.84919 | US | South Carolina | LS |
16193 | Welch Point | | 39.52688 | -75.88089 | US | Maryland | F |
1789 | Weldt Rock | | 33.7177 | -118.25709 | US | California | F |
| Wells Point | Point Wells | | | US | Washington | F |
14104 | West Chop | | 41.48288 | -70.60335 | US | Massachusetts | F |
18120 | West Chop Light | | 41.48081 | -70.59979 | US | Massachusetts | L |
390 | West Cove | | 33.01364 | -118.59841 | US | California | A |
17711 | West End | | 33.4788 | -118.60614 | US | California | F |
| West Jetty Light | Head of Passes West Jetty Lighthouse | | | US | Louisiana | L |
7169 | West Palm Beach Aero Beacon | | 26.68943 | -80.09625 | US | Florida | F |
| West Passage | Colvos Passage | | | US | Washington | W |
18761 | West Penobscot Bay | | 44.19615 | -69.01274 | US | Maine | W |
391 | West Point (1) | | 47.66164 | -122.43667 | US | Washington | F |
14225 | West Point (2) | | 34.0775 | -119.9193 | US | California | F |
| West Point (3) | West End | | | US | California | F |
| West Point Black Spar Buoy | West Point Lighted Buoy | | | US | Washington | F |
17731 | West Point Light | | 47.66197 | -122.43576 | US | Washington | L |
17286 | West Point Lighted Buoy | | 47.66006 | -122.44124 | US | Washington | F |
| West Point Lighthouse | West Point Light | | | US | Washington | L |
7217 | West Triangle | | 24.50865 | -81.80516 | US | Florida | F |
392 | West Twin River | | 48.16564 | -123.9527 | US | Washington | W |
13544 | Westover Landing | | 34.39069 | -90.64214 | US | Arkansas | F |
16000 | Westport | | 46.13312 | -123.37612 | US | Oregon | F |
3987 | Westport Reach | | 46.14823 | -123.37593 | US | Oregon/Washington | W |
10854 | Whaleback Lighthouse | | 43.05878 | -70.6963 | US | Maine | L |
393 | Whidbey Island | | 48.2926 | -122.67628 | US | Washington | F |
18648 | White Island | | 42.96772 | -70.6235 | US | New Hampshire | F |
| White Island Lighthouse | Isle of Shoals Lighthouse | | | US | New Hampshire | L |
| White Point | Oyster Point | | | US | South Carolina | F |
13541 | White River | | 33.9515 | -91.0815 | US | Arkansas | W |
| White Rock | Bird Rock | | | US | California | F |
4520 | White's Landing | | 36.89656 | -121.83877 | US | California | F |
20259 | Whitehall Point | | 32.42104 | -80.66739 | US | South Carolina | F |
18770 | Whitehead Island | | 43.98008 | -69.12949 | US | Maine | F |
19041 | Whitehead Island Light | | 43.97872 | -69.12427 | US | Maine | L |
20710 | Whitehead Spit | | 24.54421 | -81.80387 | US | Florida | F |
19866 | Whitestone Point | | 40.80091 | -73.81986 | US | New York | F |
3891 | Whiting Rock | | 37.95909 | -122.43747 | US | California | F |
394 | Willapa Bay Lighthouse | | 46.72954 | -124.09073 | US | Washington | L |
18759 | Willets Point | | 40.79665 | -73.77744 | US | New York | F |
20091 | Willoughby Bank | | 36.98953 | -76.26895 | US | Virginia | F |
19825 | Willoughby Rock | | 47.41067 | -124.35498 | US | Washington | F |
18244 | Willoughby Spit | | 36.96703 | -76.28039 | US | Virginia | F |
| Willoughby Spit Light Vessel | Willoughby Spit Lightship | | | US | Virginia | LS |
19894 | Willoughby Spit Lightship | | 37.00057 | -76.24688 | US | Virginia | LS |
| Willoughby's Spit | Willoughby Spit | | | US | Virginia | F |
19060 | Wilmington (1) | | 39.74595 | -75.54659 | US | Delaware | F |
19845 | Wilmington (2) | | 34.23556 | -77.94604 | US | North Carolina | F |
14223 | Wilmington Municipal Pier A | | 33.75884 | -118.27041 | US | California | F |
| Wilmington Pier A | Wilmington Municipal Pier A | | | US | California | F |
19061 | Wilmington Port | | 39.7168 | -75.5248 | US | Delaware | F |
16312 | Wilson Cove | | 33.00698 | -118.55758 | US | California | A |
17706 | Wilson Cove Light | | 33.00394 | -118.5524 | US | California | L |
| Wilson Point (1) | Point Wilson | | | US | Washington | F |
13532 | Wilson Point (2) | | 32.92469 | -91.08521 | US | Louisiana | F |
| Wilson Point Light | Point Wilson Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Wilson Point Lighthouse | Point Wilson Lighthouse | | | US | Washington | L |
| Wilsons Point | Wilson Point | | | US | Louisiana | F |
6334 | Wimble Shoals | | 35.56533 | -75.42921 | US | North Carolina | F |
7075 | Windmill Point Light | | 37.5968 | -76.2359 | US | Virginia | L |
| Winslow | Bainbridge Island (town) | | | US | Washington | F |
| Winslow Shipyard | Hall Brothers Shipyard | | | US | Washington | F |
395 | Winter Quarter Shoal | | 37.9565115 | -75.1079631 | US | Virginia | LS |
| Woahoo | O'ahu | | | US | Hawaii | B |
396 | Wolf Trap Light | | 37.39041 | -76.18938 | US | Virginia | L |
19040 | Wood End Light | | 42.02124 | -70.1935 | US | Massachusetts | L |
20969 | Woods Hole | | 41.51966 | -70.68015 | US | Massachusetts | A |
19867 | Woods Hole (town) | | 41.52701 | -70.67324 | US | Massachusetts | F |
20087 | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute | | 41.52416 | -70.67126 | US | Massachusetts | F |
| Woods Hole Oil Factory | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute | | | US | Massachusetts | F |
16156 | Worton Point | | 39.3192 | -76.18572 | US | Maryland | F |
16182 | Wroth Point | | 39.43137 | -75.99569 | US | Maryland | F |
| Wyadda Island | Waadah Island | | | US | Washington | F |
1796 | Yaquina Head | | 44.67673 | -124.08016 | US | Oregon | F |
| Yaquina Head Light | Yaquina Head Lighthouse | | | US | Oregon | L |
10940 | Yaquina Head Lighthouse | | 44.67675 | -124.07943 | US | Oregon | L |
19627 | Yarrow Point | | 47.65298 | -122.21518 | US | Washington | F |
7215 | Ybor Channel | | 27.94726 | -82.44273 | US | Florida | W |
4718 | Yellow Bluff | | 37.83632 | -122.47247 | US | California | F |
397 | Yerba Buena Island | | 37.81054 | -122.36664 | US | California | F |
14168 | Yerba Buena Lighthouse | | 37.8073 | -122.36228 | US | California | L |
| York River Light | York Spit Light | | | US | Virginia | L |
14425 | York Spit Channel Buoy C7 | | 37.26445 | -76.12625 | US | Virginia | F |
398 | York Spit Light | | 37.20986 | -76.25383 | US | Virginia | L |
18779 | Yorktown | | 37.23858 | -76.50894 | US | Virginia | F |
13529 | Yucatan Point | | 32.06938 | -91.14561 | US | Mississippi | F |
17055 | Yukon Harbor | | 47.52957 | -122.53511 | US | Washington | A |